The Whomping Willow (Kiandra_Black & Greeneyed23)

Cleo felt the tingle of magic against her skin and looked up from her paper. She smiled as he drew on her, but didn't call attention to it. Simply went back to her assignment, if anything, moving closer to Brandon.

Five minutes before the bell signaled the end of class, Cleo started putting her things away. She sighed and rested her head on Brandon's shoulder, tired and with the start of a headache. "I hate Arithmancy." She said quietly in his ear. Remus, who with wolf hearing, heard her and grinned at Brandon in a long suffering way. Cleo saw it and growled at him playfully, to which he responded with a growl back.

A sudden thought made the day all better, as she realized that tomorrow was the day before the Halloween Ball. Lily had added a little something extra to her outfit, although, unbeknownst to her, had sent Brandon a more masculine one, which matched her, but was in no way feminine. (A mask)
Brandon kissed the top of her head. "Well I know it my love." He gently nudged her away and stood then reached out to pull her to her feet letting her lead the way out of the room.

The moment they were out of the classroom he groaned and yanked her out of the way just as a literal tidal wave of papers filled the hall. Brandon grunted. "Looks like someone accidentally set off the Gemino Curse...again." He kissed her hand then released it to take out his wand and wave it. The papers immediately began to sort and stack themselves until instead a wild pile of papers there were merely several massive columns of documents. When it finished he took one, ignoring the copies falling from his hand and groaned.

He showed it to Cleo, revealing the name Bertha on it. It was not schoolwork but instead was several gossip notes from Bertha to her friends. He stabbed his wand at the papers which all engulfed themselves in soft blue flames and subsequently vanished with no heat or damage. Brandon sighed and turned back to the hall where Bertha was crying. He went over to her and crouched beside her. "Bertha what happened?"

She sniffled sadly. "I was just wondering why Mulciber had a broken hand of glory and...he did that to me..." She was covered in papercuts which Brandon began to heal with a length murmured incantation. Bertha saw Cleo and froze. "Cleo...I...I didn't..." Bertha had no reason but she was terrified of Cleo. Likely because she, like many of the girls, had a crush on Brandon.

Brandon himself ignored everything just working on fixing Bertha up and gathering her things.
Cleo looked at her worriedly and grabbed her hand before soothing her, "Hey... it is okay. Don't you worry... he is a very sexy man. I don't mind you admiring him..." Her voice held a laughing tone to it as she calmed Bertha down. She looked over her face before turning to Brandon, her eyes pure flames.

"That boy is a menace to society. Leave him to me..."

The students nearest to them shuddered at the venom in her voice as she kissed Brandon on the cheek, whispering to him, "Take care of Bertha. I'll be back soon."
Without waiting for him to respond, she disappeared down the hall.

She sent her Thestral Patronus ahead of her, to tell Regulus to keep Mulciber in the Common Room. She slammed into the room, and Mulciber looked up at her in shock. She hissed at him, creating a bubble around them to keep innocents out of it. "You are dead. I have had it with Voldemort's idiotic followers. You can follow him all you want out of this school, but in here, you are nothing but a student. If I hear about ONE more attack within the walls of this school, or in Hogsmeade, Hogwarts itself will destroy the attacker."
As she spoke, black flames crackled around her, and Mulciber cringed away from her.

With that said, she defused the bubble, and disappeared back up the hallways, heading back to where Brandon had been.
Brandon had gotten Bertha calmed down and back in her common room and was waiting in a window seat reading when he felt the rush of air and heard the sound of voices from the dungeons.

"Oh dear...."

He started to stand when Cleo came his way. He smiled. "Hello dear.... should I be explaining why Slytherin just lost a student?" He trusted her but he also knew that her temper was.... fiery.

"I didn't know Slytherins could cry like that."
"He is still alive... unfortunately. How is Bertha?" She asked smiling at her love. The two headed down the hallways and outside to the crisp autumn air, to walk to Care of Magical Creatures. Cleo could hardly wait for their lesson plan and to see the babies.

