The Whomping Willow (Kiandra_Black & Greeneyed23)

Brandon reached over and took her hand squeezing gently his eyes searching her face. "Then treasure that memory even more. I am grateful to your grandmother and brother for this delicious meal. Thank you darling." He squeezed her hand again stroking her wrist with his thumb.

He looked down at Skyfall and Merlin and chuckled then looked back up at Cleo smiling his eyes filled with love and concern.
She smiled sadly at him, her eyes glazed over as she remembered her brother. She squeezed his hand back and finished eating her lasagna. When she was finished, she floated her plate to the counter where it was vanished down to the kitchens to be cleaned.
"Brandon, I am going to take a shower, and get ready for bed." She smiled at him as the fog in her eyes lifted. She was putting those memories away again, and was going to be just fine. Skyfall rubbed himself around her legs before trotting away from the two. She put a kiss on his forehead and said quietly, "Thank you for being here. I love you." She slowly walked into the bedroom, heading for the bathroom.
"I love you too darling." He watched her go and sighed looking at the owl and cat. "I think we should do something nice for her. Thoughts?" He studied Skyfall's face for a long moment then over at Merlin and slowly began to grin. "I have an idea."

A few minutes later he entered the shower behind Cleo and slipped his arms around her middle pressing his chest to her back pressing his lips to her neck holding her tight to him. "I thought I would come cuddle with you for a bit darling. Thank you again for dinner. I admit I am ready for bed all over again. But I need my chest warmer." he kissed her neck again smiling stroking her tummy with his fingers lightly not making it sexual just tender and loving letting her know he cared about her.
She smiled as she snuggled up close to him. "Thank you." She whispered as she placed her hands over his on her yummy before ducking under the water one last time. Once all the soap suds were gone she turned the water and stepped out with Brandon right behind her. She dried him off, grinning as she said, "You had to take two showers... You must have been dirty..."

A giggle ran through her as she was tickled for the comment. Once they were both dry, Cleo followed Brandon to their room and dressed in one of Brandon's old quidditch jerseys and slipped under the covers, yawning as she closed her eyes. She was asleep in an instant, not even feeling when Brandon joined her.
Brandon wrapped protectively around her his arms around her body one under her breasts the other over her chest his hand on her neck and shoulder. His hips were tight against hers his lips on her neck and once settled with Skyfall taking a place on the blankets against his mistress' tummy while Merlin went to sleep at the head of the bed. All four were asleep within moments of each other.

Merlin hooted at Brandon waking him the next morning before flitting out of the window to go hunting. Brandon sighed but kissed Cleo's neck squeezing her gently then spoke in her ear. "Wakey time my love. We have to get to class." He nibbled her neck lightly squeezing her again making sure she woke.
"Fwive moor minuts ..." she said slurringly, burrowing under the blankets a bit more. Her hair was tousled around her as she snuggled into his arms. Skyfall began to bat at her face, and she sneezed as she tried to get him away from her. She wriggled around and nearly fell off the bed, only Brandon's arms keeping her safe. She opened one eye, though opened was not the right word, since it was only opened to a slit and growled at him before turning so that she was on her stomach and raised her head to yawn.

"I don't want to get up..." her voice was husky from sleep as she used one of her hands to rub at her eyes. She looked invariably cute as she did it, and Skyfall pounced on her back, making himself comfy as he curled up on the small of her back, right over the swell of her butt. She looked over at Brandon, her eyes half-lidded with sleep. Her nose crinkled as she yawned again and sighed, her body doing a shiver as she strove to completely wake up.
"Nope time to get up my beauty." he smiled stroking her spine gently. "Have to get our education." He leaned down kissing her shoulder then moved in kissing her lips. "If you are quick I'll give you a surprise." He smirked and stood going to the bathroom to brush his teeth and get ready.

