The Whomping Willow (Kiandra_Black & Greeneyed23)

She mumbled against his neck in answer as she moved against him, her hips shifting up and down, pushing and pulling his cock into her pussy. She ground against him, her clit throbbing. She looked up at him from her spot on his chest, her soft hair brushing his skin softly as she gently caressed his cheek with her right hand.

"Brandon..." Her eyes were blown out with pleasure as she moved, slowly drawing him out of her depths until simply the tip remained, before snapping her hips down, fast. She nearly screamed at the sensation her hands tightening against the rug next to his head, searching for something to hold onto.

Her heart hammered in her chest, as she panted for breath within the tight corset. Her eyes closed as the air around them heated with their magic, hers a light icy blue with purple floating within circling both of them, searching for something.
Her movements made his body tense with a powerful need to do something but he had absolutely no idea what. He tried to find the answer by running his hands over her body pushing himself deeper into her kissing the top of her head growling her name and flexing his hardness within her all at once. The motion sparked something he had never known before. Not an orgasm but a state similar to that of the release. As he floated int he sheer pleasure of it he looked up at Cleo.

His own sky blue eyes were also blown with pleasure and desire for her sparks of longing and satisfactions warring with the pupils. He licked his lips as he gazed into her eyes and smiled at what he saw there and tried to return it in his own. He bucked his hips up pushing her up his body and kissed her deeply his hands gripping her tighter to him. He moaned at the feeling of her atop him and their lips together. Her every touch was giving him pleasure and the more he got the more he wanted.
She kissed him, and when she pulled away, their magics were spinning together between their open lips. She had reached her pleasure, yet it was sustained. It felt like an orgasm, yet it still had not fallen. She was staying on the peak, the pleasure rushing through her, as if it needed something else.

She looked down at him, panting as she spoke, whispering into the air around them, "I love you Brandon." Those words were the breaking point for her, and she finally fell from the heights, white lights flashing under her closed lids. Her hair floated around her for a second before falling down her back, as she screamed his name, "Brandon!" Her back bowed and she froze there, as her body filled with pleasure.
Her words struck him and though he did mean them his own lips formed his reply without hesitation. "And I love you Cleo." He met her in the valley of their peaks as her scream mingled with his shouted snarl of her name "CLEO!" and his body contracted then expanded with a visible and audible pop his orgasm exploding into her for what seemed hours to him.

His hands remained clenched on her sides as it seems his entire being was trying to enter her and the moment lasted for another eternity before he collapsed beneath her panting the intensity this time leaving him and his slowly but surely limpening cock all but spent. He licked his lips and released her sides to stroke her back with difficulty leaving marks in her flesh from his grip. "Well..I...I think I will sleep here tonight."
"I agree." She said tiredly as she sunk down upon him. She cringed as she shifted, and with a quiet pop, moved her pussy off his cock. She was slick with sweat and cum, but did not want to move, hell, she Couldn't move. She nuzzled the skin under his chin, on his throat, and waved a hand. A fluffy blanket covered them and she closed her eyes as she snuggled closer to him.

"Good night my love. Sleep..." she trailed off as she fell asleep.
He drifted off beneath her and smiled as he fell asleep holding her. He squeezed her gently in his sleep while he dreamed of life with her. They were peaceful happy times in which Voldemort had been destroyed before he proved to be a real threat to them and their family. The blanket above them, the rug beneath them, the good fire in the fireplace, and their closeness made them snug and comfortable and allowed them stay comfortable for hours. The room would not allow anyone in expect perhaps Dumbledore until they were ready to wake up.
The light filtered through the window, shining on Cleo's face. She shifted mumbling before lifting a hand to her face to cover it sleepily. A bird's call awakened her fully, and she opened her eyes, looking for the source of the call. She found Fawkes, perched on one of the armchairs, looking down at them. She slipped out of Brandon's arms, not wanting to wake him up and called Fawkes over to her. The phoenix glided to her, landing on her arm. She found a parchment rolled up in his left talon, and took it from him. She unrolled it, reading it.