"I decided to name the female Luna." Cleo said as they got near the paddock of the two babies. She clucked her tongue and both pegasi trotted over to her. She started rummaging through her bag, sure she had put an apple into it to feed them, but couldn't find it.
"Brandon, did you eat our babies' apple?" She looked over at him as she asked, an elegant eyebrow raised in question.
He looked over at her and shook his head. "Did you look under the...oh nevermind. Accio Apples." Several apples flew out of the bag and he waved for them to go to his lover save for two he gave to the pegasi while they waited.

He laughed as he fed them. "Darling maybe you should clean out your bag?"

Hagrid came over to wait with them until Professor Kettleburn and the rest of the students arrived."They are growing quickly. Saw em fluttering around the uther day. How ya doing Cleo?"

Brandon chuckled watching the two gamboling about awaiting their mother's call.
"I'm doing well Hagrid. How about you?" Cleo asked, a smile on her face before she stretched her hand out to smack Brandon's arm for his comment about her bag. It was so organized, it looked like a tiny bookshelf. Artemis trotted up to her and nuzzled her neck and head.

"Arright. Betta git ta class. Tis bout ta start." Hagrid said as the two turned towards where Professor Kettleburn was waiting for them. The class was behind a couple trees, so they couldn't see the paddock with the pegasi within. Cleo and Brandon walked towards her. Kettleburn nods to both with a smile on her face before turning to the whole class.

"Good afternoon, today you'll need your books. Put that away Kyle, you won't need your wand out. Now then what can you youngsters tell me about pegasi? Cleo, Brandon, don't raise your hand." She said the last with a quirky smile.

Cleo grinned as she leaned back into Brandon's arms as Remus, Severus, James, and Sirius all looked at them confused.
Brandon kissed her neck and squeezed her gently.

The class struggled to come up with facts bout pegasi, even Sirius, James, Remus, and Severus and various other leading, as Brandon whispered into Cleo's ear. "Baby pegasi are adorable. And they can fly from birth. Also they can lift extremely heavy loads, much like Phoenix." he kissed her neck again. "Also Cleo loves them."

He chuckled as the class still struggled then Professor Kettleburn began to go over pegasi as a species. Brandon squeezed her again as he gently nudged her head to see some people arguing. It was Mulciber and some other Death-Eaters who were getting a bit rowdy. "you're doing my love?"
Cleo smirked as her eyes traveled over the arguing students. She cleared her throat to get their attention and the entire group of young death eaters took a step back away from her. "Remember what I said?" Her sickly sweet voice was laced with Malice as Mulciber nodded and nudged the two next to him as they stepped towards the professor. She snorted, as if the professor would protect them from Hogwart's wrath...

A few minutes later, Kettleburn turned to the two and said, "Lead the way."
Cleo and Brandon, holding hands, walked around the trees towards the large paddock with a large golden net creating a bubble around it.
"Now then, Pegasi are quite shy creatures, not as bad as Unicorns, but please do not make any sudden movements or loud noises. They won't come down, especially since they are still youngsters." Cleo said, warning the class before they walked into the golden net and stood on one side of the fence. Cleo smiled as Luna spread her wings and flapped them, causing a gust of wind to blow against the class. She whistled and Artemis trotted up, acting all big and tough and totally showing off as he arched his neck and spread his wings up into the air.
Brandon stayed a step back. The pegasi liked him well enough but they were clearly mama's not his.

He just smiled watching her explain her babies and noted with a smirk how protective she was, though he also got very annoyed in the middle and walked away from her to a section of fence hidden by a tree. There was a loud squalling then Mulciber came flying out of the section looking badly done by while Brandon walked around from the other side of the corral as if nothing had happened.

He leaned against the fence as Luna drifted down and nickered to him then rubbed his arm with her forelock then kept her face pressed into him, so he leaned over and kissed her brow, unaware he had been seen until the girls in the class gave a long "Awwwwwwww." He rolled his eyes but kept snuggling the pegasus who had definitely developed a shy streak somehow. He gently tugged her ear. "Since when do you hide? Go say hello."

The horse actually whinnied and shifted behind him away from the class peeking over his shoulder her ears and tail twitching. He chuckled. "If you don't go say hi I'll tickle you." She nickered at him so he shrugged and began to tickle her neck and chin and the horse snorted yanking away but he followed so she leapt away revealing herself again fully to everyone's delight.

