The Whomping Willow (Kiandra_Black & Greeneyed23)

"No. You've been wonderful... I was going to ask if we could... check on our new little ones. But I knew you would say no. Did I miss a lot in Care of Magical Creatures?" She asked, worried she had missed the unveiling of their new babies. She sighed within the water, relaxing as the pain ebbed to just a dull throb.

Though it wasn't completely gone, she did feel better. Her throat was sore so she tried not to speak too loudly. Skyfall curled up on the couch back, watching her from his spot. Merlin perched next to him and she smiled slowly at them before turning back to look at Brandon. Her eyes closed as she felt the water soothe her hyper-sensitive skin. She yawned and turned her head in his direction, sleep pulling her down.
"Hagrid has shown no one our new little ones. they are just fine. When you can move you will be able to see them just out our window my love." He continued stroking her hand tenderly.

He smiled as she drifted off and turned up the temperature on the water to keep her comfy. he smiled at the thought. "I wont be able to hold you like i want to. but I will stay with you always my love."

He cast magic on his chair and reclined tossing off his shoes and socks a blanket laying over him as a capsule formed over her trapping the warmth keeping her safe and cozy the water warming her throat from without as best as possible.
She awoke, wet, and splashed a bit before remembering what had happened. While her skin was no longer red, the lines marking her body were still raised and swollen. She checked the clock and realized it was time to put the salve on. She looked around, finding herself in some sort of warm cocoon and smiled as she noticed Brandon asleep in a chair next to her.

She saw the jar of salve sitting on the small coffee table a few feet away, and used wandless magic to float it over, "Wingardium Leviosa." She whispered, not wanting to wake her sleeping love. Who knew how long he had stayed awake to watch over her, and she knew he needed his sleep. She sat up, letting her bottom touch the tub gingerly and opened the jar, dipping her fingers into the chamomile scented creme. She stretched her hand up, wincing as it stretched the damage skin on her shoulder and started rubbing the salve into her opposite shoulder.

Immediately, she sucked in a breath of alarm as pain shot through her, firing her nerve endings off as she clenched her teeth against the scream buried in her throat. That invariably led to her throat spasming and tagging her from the pain originating from that point. She must have made a small noise because Skyfall opened his eyes and looked over at his mistress, yowling at her as he jumped from the couch and went to wake Brandon. He jumped into his lap, pawing at his cheeks as his tail twitched in annoyance.

Cleo looked sheepish and said quietly, her voice hoarse with pain, her eyes shining with unshed tears, "I didn't want to wake you...
He sighed. "Cleo I love you but would you stop worrying about me?" he took the salve and gently pushed her back and began to apply the salve slowly and carefully putting on every bit of damaged skin and also made her drink some of the pain potion. Once done he sat back nodding. "much better."

He looked at Skyfall. "And Thank you sir. Now..." he looked back at Cleo. "Are you hungry yet my love?" His eyes studied her carefully as his hand slipped back into hers carefully. "And can I bring you anything special?" Merlin hooted from his place on the mantel.

He waved his wand at their smallest table and a platter of food and drink appeared. "Would you like any of them?" He held up some water with a straw and sipped it smiling at the feeling it shared along his throat.
Cleo smiled sheepishly again as her cheeks reddened in a cute blush. "I can't help it. Just like you can't either." She sighed in relief and pain as he slathered the salve upon her skin, wincing as he rubbed it against a senstive spot here and there. She drank the potion, pulling a face at the taste and texture, but didn't complain. She smiled at him and said quietly, "Thank you."

Skyfall purred before hopping off his lap and heading back to his comfy spot on the couch. Cleo looked over at him as he circled twice before settling, before glancing back at Brandon as he asked her about food. She smiled and nodded, saying, "Yes please. Some soup would be nice. And it probably won't irritate my throat as much."

She grinned as the platter appeared and reached out for a mug of tea. The stretch caused her to wince and she closed her eyes against the pain, laying back and looking up at Brandon hopelessly. "A little help?" She asked him quietly, hating having to rely on someone when she was such an independent person. However, it didn't bother her as much if it was Brandon she had to rely on.
He smiled. "Very well. But I expect you to wait on me like this when I get so old i can't walk anymore." He smirked showing he was teasing and helped her drink some tea then made the cup float where she could reach it with her lips easily.