'Dear Mr Krissin, and Miss Gale,
I can imagine the two of you are enjoying your soul bond. However, this is a school first, and as such, your education is my priority. I expect the two of you to be at classes tomorrow. I understand some of the circumstances may lead you two to miss a day or two, however, please try to avoid it. For today, you two have been excused. Your homework has been sent to you.
I wish you two a wonderful rest of your day.
Prof. Dumbledore'

She smiled and nuzzled Fawkes, who did a kind of purr.
Brandon looked up at the note, having read it from below, and cocked and eyebrow. "So why we were excused? Any ideas?" he ran a hand up through ehr hair and smiled then looked at Fawkes. "And thank you sir. I don't suppose you know?" He stroked the bird's feathers thoughtfully then shrugged. "Well what would you like to do today my dear Ms. Gale? I've never had a day off in the middle of school before. Free periods yes but..." He shrugged again waiting for the answer. He would do anything she wanted and let her see that through his eyes.

He did stretch lifting them both up and flexing his chest and arms impressively and ran a hand through his hair shaking it back along his neck and back then looked up at her and smiled his eyes bright.
She smiled at him, "I thought you were still asleep my darling. You obviously have not seen what time it is..." She trailed off as she motioned a hand towards the clock on the mantle above the fireplace. It read four fifteen. By the light shining through their window, one could only suppose it was in the afternoon.

Cleo yawned as Fawkes gave a slight love peck to the cheek before flying off, singing quietly. She smirked and winked at Brandon before disappearing into the bedroom. Skyfall sat on the bed, looking as if he was pouting. Cleo picked him up and came back out saying, "I think poor Skyfall feels as if we have been neglecting him." She didn't realized that she still wore her corset and thong from last night.
Merlin fluttered into the room perching on the mantel watching his master who looked up at him. "What are we not talking?" The owl hotted and fluttered down to his side. Brandon smiled stroking the bird's head then looked up as Cleo spoke. "Do extend my sincerest apologies to the good gentlefeline." He then looked at his owl then back at the cat and cocked his head. "Have these two met officially?...I don't think they have. Skyfall Merlin. Merlin Skyfall. No fighting you two." Brandon smiled and reached out stroking Cleo's leg his eyes glowing as he watched her still in her enticing wear. "You look amazing by the way. Any idea when we fell asleep love?"
She smiled softly at him and set Skyfall down on the ground. "I have absolutely no idea. But I know it was late." Skyfall rubbed himself against his mistress legs and then lay down next to Brandon, purring. Merlin flew up and landed on her shoulder, turning his back to Brandon as he shuffled against her ear. She grinned then began giggling as it tickled.

She sat down in the large armchair and posed, "How do I look?' She asked, looking sexy and elegant all at once.
"Sexy and elegant.' he smirked at her rubbing Skyfall's belly. "So are you going to help me with my homework?" He was asking the cat smiling as the cat ignored him.

"Im hungry...ahh much better." A tray of food arrived and Brandon started to eat sharing some meat with Skyfall. He looked up at Merlin. "Oh you can feed him darling but please crack the nuts first. He cracked his beak a few months back poor fellow. I healed him and Hagrid said it would be just fine in a year or so when it's sealed the break and vanished it but I don't want him to relive that." Merlin hooted and shivered at the thought. "Poor fellow was in such pain." Brandon tossed a large chunk of meat to Merlin who snatched it out of the air eating it happily.

"You want to come eat beautiful?" the food was the usual Hogwarts excellence and the tray filled with whatever was desired. "The house elves are truly spoiling us."
Skyfall gave him a look as he pointedly ignored the question. Cleo smiled down at him and then joined him on the floor to eat. Merlin stayed on her shoulder, hooting quietly as she fed him little bits and pieces of the meal. She ate her own portion, as they heard her stomach rumbling.

She laughed at the sensation of Merlin nipping her ear.
Brandon looked over their homework as he ate and toyed with Skyfall his eyes moving up to Cleo's occasionally drawing a smile to his lips every time. "There isn't much here. Must have been a slow day. Now i don't feel so bad for missing it."

He lay on his back his books floating above him while he took notes with one hand and stroked Skyfall's fur with the other. He was one to always get his work done quickly and completely before distracting himself even with the lovely lady beside him.
Cleo simply sat and watched him. Her eyes were glowing with love and she absolutely adored how he put his work first. She grabbed her own homework and began working on it. Her hair kept falling in her face and she finally huffed in annoyance. She grabbed her wand, and rolling her hair into a bun, sticking her wand in. It held up, with a couple of strands falling over her face.