She went over to her mother to pout, flipping her tail at Brandon as she pressed her face into Cleo's back, seeking solace and in the way of horses telling on daddy. Brandon just smirked and winked at Cleo knowing she would enjoy the attention from her baby.
"Aw poor baby, was papa being mean to you?" Cleo asked in a whisper as Luna snorted and butted her shoulder. Cleo kissed her neck and said in a challenging voice, "Look at how Artemis is, I think everyone loves him more than they do you..."
With that said Luna raced over, still a bit shy and hesitant, but now also arching her neck delicately and nuzzling Artemis' shoulder. The two pranced around each other, never letting the other students get close enough to touch. Cleo looked over at Brandon and smiled, winking at him at the antics of their babies.

The rest of class was quick, as Kettleburn explained more about Pegasi, and soon, it was over. Cleo stood, waiting for Brandon to come back around the paddock to walk back up to the castle together.

Brandon was suddenly in the paddock and delivering a vicious kick to a large furry creatures. The creature sailed right into James' arms who held it up with a disgusted, "eggh!"

It was a Heffler. A distant cousin to Nifflers they burrowed underground and then burrowed into their prey and laid eggs in them. Hagrid and other magical creature experts were convinced Hefflers, which were recent additions to the world, had been created by dark wizards as terror weapons. Brandon was sure it had been Grindlewald,as it was bit too clever for Voldemort. Brandon had noted that years ago and had spoken about it at length to his father and other Aurors.

Voldemort was no doubt a talented and gifted wizard, and quite intelligent, but he tended to allow his ego to overwhelm common sense. He ignored those he thought weak, even to his cost, and refused to alter his opinions, and he absolutely refused to rely on anyone or anything without sufficient power. True he used giants,vampires, dementors, werewolves like Fenrir Greyback, hags, Inferi,and some other dark creatures, but he refused to utilize hundreds of others with powers that in his opinion were useless or weak, when actually they could have been key to the destruction of his enemies.

Hefflers, Hydras, Trolls, spiders (though Hagrid would disagree), manticores and strangely enough dragons (though Brandon felt that Voldemort secretly feared the great lizards), billywigs, nifflers themselves, Kappas, redcaps, grindylows, and virtually every creature in the textbooks. Brandon had pointed out how each of these creature could maim, kill or at least distract while armies of Muggles and wizards but Voldemort steadfastly refused them. In this Brandon viewed Grindlewald as the far more dangerous as the elder Dark wizard had successfully created a global wizarding war that only his defeat by Dumbledore had been able to stop.

Brandon used this to confirm his belief that as dangerous as Voldemort was he was too foolish and weak in his own right to ever achieve his goals and made no secret of his beliefs and had even been known to mock known Dark Art practitioners, such as Lucius Malfoy and most of the Black family(especially Bellatrix) for their poor judgement right to their face. It had caused such a stir, as open hostilities had been growing to a fever pitch but no one had proof against the vaunted daughter of such a noble family, that Brandon had been threatened by the Ministry itself for upsetting the citizenry but he had calmly pointed out that all he had said was that he thought Voldemort was an idiot and if Bellatrix was truly that upset by it then perhaps they should investigate her.

The Ministry had been shocked by the accusation and had done nothing of the sort but they had also left Brandon alone. Despite appearances,he played the game of politics far too well.

Mulciber clearly was thinking of all this as he stared at the Heffler not noting that Brandon was rushing toward him enraged. Professor Kettleburn and Hagrid tried to get in the way yelling for Brandon to stop but Brandon was having none of it. He spun around Kettleburn and actually vaulted over Hagrid in a display of athleticism that made even James and Sirius gaze, then with a roar of fury Brandon leapt into the air and delivered a driving punch to Mulciber's face that was so hard everyone heard his jaw snap and what sounded like several teeth break. Hagrid was on Brandon in a flash but Brandon still managed two more punches, then several brutal heel kicks to Mulciber before Hagrid dragged him off all while screaming. "YOU SCUMMY BASTARD!! YOU FUCKING SCUMMY BASTARD!!! YOU EVER COME NEAR CLEO OR OUR ANIMALS AGAIN I'LL TURN YOUR BODY IN PUDDING AND FEED IT TO THE SQUID!!! YOU FUCKING BASTARD YOU BETTER HOPE I NEVER SEE YOU AGAIN!!!"