He came out and changed into his robes looking over at her stretching his arms and back carefully. He did a few squats and toe touches to fully stretch himself out and bounced on his toes. "Oi gorgeous lets go!" he was grinning. he felt so very good and he had a feeling today would be excellent he just needed his lady with him.
She sighed and gave him a kiss back before she stretched, like a feline, in the middle of the bed. She got up, grabbed a new set of underwear, in black and purple, and headed to the bathroom for a quick shower. "What surprise? She asked curiously.

She spell-dried her hair when she was done and curled it slightly, putting it up in a high ponytail. She quickly dressed in her uniform, spelling the skirt a few inches high of her knees so that it fell to mid-thigh, and only buttoning her white shirt up halfway. It was closed, but you could see the hint of cleavage. She slipped her school tie over her head, but left it hanging loose. She turned to look at Brandon, her head tilted as she finished getting ready, "My surprise?"
He stepped forward and kissed her deeply buttoning her shirt though he whimpered as he did so. "I will show you. But..." he ran a longing hand over her breasts and sighed but then moved his hands to her side and kissed her again. "Considering the nature of the surprise it's likely best we behave. So we are already in trouble." He kissed her again letting her feel his very prominent erection then took her hand and turned pointing at the lounging Skyfall, 'You be good." before leading her out of the room.

He lead her down to the Great Hall to show her the Halloween decorations, then took her outside down to Hagrid's cabin where Hagrid boomed out. "Hello ye two. I got 'em Brandon."
Brandon grinned. "Well done Hagrid thank you."
"They won't let you touch 'em mind."
"I know but that's alright." He turned and put his tie around Cleo's eyes before she could argue and lead her after Hagrid then removed the tie when Hagrid said. "Here they are."

In the newly made pasture with special netting stood two pegasi. Both about six months old so still gangly but beginning to fill out and absolutely beautiful one female and pure gold like a baby unicorn, the other male and black as pitch. Brandon sighed happily watching them holding Cleo's waist gently. "Only the family and a few others, like Hagrid and Professor Dumbledore knew this but my grandfather raised pegasi. The largest herd in the Northern Hemisphere in fact. They are still on his land but these two, who foaled during Easter break, he gave to me since I helped with their birth. I had to wait until they could be away from their mother but now... here they are thanks to Hagrid and Professor Dumbledore. They are ours Cleo. They are too skittish to be touched yet but with Hagrid's help and patience...who knows?" He kissed her neck. "Happy Halloween Cleo."
She grinned at him as he buttoned up her shirt and kissed him back. She waved to Skyfall as she was led from their room. The walk downstairs was uneventful and she absolutely loved the Halloween decorations, though she only got a quick look before she was again led away.

She watched her step as they walked down the steep hill to Hagrid's and looked at Brandon confused. What exactly were they doing there? Brandon blindfolded her and she sighed as she was carefully led to an unknown location. "Brandon... Where are we going?" She asked quietly as they finally stopped. When he took the blindfold, which she noticed was his tie, from her eyes she gasped.

She couldn't believe her eyes, and stared at the two small Pegasi, who looked back at them warily. "Oh Brandon..." her voice was breathless as she hugged him awkwardly since she refused to turn away from the two foals and he was behind her. She clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth quietly, letting them know it was alright and finally turned away from the two foals to hug and kiss Brandon, tears streaming down her cheeks. "I love them Brandon, OH thank you! They are just...." she found herself kissing him again, while Hagrid coughed and turned away to give them privacy.

Cleo finally got ahold of herself and detached her lips from his. However, she stayed within the circle of his arms, hugging him as she cuddled into his chest. "Do they have names yet? What are they, male or female?"
"The gold is female the black is male and no they are not yet named. I was waiting until i received them. Now I want you to name them." He kissed her again looking over at the colt and filly smiling.

Hagrid coughed again and Brandon sighed. "But now we have to go to class. Damnit." he had scooped up their bags as they left the room and they did have a little bit to go to breakfast and see their friends. "Just don't tell anyone about the pegasi yet. Professor Dumbledore wants it to remain a secret until the Care of Magical creatures class." He smiled leading her back inside. his hand tight in hers.
She couldn't keep the grin off her face even though she tried to become somber like she usually was. The two walked hand in hand to the Great Hall for a bit of breakfast as she thought over names. She wanted to get to know the two little ones now in their care before she graced them with names they would carry for the rest of their lives.