She was so engrossed in her work, she didn't know that Brandon had finished.
Brandon considering teasing her with her hair but he figured it would go badly for him if he tried so instead he started teasing Skyfall and soon the too had quite the battle going Skyfall swatting at Brandon's quick hands and Brandon poking the cat to gently tugging his ears or tail before he was touched. He grinned as he rolled the cat over on his back rubbing his belly the cat gripping his hand. Brandon ignored this and kept rubbing the cat's belly ending the game on a happy note.

Merlin had left Cleo's shoulder to take a perch and of to sleep his head beneath a wing his breathing slow but peaceful.
She finished and looked up to see Brandon and Skyfall playing. She smirked at them and shook her head as she said, "You are going to spoil him! He won't want to go him with me after this year!" Skyfall simply stuck his tongue out at her and continued playing. Cleo rolled her eyes, but made no move to stop them. In the back of her mind, she was daydreaming.

The two were in the same positions, except Brandon was no longer playing with a cat, but with a little toddler. She was watching them, pregnant with their second child.

Wishful thinking aside, she knew she wanted children, but not right now. They had time to still be young and enjoy life. Maybe in the future.
Since Skyfall ignored his mother Brandon did not press it still playing with the cat and smiling. He did catch the slight glazing over of her eyes and suspected she was daydreaming though he had no clue as to the subject of the dreaming. He smiled at her but let her dream as Skyfall caught his hand again. He leaned in and blew on the cat's face distracting him letting Brandon grip his rear leg and yanked him around rolling him into a little ball. The cat stared up at him shocked but pleased as Brandon had also resumed the belly rub making the cat purr.

Merlin snoozed happily filling the room with the soft sounds of his sleeping. The two sounds seemed to merge filling the room with peace.
Cleo began humming an old Gaelic lullaby that her grandparents had taught her from long ago. The humming was peaceful, and she soon found herself drifting off in the chair, her head lolling back against the fabric. Skyfall looked over at her then gave a pointed look at Brandon before getting up and walking away to settle in his bed in the corner of the master bedroom.

Cleo dreamed of a peaceful future, but was told this was only possible if they United themselves against the evil coming. She twisted a bit in the chair, asleep to the world. She was finding it quite hard to find a spot comfortable for her, seeing as she was still in her corset and it was digging into her side.
Brandon caught the look and first magically removed her clothing then lifted her and carried her in to the bedroom and lay her down tucking her in. he smiled stroking her hair then kissed her gently. He wrote a note that told her where he was then looked at Skyfall. 'Make sure she sees this when she wakes up." He fastened it to his pillow rubbed the cat's ears then got dressed and went to the living room smiling at the still sleeping owl and left silently.

He went down to the rarely used gym that was accessible by both teachers and students. He was surprised to find Professor Dumbledore there. "Oh hell sir. I am sorry about missing classes today. If you would like to be alone-"
"Not at all my boy. It is alright. And please join me."

The older man's strength was impressive. It was clear the Headmaster did not use the room often but he clearly took care of himself. He was in a purple track suit and was currently benching three hundred pounds with ease. Brandon shook his head and started his own workout using his own body weight in pushups of various sorts, hanging crunches, pullups of all sorts, and others making his already firm body throb throughout. He then moved to a large heavy bag and began his combat workout going wild on it.

The Headmaster looked over at the younger man impressed with his power and stamina as the young man had been working nonstop since beginning and he seemed to only gain more power and energy as he went on.

Brandon rarely practiced the flashy things but he wanted to stretch himself and did a perfect rolling jump roundhouse that snapped the chain of the heavy bag throwing it to the ground with a thump. This did stop everything. The Headmaster stood and came over. "Well well my boy. Well done."
'Sir I-"
"Brandon you are a wizard."
Brandon blushed. "Oh right." Then he repaired the chain and strengthened it. "Would you like a go sir?"
"Oh no. These old bones can't handle such impacts."
"That I just can't believe sir."
The Headmaster smiling shaking his head. "You are kind Brandon but no. In fact I have a meeting. You and Miss Gale take care. And be sure to attend classes tomorrow."
"Of course sir. I hope your meeting goes well and you have a lovely evening."
"Thank you Brandon. Have a lovely evening yourself."
Brandon smiled nodding as the Headmaster went to the door and was just about to resume when Dumbledore spoke. "Brandon?"