"MR. KRISSIN!!" Everyone froze, even Brandon, though his eyes shot pure hatred at Mulciber, who was not moving and bleeding badly, though clearly bethinking. Professor Dumbledore marched other, clearly angry. "What is this meaning of this?"

Before Hagrid could speak Brandon roared. "That bastard put a Heffler in the paddock with the pegasi!!!"

Dumbledore actually flinched and looked at Hagrid who nodded, followed by james who held up the creature. Dumbledore stared at it in horror then took out his wand and waved it intricately and soon had the whole matter well in hand. He too glared at Mulciber, by now Madame Pomfrey had been fetched and she had mended him up rather well, though she had not been able to prevent his jaw from gaining a rather odd bend in the middle as Brandon had shattered it in his fury. Mulciber's friends, Severus had been careful to stay well away from them all, had claimed that Mulciber had not known it was Heffler, and had meant it as a joke. Hagrid had wisely kept a hold of Brandon the whole time as he was still straining to rip them apart, having dropped his wand when he had begun kicking Mulciber.

Dumbledore was furious. "Slytherin House will lose two hundred points for this poorly conceived practical joke. endangering innocent lives is neither to be played at." The Slytherins started to protest but eh cut them off. "I remind you that pegasi are nervous by nature and nifflers frighten them badly. They could have harmed themselves badly. The fact that it is actually a heffler is far worse. Mulciber you will no longer be allowed visits to Hogsmeade, I will be writing to your parents and the ministry concerning your actions, and you will serve detention with me for the rest of your time here at Hogwarts. be grateful I do not expel you. And if i ever learn you were aware of the danger of your actions I assure you I shall. now be off all you. Expect you two." He pointed at Brandon and Cleo.

James handed the heffler to Dumbledore who clutched it by the scruff of the neck, ignoring ti's gnashing teeth while he watched the class troop off. only when they were in the castle did he nod to Hagrid who released Brandon. Brandon grunted and scooped up his wand glowering at the creature but he did nothing waiting for Dumbledore to speak. Dumbledore pointed his own wand at it and ignoring Hagrid whimper, killed it, then handed the body to Hagrid. "The nest is in the forest. find them and burn the bodies Hagrid. They are too dangerous to let live."

"Yessir Professor Dumbledore sir." he went off to work while Dumbledore looked at Brandon, who was still shaking with rage, his clothes torn and wrinkled from his struggle to break free from Hagrid.

"Mr. Krissin I need you to calm down so we may speak."

Brandon glowered at Dumbledore but took a deep breath and held it then let it out. repeating this he soon visibly relaxed and nodded at the headmaster, though it was clear he was still furious. Dumbledore sighed. "I understand Mr. Krissin. you were a father protecting your children and a husband protecting your wife." Brandon grunted but could not help a smile at the thought of marrying Cleo, though he did not look at her for fear it would set him off again. Dumbledore spoke quickly to distract him. "I doubt anyone would so foolish to threaten Ms. Gale in such a manner again, despite Voldemort's presumption and likely attempts to eliminate you. i applaud your instincts, but I must point out that you did frighten your classmates."

"I don't care. I would have killed him had I the chance."

"That is what concerns me. Killed him? For what he claims to have been a practical joke?"

"Do you really-"

"No I don't believe it. But I cannot prove it. However it can be proved that you attacked him, seemingly unprovoked, and very nearly killed him with your bare hands. we must address this."

Brandon's eyes narrowed. "How?"

"I shall have to suspend your Hogsmeade's visits, remove two hundred points from Gryffindor, and I may have to suspend you from Quidditch."

Brandon scowled. he had always liked Dumbledore but he was not going to back down. "Go ahead. i don't care about the points. the only thing that matters in this world is my family. Especially her." he pointed at Cleo and Dumbledore studied the young man for a long moment then nodded.