He then carefully spooned the soup into her mouth smiling as he did so. "You know while I hate seeing you in pain seeing you relax a bit is actually rather nice. You are always so active." He gently stroked her cheek his finger playing across her lips his eyes filling with the love he felt so deeply for her. He marveled at this. A few days ago he had not even truly known her. Now he could not live without her. And instead of scaring him the thought pleased him.

He smiled as he touched her lips. "My lovely Cleo."
She sipped the tea carefully, happily realizing that he had spoken of the future between them. It seemed to make all her pain disappear for a moment, letting her float in the water with no pain involved. "I will gladly take care of you my darling. However, I must confess, I don't believe you will ever be too old to not walk." A soft smile graced her face as she looked over at him.

She easily swallowed the soup, and knew she had chosen well. Her throat burned a bit, but seemed fine. She smirked and said, "I have to stay active my love. How am I supposed to keep up with my handsome love if I don't?" She teased him as the pain began slowly seeping through her body again. She sighed and took a breath before meeting his eyes with her own. The love within his eyes caused her to become breathless. How he had wormed his way into her heart was nothing short of Slytherin, and she smiled softly at him, her own eyes shining with love for him. She could not imagine her life without him anymore, and knew that heir future would be full of love and joy.

Her lips opened slightly at his touch, her tongue coming out to lick his fingertips, sucking one into the wet heat of her mouth, her eyes filled with promise and heat of what she would do to him when she was healed.
He shuddered a bit at the thought and smiled. "You best take it easy and heal up darling." His own eyes glowed with a promise of passion and love making upon her health's return as he lightly stroked her tongue with his fingertip.

Pulling his hand free carefully he began to spoon more soup into her mouth smiling as he fed her knowing it would be quite soon that she began going wild and active again and he had a feeling there would be need of it. there were rumbles of trouble in the outer wizarding world and such rumbles, no matter how muffled, always reached Hogwarts eventually.

Voldemort had been seen many more times since killing Brandon's grandfather and tough the papers claimed otherwise people had vanished all over Britain and the families of the lost were becoming increasingly angry and scared , demanding answers. Knowing this from overhearing a conversation between Professors McGonagall and Sprout Brandon was concerned. He was still the current big target for the wannabes but a supposed 'blood traitor' like Cleo, Sirius, or even James would make fine targets as well.

Brandon did not let these thoughts escape to his face as he fed his love but he was carefully considering what could be done to protect those he cared about.
Cleo finished her soup, smiling at him as she sat back, her head resting gently in the water. She looked down at her body, only to notice that the red lines were slowly puffing out, and breaking open, burning acid seeping from the wound. It didn't hurt any more than the pain she was already feeling so she simply watched in awe as the yellowish green acid weeps out of the ripped lines.

"How interesting. Look!" She pointed to on of the lines that was just popping open, the acid beginning to bubble out. As soon as the acid was seeped from her skin, the lines seemed to diminish somewhat. She looked up at Brandon, knowing she was slowly healing.
He cocked his head watching intently. "That is most interesting. I wonder if it your unique physiology doing that or the acid itself?" he shrugged reminding himself to ask Lupin and Madame Pomfrey about such things later but for now he was content to hold his love's hand and watch as her body repaired itself.

As he watched Skyfall and Merlin stopped feigning sleep and truly drifted off. the castle had gone to sleep around them, even Peeves having taken a rare night to get some rest and peace for himself by dying the water that flowed through the castle's plumbing a number of colors. It would cause mayhem on a grand scale but for now Peevesie was quiet and happy to remain so as he worked giggling when he could no long contain his mirth at the excellent joke. Filch and Mrs. Norris would be hunting him but they relied too much on his noise to find him tonight. Oh what fun!!

Fortunately for Cleo Brandon had used magic to supply the water for her healing tub and she would be free of the dye so the two, like all the others, remained unaware of the surprise awaiting them.
Cleo yawned and wondered what time it was. She whispered the Tempus charm and smiled as she noticed it wasn't that late, only about ten. She yawned again and looked over at Brandon as she asked, "Can I sleep in this? I don't want to move. It is very comfortable in here... Though I wish you could hold me."