She walked over to the Slytherin table and sat, Severus and Regulus looking over at her. The two were caught off guard by how carefree and happy she looked and looked over at Brandon for an explaination. He simply shrugged in answer as Severus asked Cleo, "So, what is with your new mood?"
"Nothing. Brandon just totally made my day, for the next year."
"Only the next year?" Regulus asked, teasing her as she ate a bowl of apple cinnamon oatmeal, which to be honest, she was completely addicted to, and made a cup of mocha cappucino appear before her. She smiled in thanks, as she noticed it was in a to-go cup and picked it up, taking a sip.
Brandon was floating on cloud nine. Being with Cleo made everything better. He smiled over at her and ate his own breakfast listening to the Marauders talking over their adventures so far this year and their plans for Halloween. He did break in here. "If you morons mess up the ball I will tell Cleo and let her do whatever she likes to you. Got it?"

They started to sneer then saw his serious face and nodded. Remus smirked and sighed. "Well it's clear you two are not to be fooled with. Don't worry our plans are for after the ball. Did you not hear? James asked Lily again. And she actually said yes this time. She says its just so she can hang with us but I think, maybe, she might be softening on him."

Brandon smiled at the idea shrugging. "Maybe. He could use the strong influence she would create over him."
Cleo stood as she noticed they only had a couple more minutes left for breakfast and told the two boys, "I am going to see how the Gryfindors are doing." She didn't fool them for a second, and Severus said, "GryfindorS or A Gryfindor?" She blushed and stuck out her tongue as she walked away from her house table. She stood behind Sirius, silent and he, of course, was completely oblivious. Remus grinned, but didn't give it away, and she blew a kiss to Brandon then put her finger over her lips in the universal sign 'Be Quiet.'

She winked at James who had finally caught on, and he grinned before smiling slyly at Sirius. Cleo performed a silent spell over him and quickly walked away, appearing to be approaching when the spell went into effect. It caused Sirius to jump in the air and begin combing his fingers through his hair, imagining that there were spiders crawling kn his head. Although there was absolutely nothing there. She smirked as she sat down in Brandon's lap as Sirius began looking around for the culprit.
Brandon kissed her deeply and then kissed along her jaw to speak into her ear. "My naughty girl. That was not very nice." he smirked and kissed her again then looked into her eyes brushing some of her hair back behind her ear. "I love you. You behave today." His eyes danced and he bumped her nose lightly with his and whispered. "Wanna go for a walk after classes?"

James was watching Lilly with her friends having forgotten all about the blustering and shouting Sirius while Remus roared with laughter and Pettigrew giggled behind his hands. Lilly looked over at Sirius and saw James watching her. She crossed her eyes at him but also smiled. Things were going slowly for the pair unlike Brandon and Cleo but James still annoyed her more than otherwise but he had also shown some signs of deflating his giant head and ego...he was also kinda cute....sometimes. This she had told her friends and the words were already spreading around the school.
Cleo giggled in his lap as she smirked at him, "I am a Slytherin am I not? Since when have we ever behaved?" She looked over at Sirius who was still running his fingers through his hair and searching around wildly. She turned back to Brandon at his suggestion and nodded, agreeing to a walk.

Cleo caught sight of Lily as she glanced over and smiled. James and Lily were like two cosmic bodies, slowlys circling. However, it was well known that the two bodies would soon collide. She could only hope they came through to the other side all right.

Remus shook his head at Cleo and refused to tell Sirius what had happened. He simply said that he had no idea what happened until Sirius began spluttering about spiders. Sirius growled at his best friend and turned to James for help before noticing that James' attention had been stolen by Lily. He sighed and looked over at Brandon and Cleo and asked, "Did you see who the Bloody Wanker was who cursed me?"