"So I see. However that does not help your continued position on the team." Brandon shrugged and Dumbledore sighed shaking his head. "I will not remove you. But you are on probation. If you strike another student I shall have to remove you." Brandon shrugged again and Dumbledore sighed again. "Mr. Krissin do you not understand the danger of what you have done?"

"A known violent troublemaker threatened the life of my family, namely my soulmate. I prevented harm to befall her and sent a clear message to the Dark Marked bastard that I will not allow anyone to threaten Cleo. In so doing I also sent a clear message to Voldemort. thus again making myself a target and shattering the shell of illusion that this place is safe from him. It's not sir. as long as the students that support him are allowed to walk free then we cripple ourselves by giving them the power. you yourself are crippled because you cannot expel them without proof and have to endure the complaints about them and their actions but if you dare act against them the entire wizardry community starts screaming for your head. i understand precisely what I did sir. And I'll tell you this. Bring that fucker back here now and I'll kill him."

Dumbledore actually flinched at the profanity, he had never liked it, but nodded impressed. "I see you do understand. But I can't have you killing or threatening students no matter the reason."

Brandon grunted. "So what's the solution?"

"You will begin your Auror training now. A bit irregular but considering your marks it should be no trouble. It will keep you away from Mulciber. it will mean time away from Ms. Gale as well but it protects you from expulsion and though Alastor will be able to convince the Auror office that your fighting spirit is crucial to the job, getting expelled would destroy any chance you have of becoming one."

Brandon nodded. "Very well sir."

Dumbledore sighed again and smiled. "Very well. Now...did you really have to hit him so hard? his face is crooked now." His eyes gave a twinkled and Brandon grinned then laughed. "Sir forgive me but if you threatened Cleo I'd do the same to you. not my fault he can't take a punch."

Dumbledore smirked and gripped Brandon's powerful right arm, the muscle not giving way even a millimeter. "Nor is it his fault that you are so fit and that you took martial arts." he chuckled . "very well then. Good day Mr. Krissin. Ms. Gale. have a lovely evening. and Ms. gale? try to contain your beast." he winked at brandon who shrugged again but was still grinning as Dumbledore went up to the castle.

Brandon turned on his heel and waved his wand, gathering all of their things into his bag then gently cupped her chin and kissed her. "Sorry babe. Did I embarrass you? all that scene?" He genuinely looked concerned and studied her eyes awaiting her judgement. Her opinion meant everything to him. The world could burn for all of him if she wished it. his eyes told her this and more. He would die before he let anyone, especially Voldemort touch her, and the consequences be damned.
"I shall try..." Cleo answered Professor Dumbledore dryly as she gave Brandon a look. The smirk gave it away though, that she wasn't angry at him, although she was a bit shocked at what had transpired.

As Brandon had taken a hold of the creature, Artemis and Luna had sought shelter from her, both pegasi hiding behind her while she put up a large shield. She knew Brandon could handle himself, so did not place a shield around him.

While he beat Mulciber, all she could think was that the boy had better be glad it was Brandon who was beating him and not her. She might not have left him alive, and wouldn't that have been wonderful, being sent to Azkaban just as this war was beginning to see the light of day?

After Dumbledore spoke, she had answered, then stood, arms crossed while awaiting her love to approach her. When he finally stood before her, she hugged him close. "You are my love. Nothing more, nothing less. I am proud that you would protect our pegasi and me with such fervor. Plus, it gets me hot seeing you like that." She smiled up at him and then raised up on her toes to place a sweet loving kiss on his lips. After a couple seconds, she pulled away and then led him to their room.

Once inside, she sat him down and then sat in front of him. "Babe, we need to talk. You'll be training to become an auror, and I've decided I'm going to train in my family's dark arts. We are two halves of a whole, one light and one dark, and only by combining them together with our love for each other will we be able to defeat Voldemort."
She knew he wouldn't like that at all, and so spoke clearly and quietly before falling silent to hear his response.
He tilted her face up and kissed her. "As long as it does not harm you, innocents, the animals or our children, then I will trust you my love. But also please don't break any laws. At least nothing that will harm our kind, or again innocents. i know you wouldn't intentionally but i have to say it. If you can do that then i have no issue with it. At least with you. I'll admit I'm not a fan of the idea but It is your choice. Oh also one last thing. As to our children. You have to promise not to teach them your arts until they are of age and make the choice themselves. In a few years, if not a few months, any witch or wizard using the dark magics will be seen as a criminal. i would rather they not have to endure that."