"When you use your elbows grip your hand with the free one. The push or pull as needed. Quickens and strengthens the blow." He showed what he meant and Brandon imitated him then tried it. Dumbledore smiled and nodded. "Good evening Mr. Krissin."
"Good Evening Professor Dumbledore."
The Headmaster waved his hand and left. Brandon smiled and resumed his workout making sure to use his elbows the way Dumbledore had told him rather liking the results.
Cleo awoke about two hours later, yawning and stretching her body. She found herself in bed and quite comfortable, and wondered how she had gotten there. She looked over to Brandon's side, only to find Skyfall staring at her from his curled up spot. Skyfall glanced up at her face then placed a paw on the pillow in front of him. Cleo looked over to find a piece of paper had been pinned there. She sat up and unpinned it, reading it quietly to herself. She smiled as she finished it and placed it on her bedside table. She got up, dressed in a pair of comfy black furry sweats, one of Brandon's t-shirts, and headed out to the small kitchen they had.

"Hmm, what should I make for dinner?" She asked her two companions as she looked through the food. Skyfall simply gave her a look that said, 'It doesn't matter to me. You're going to feed me cat chow anyways.' Cleo giggled at that and nodded as she took out things for a lasagna. She began cooking, and within fifteen minutes, it was sitting in the oven, baking. Merlin hooted as he looked down from his perch at the small bowl of nuts, and Cleo cracked a few open for him. On the outside they were hard, but on the inside, they were buttery soft.

Cleo walked back into the sitting room and began reading up on what they had missed in class that day. Dusk was beginning to fall peacefully outside the castle.
Brandon came in thirty minutes after she sat down gleaming with sweat his arms and legs throbbing with the strain his face and body thickly red. "That feels so good." he moved to her and kissed her lightly licking his sweat off her lips then went off to shower.

He had cast a spell and run from the gym all the way up to the floor their room was on. He had taken the stairs every chance he could and hen he topped the floor to their room he began to walking letting himself cool off for twenty minutes by walking slowly and stretching as he went along until he reached their door.

Now he took a good twenty minute shower soothing his happily strained body and washing his hair carefully. When finished he came out and went to his closet pulling on boxers and shorts with the Hogwarts colors on both then went over to Cleo again and sat in her lap kissing her. "Hi." The chair was supporting his weight so she would not be crushed. He kissed her again. "Nap well?"
Cleo looked up when he walked in and smirked at him. She tilted her head up for a kiss then watched him walk away, her eyes on his well formed backside as she smirked to herself knowing he was all hers and she was all his. She heard the shower turn on and went back to reading the book, Skyfall laying next to her.

About fifteen minutes later, she yawned and started a fire in the grate, smiling at the light. When Brandon came back into the room, she winked at him. When he sat down on her lap, she couldn't hide her grin. "Hello. I did indeed nap well. Comfy?" She asked him as she tilted her head up for his kisses. "Mmm." She moaned lightly as she licked her lips, the book she had been reading floating over to the table as she placed her hands around his neck. "I made a lasagna. It's sitting in the oven."
"But that's way over there. I'd rather stay right here and kiss my beautiful lady. Alot." He kissed her deeply stroking her neck and hair. He broke the kiss to press his forehead against hers. "I love you." he kissed her again then stopped as his stomach growled so powerful it shook the chair a bit. "Ok I am that hungry."

He stood and scooped her and the cat up carrying them to the table. "You stay there." He went to the oven and pulled out the lasagna laying it on the warmers. "Smells delicious love. Oi wingdust!" Merlin fluttered over to rest on his shoulder as Brandon dished up large servings of lasagna for them both making a small plate for Skyfall and another for Merlin who fluttered to the table and began to eat. Brandon dug in happily smiling. "This is amazing darling. I love it. Did you come up with this recipe on your own?"
"But you need to ea..." the rest of what she was about to say was drowned out by the growl that cane from his stomach. She giggled and then gasped as he scooped her up, thinking to herself that he made her feel like she was a delicate flower. She snuggled into him, and placed a kiss right behind his ear before he placed her down in a chair. She smiled up at him as Skyfall jumped out of her lap.

After he served her and they began eating, she had to finish with the mouthful she had before answering.
"It is an old family recipe. My grandmother taught my broth... my brother and me." Her eyes were suddenly sad, and she looked down at her plate, her fork playing with the food still there. Merlin hooted softly to her and she looked over at him and gave him a soft sad smile.
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