Cleo, with a slightly confused look on her face simply shrugged and said, "I was distracted when I was walking over here. Professor Vector gave us a particularly hard rune to work through." She looked at Brandon and asked him, "Did you see anything my darling?" with an air of innocence.
"Someone cursed Sirius?" His eyes glowed up at her as his hand cupped her face the other lightly stroking her side. He made it clear, as it had been, that he had been too focused on Cleo to even take notice of Sirius' existence.

Severus came over with Regulus who watched his brother confused. "Are you sick or something?"
"SHUT UP!!!" Regulus then paled and ran out of the Great hall closely followed by his elder brother everyone laughing.

Remus sighed looking at the clock. "Come on guys. it's time to go to class."
Brandon sighed. "Bloody prefects." he kissed Cleo again. "Have a good day darling."
"You too my love." Cleo answered kissing him back before standing up from his lap. Severus passed her a book she had left behind and the two headed off to class, Cleo turning around to wink and wave good bye.

Severus sat down next to her in Arithmancy and asked, "So why were you so giddy when you came in this morning?" Cleo smirked and said, "You'll see. Soon Severus. Be patient."
He growled at her as she knew patience was not one of his strong points and opened his book. Class went by quickly, with half of it being Note-taking, and the other half quiet time. She finished her homework, thankful she didn't have to finish it after school, and when the they were let out, packed everything back up. Herbology was next, and after that, lunch and then finally, Care of Magical Creatures. She couldn't wait!

Herbology passed quickly enough, especially since Cleo was suddenly spat upon by one of the plants. As her skin began to burn, she hissed out in pain, Severus shouting for Professor Sprouts. She hurried over and had Severus and Regulus escort Cleo to the Medical Wing. Madam Pomfrey immediately put a salve on her, but the acid had already done its work. Red lines covered her face, branching out like a lightning bolt, down her throat and onto her chest. Her clothes were ruined, eaten through by the acid.

Madam Pomfrey sent the two boys back to class, keeping Cleo behind as she cast a spell to help with the pain. Cleo hissed again, her eyes closing as she realized that she wouldn't be able to see Brandon at lunch. She lay back, falling into a painful sleep, cringing every time her skin was stretched.
When she woke Brandon was holding her hand watching her closely, Skyfall was snuggled into her side and Merlin was perched on the foot of her bed. He hooted when he saw her waking and Brandon sighed. "Cleo are you alright love?"

Their things were laid beside his feet as he was perched on the edge of her bed. He had been stroking her hand lightly as he held it waiting for her to wake on her own time not touching anywhere else unsure if it was safe. She already had get well and sympathy gifts from many teachers and students scattered around the bed and Brandon seemed pleased that so many people showed concern for her but for now his only concern was her health.

His eyes studied her face carefully trying to detect pain, fear, or any emotion. He had not heard about the incident until he had been leaving for Care of Magical Creatures and had come here immediately refusing to let Madame Pomfrey brush him off ducking around her to reach Cleo's side. Professor Dumbledore had given his permission knowing Brandon would not leave Cleo no matter who tried to tear him away.

At Brandon's question Skyfall woke and looked at her and sniffed his tail lashing. Merlin hooted again and dropped to the bed then walked around her leg and up her side to look into her eyed as he snuggled into her other side trilling.
She winced as she tried to smile, stretching her scarred skin. She sighed and squeezed her fingers around Brandon's hand. She looked over at him, pain clearly in her eyes as she stroked Merlin once before letting her hand fall weakly by her side. Skyfall immediately wormed his way under her hand, laying still to not cause her any more pain.

"How does it look?" Cleo asked, her voice hoarse. It seemed some of the plant acid had slipped into her mouth and down her throat, affecting her vocal cords. Her face had a fascinating design, of crisscrossed lines, that took the shape of forked lightning. The lines followed down her throat and onto her chest. Thankfully, the scars on her face would not scar. They would soon fade. The scars below her clothes, however, would scar. The acid had enough time to eat away at the skin, since it was protected by the clothes that covered her at the time of the incident.