He kissed her again. "i really wish you wouldn't either my love, but it is your choice." he stroked her face. "I will protect and love you always...but are you ready for what they will do and say? You have to be sure my love. Even if you are the very best, which you are, eventually someone will figure it out, or someone jealous will accuse, and then me, and other Aurors will have to investigate you."

He kissed her once more. "Please make sure I never have to do that my love. Because I'd kill you. I will never subject you to the Dementors. No one deserves that...except perhaps Voldemort."

He smiled. "Besides. you're a shite fighter anyway." he kissed her hungrily before she could react his fingers nimbly opening her robes and pulling her up onto his lap.
Cleo nodded, saying, "Our children will have the choice only when they have reached maturity my love. No worries there. And you needn't worry about my learning it, it's an old family tradition, and it is very hush hush. Plus, do you think Hogwarts would respond to me the way it does if I were to use the old magicks the wrong way?"

She kissed him back hungrily, her hands sliding through his hair and grabbing a fist full as she was pulled into his lap. Under her robes she wore her Slytherin uniform, the skirt several inches above her knee, the button up shirt tight and opened at the top to show cleavage. Underneath her uniform, she wore golden underwear, a thong and brassiere that matched.
He kissed her lightly. "I trust you my love. But I had to be clear."

He chuckled kissing her again stroking her ass and back, his chest pressing against her chest. "You know you are much too clothed my love." He growled and snapped and they were both nude, his lips moving back to hers, pressing together warmly as he ran his tongue over them, his fingers stroking her smooth skin.

His erection was throbbing hard into her tummy. "Tell me something else my love." He nipped her lip then pushed her away lifting her into the air, then lowered her onto his erection, then pushed her forward, his legs trapping hers. Her gripped her ass with one hand and held her down with the other and growled as the movement made her body shift, thus her pussy tighten, squeezing his throbbing cock so hard it was squeezed forward until it bunched against the walls of her wombs.

He groaned at the result and kept her in place. "Now...can you do the work? If i move we'll lose this." He was panting already, the immense pressure and pleasure combining to give him a sensation he had never even dreamed off.
"Oh dear God!" Cleo moaned as she felt the shift and lay back for a moment before glancing at him in shock. He expected her to Move?! She tightened her pussy around him, feeling his swollen cock grind against her g-spot, and gasped. She began moving against him, although it was a bit choppy, and not at all pretty, but it was getting the job done.

She felt herself lose a bit of rhythm, as she climbed towards her peak, screaming his name to the heavens as she suddenly clenched around him and couldn't keep moving against him.
He roared her name as well and thrust into her exploding into her with a bone popping series of shudders. He completed his orgasm with a moan and gently pushed her off him onto the rug then flopped onto the floor beside the chair. He was panting and slowly crawled toward her, laying atop her kissing her neck.

"Sorry darling. couldn't help myself. It just struck me was indeed wonderful."

He nibbled her neck lightly. "I do love you Cleo."
"I love you too Brandon. Thank you for being you, and everything that I could ever want." Cleo responded, still gasping for breath on the rug. She curled up next to him, waving her hand at the fire and causing it to become warmer, so they wouldn't have to use a blanket.

She dozed off, warm and sated cuddling close to Brandon. Outside, a medium sized eagle owl, black and white in color, tapped at the glass, holding a letter from her father, with a small package. Hogwarts opened the window, letting it in, before closing itself back up. The owl landed on the mantle, tilting her head and hooting a greeting towards Merlin who watched her suspiciously. Skyfall on the other hand, recognized Cleo's owl, and settled into a ball next to their heads. Arista watched her human, wrapped around a male, who she had never seen before and studied them quietly. She also kept an eye on Merlin, who it seemed, did not like her sudden appearance and closeness to HIS master and mistress.
Brandon woke when Merlin gave a trilling hoot and looked at the bird. "oh...hello. You must be Arista." he carefully covered Cleo then stood, ignoring his nudity as he went to the owl and gently took the letter and package, stroking her feathers. "Well done my dear. Merlin be nice. share your treats."