She smiled at him as her eyes blinked slowly at him. She took a breath as she suddenly started thinking about the future. For right now, as much as she wanted to hope for the best, she knew she had to prepare for the worst. Her family had been painted with a large target by Voldemort and his followers. Voldemort wanted her family, badly. Malfoy had already joined, though they seemed to be looking for a way out now. The Gale's and Malfoy's had been good friends for years. Lucius was best friends with her older brother, and the three had spent many happy summers together. She smiled at an old memory that popped up, of the three at the beach.

Now, her future was entwined with Brandon's, and she could only hope they would survive the turmoil to come.
"You did before and you can do it again my love." He leaned into the tub and very carefully and gently kissed her smiling. He stroked her hand with his thumb his fingers wrapped around hers. He pulled back gently. "Now sleep light of my life."

He studied her face as he sat back and his thoughts ran over such things. He pondered just how they would handle it when Cleo and Brandon came calling. He with his mortal combat and magic and Cleo with her brilliance and excellent magic. This thought did make him grin and he murmured, "And they shall flee them like rats from a sinking ship..." The thought pleased him very much.
Cleo slept fitfully, her mind drifting from dream to nightmare and back. Her dreams were filled with the future, Brandon and her living together, Brandon carrying around a little boy, with hair like hers and eyes like his. But the nightmares raced after, fire and green light flashing around them. Brandon telling her to run, Cleo answering that she wouldn't leave him behind.

Those nightmares were relentless. She murmured in her sleep, her hand tightening into a fist as she twisted onto her side. The movement tore through her, and she yelped in her sleep, eyes closed, furrowed against the pain.

Skyfall watched his mistress worriedly throughout the night. At around two in the morning, he padded over to Brandon and woke him up. It had been four hours since the salve had been put on her and he was determined for his mistress's love to do it right.
Brandon woke and look at Skyfall then the clock and nodded. "Very well good sir. Thank you." he rubbed the cat's ears then got the slave and turned to Cleo and began to apply the slave slowly and carefully watching her face as he did the work still studying the oozing liquid coming from her body the water moving about to wash it away safely.

Merlin came down from his perch to alight on Brandon's shoulder as he worked and watched the work closely. "Does it please your eye?" Merlin hooted and nipped Brandon's ear lightly still watching.

Brandon finished with her face hoping he had not woken her trying to sooth her with his touch.
Her eyes fluttered, but didn't open as she simply turned her head towards Brandon, sighing in her sleep. The lines on her face were no longer seeping acid and they seemed a lot better. She yawned in her sleep and muttered to herself, the words quiet and running together, "luvhim. Mysoulmate..." Skyfall watched quietly as she curled up against the side of the tub that was next to Brandon. She reached out with one hand, seemingly searching for him as she shuffled in her sleep.

Within the dream she was caught in, she was watching her brother die again, and while she screamed within her mind, only slight whimpers came from her. Voldemort had her restrained with magic dampening chains, while he tortured her brother. She screamed to be let go, to be placed in his spot, while her brother tried to keep silent. She watched on in borrow as Voldemort turned towards her and said, "Your sister seems delicate. I would hate for her to suffer your fate."
"Don't you touch her." His voice was a deadly whisper as Cleo shook her head, tears streaming down her face. Voldemort turned to her and hit her with Cruciatus curse. She arched within the chains, screaming into the air. Her brother leapt to his feet as a Death Eater rushed in, saying, "Ministry Raid!" Voldemort simply nodded as Nagini approached Cleo. With a simple spell, two words, her brother lay, dead to the world, a green flash taking him from Cleo. Cleo screamed, sobbing as she cursed Voldemort. "Tsk, tsk. Such language for a young lady. Nagini, take care of her." The snake turned its spitted eyes towards the young girl, striking her on the hip, sinking fangs into her, injecting her with venom as she spoke Parseltongue to the snake, mindless as the venom took over her body.

As they all disappeared, her eyes closed as the Ministry Officials rushed in. Though they were too late to save her brother, they were able to save Cleo.