Madam Pomfrey came rushing over when she saw that her patient was awake. She made Cleo drink a healing potion, which she swallowed after great difficulty. "There. I want you to rest. The acid ate away at skin and muscle. You'll have to build those muscles up again."
"You will always be my beautiful Cleo." He was more concerned about the damage to her bones and muscles than her skin. Skin would grow over scars and if she truly desired she could fade them even more with magic easily.

Madam Pomfrey had assured him all would be well but he still worried. He did not like seeing Cleo in pain. He watched her drink the potion and looked at Madam Pomfrey. "Is there anything I can do to help?" He also looked at Cleo unsure his eyes again studying her lovely face trying to discern something he could do to alleviate her pain.
Madam Pomfrey sighed and shook her head sadly.

"There is really nothing we can do. She can only heal by herself. The pain will stay with her for a little while." Cleo sighed and her eyes closed as she felt the pain wave through her. Skyfall meowed at her and she turned her head to look at him. Merlin hooted softly at her, as he sat on the head of the sick bed. Cleo took a breath and asked, "When can I leave?" Her eyes looked up at Madam Pomfrey, pain filled. Madam Pomfrey chuckled quietly before she answered, "I know you won't stay here, so I am letting you go back to your Common Room. However, I expect you to REST. I do not want you stressed. Brandon, I expect you to keep her calm."

Madam Pomfrey turned around and got a jar of salve and two potions. "You'll need to take these, for tonight to sleep. They'll dull the pain. If they don't, come back. The salve is for the scarring. Have Brandon apply it cold every four hours. When you are strong enough to leave, you may. But you may only go to you rooms. Alright?"

Cleo nodded weakly as she took a breath. Madam Pomfrey walked away. Cleo sat up and bit her tongue, keeping the shout of pain within so she wouldn't alarm Brandon.
Brandon was not fooled but he let it go putting the salves and such things in his bag. "Does that mean you are ready to go now?" He shifted closer concerned. Merlin hooted again.

Brandon had thought of just carrying her back to their rooms but he was not sure if it would hurt her even more than she was already enduring. He would wait to see what she wanted or needed to do to get home.
"Yes." Her voice is quiet as she makes to get off the bed. As her skin brushes against the robe she is wearing she winced, her eyes closing in pain. She stands, Skyfall watching her as she makes her way to the entrance of the Hospital Wing, leaning her back against the door, as she takes a breath.

Her limbs shake from exhaustion as she looks over at Brandon sadly. She opens her mouth to say something, but decides not to test him. She looks out into the hall and finds that Hogwarts has provided a single passageway between the Hospital Wing and their small Common Room. She rests a hand on the wall of the castle, thanking it as she begins making her way down it, resting heavily on the wall.

By the time the two reach the Common Room, Cleo is trembling from head to foot, and burning up. Her skin around the acid marks is a deep throbbing red, and she gasps for air against the pain.
Brandon guides her to a strange looking tub in the middle of the living room. He gently but firmly pushes her into it and then begins to apply vinegar in a large spray after eliminating the odor magically while Skyfall and Merlin watch. He soaks her face, body, and hair with the liquid as his magic slowly drags away her ruined clothes. He winces at the sight of her burned body but continues to treat her skin carefully.

Once she has been thoroughly rinsed with vinegar he activated several water sprayers that remove the chemical entirely from her body then uses saline a few other soothing chemicals to wash away what acid it can and to eliminate the reaction the acid is having on her flesh as much as possible. The tub she is in contours to her body and also sprays her from every side making her effectively float on water allowing her to relax as much as she likes as she is having no actual contact with the tub.

While the water runs over her body and he lightly strokes her hand and arm studying her lovely face with a smile he says. "My lovely Cleo. You scared me so." he shakes his head and smiles. "The tub is my mother's invention. We used such a thing for my grandmother before she passed. Now you have one....What is it you wanted to say darling? Have I caused you pain or made a mistake?" He looks at her calmly and earnestly only wishing to alleviate her pain.
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