As she lay in the tub, tears streamed down her face, staining her cheeks.
Brandon saw her tears and heard the whimpers and looked at Skyfall then at Merlin not sure what exactly was going on so they just tried to let Cleo know they were there for her and loved her Brandon holding her hand, Merlin hooting a loving trill into her ear and Skyfall licking her fingertips in Brandon's hands.

Brandon leaned down kissing her hand and wishing he could do something more but without that option he sat there hating it as her mind tormented itself.

Slowly the pets went back to sleep but Brandon could not just watching her and holding her hand keeping an eye on the seeping acid and on her tear stained face which he had carefully wiped away. "My love how can I help you?"
Cleo quieted as the nightmare passed, and she cuddled closer, her entire body now pressed tightly against the wall of the tub, fighting against the flow of the water. The pain was still there, but now that the acid had seeped out and was no longer eating away from the inside it wasn't as bad.

Skyfall fell asleep curled at Brandon's feet, while Merlin hooted quietly from his perch. The new sun began creeping up over the horizon as a new day dawned. The castle began awakening, students getting up, or fighting for that last bit of sleep they could get. Cleo opened her eyes, yawning, feeling quite rested. Her skin was no longer swollen and the acid had all seeped out. The water around her had turned into a murky yellow color and she desperately wanted to get out. She looked over at Brandon, among softly at her love who still sat in that chair.
He suddenly started as she looked at him and he smiled waving his hand as the tub drained away. "how are you feeling my love?"

He stretched his arms and back with a groan then stood. "You look wonderful I must say. Are you hungry?" Skyfall howled at the mention of food and Merlin hooted as well and Brandon rolled his eyes. "Gluttons."
"A little hungry. Could I get out of this water? My toes are turning into prunes." She said with a smile as she leaned down to scratch Skyfall on the head. She smiled up at Brandon, feeling a whole lot better before asking, "Did you stay awake all night my love? You know you should take care of yourself!"

She stood, wandlessly cleaning herself off before floating a towel over to her. She looked at Brandon then, asking for some help in wrapping it around her.
He smiled and kissed her neck extremely lightly as he slowly wrapped the towel about her. He did so gingerly watching her face in the mirror waiting for any reaction ready to stop the moment he did so.

"So tell me my love how does it feel now? Im sure you are sore or that their is some pain but can you move without too much?"
"I am a bit, but I don't feel the pain so much." She answered quietly as she smiled at him from over her shoulder. She looked at her skin and was very happy that her skin was less red than before. She enjoyed it as she quickly dressed in a soft silk nightgown. It was gold, with maroon ties at the bust. She twirled, feeling much better than before as she asked, "How do I look?"
"Gorgeous as ever my love." Brandon moved forward to gently lay his hands on her hips stroking her body lightly through the nightgown as he kissed her. "How do you feel now?" He held her close still stroking her sides and kissing her having clearly missed the feel and taste of her lips.
"I feel a lot better darling. She answered quietly before looking over his bulk to see the window. "Can I go see our babies now? At least from the window?" She asked, looking up into his eyes, her own soft and inviting.

Although tired, she didn't want to sleep, and she enjoyed the pressure of his hands around her hips. She smiled up at him as she pushed her body closer to his, only wincing slightly as a little pain flared up from her skin. Overall though, her skin was healing nicely. The problem would be her throat.
He noticed the wince but said nothing as he kissed her neck and gently pushed her to the window to let her see the babies who were playing a game of chase around the paddock whinnying happily.

Brandon chuckled still holding and stroking her hips. "i have never seen anything quite like those little ones. They are a lot like their mommy. Beautiful, strong, and fun." He kissed her neck again watching the younglings play and gambol about.
Cleo grinned at his words and smiled down at the colt and filly. The two were so cute. She leaned back against Brandon, and sighed with happiness. "What are we doing today? Do you have class? Do I have to go to class?" She asked,her head tilting back to look up at him. Her arms rested on his as she kissed his cheek.

Skyfall entered the room, his tail twitching as he sat at the window sill, and looked up at the two pointedly. Merlin fluttered in, holding the jar of balm in his talons, and Cleo smirked, "We have very caring familiars huh?"

She put her hand up and Merlin placed it gently into her palm before taking a perch near the two.
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