The larger owl puffed out his feathers but obeyed, shifting aside for the newcomer, while Brandon went back to his lover and knelt by her head. he lay the package and letter by her side and gently nudged her awake. "you've received post my love. And Arista is here."
"Hmmm. Oh?" Cleo stretched and looked up. Her eyes lit up as she took in her owl who preened quietly. "Arista! Oh I've missed you baby girl." The owl flew to her mistress, nibbling her ear as she perched on Cleo's shoulder. "How have you been? Behaving yourself?"
The owl hooted in response then looked over at Brandon, as if expecting to be introduced. Cleo smiled and said, "Arista, this is my soul mate, Brandon Krissin. I love him, so I expect you to treat him accordingly." Cleo looked over at him as she said the last statement, a smile on her lips as Arista hooted again. Cleo picked up the letter, and read it quickly, her father only inquiring about their health and so on and so forth.

However, when her fingers touched the package, a new line of writing appeared on the letter. "My darling, these necklaces are for you and Brandon. They are Binding jewels, and will alert the other in case of danger. Use them well."

Cleo opened them to find two necklaces, a silver fang on a long chain for Brandon, and a golden snake choker chain for her. The fang was made of Silver diamond, that darkened to a near black near the tip. The snake's hood, as it was a cobra, contained a blood red ruby within. Cleo looked down and said with wonder, "I've heard about Binding Jewels. They are very powerful. In times of great distress, they can bring their partner to them, even through wards. They can also be used to send mental messages to their pair. I never knew my father had a pair..." she looked up at Brandon, a question in her eyes, as to whether or not they would use them.
Brandon touched the fang then nodded and put it around his neck. "Please tell your father I am honored and grateful for such a gift. When am i meeting him again?"

Not to be outdone, Merlin fluttered over onto Brandon's shoulder, hooting at Arista. Brandon chuckled and reached over, lightly stroking the female's feathers. "Certainly a lovely bird. even prettier than you Merlin." the snowy owl clicked his beak and thumped Brandon with wing but Brandon ignored it, still stroking Arista's back. "Arista meet Merlin. my oldest friend. My ninth birthday present from my grandfather. Can you two play nice?"

He turned his head and whispered into Merlin's feathers and the bird hotted again then for a wonder hopped ontop of Brandon's head and swiveled to fully face Arista, then spread his wings and bowed in regal manner. Brandon chuckled and pulled the bird down onto his blanket covered knee. "Well done sir. Beautifully done. Skyfall!"

The cat jumped then feigned sleep, though the plate he had been picking at wobbled then fell off the night table. Brandon rolled his eyes and grabbed his wand, fixing the plate then giving the meat to the cat. Brandon looked at cleo with narrowed eyes. "He gets that from your side of the family. Arista would you like something more to eat?"

He presented a small pouch of owl treats, giving Merlin one who hotted contentedly then began to give what could only be called a pleased purring.
Arista seemed to do a curtsy towards him, extending one wing before puffing her feathers very prettily. She was nearly all black, with white feathers scattered within, which made her look like a starry night. Cleo grinned at her as she accepted the meat graciously, nibbling it from his fingers like a lady. Cleo looked over at Skyfall and said, "Well of course he does. We are the sneaky snakes! Although, usually... we don't get caught..." Cleo raised an eyebrow at himas Skyfall huffed haughtily and sat down before meowing plaintatively. (I know I didn't spell that right, sorry...)

Cleo giggled at her cat before placing her own necklace around her neck. The snake came alive, sliding around her neck before taking its tail within its mouth and becoming still again. She placed a hand over it and it heated up in greeting. "Wow. These are amazing. We're going there for Christmas Break, well the second half. Remember? They invited you to our annual New Year's Eve Ball."
"Yes of course my love but I've been busy. Especially preparing for the Halloween Ball. which is in less than week if you recall." He kissed her happily.

"I was merely checking. Wanted to be sure." he kissed her again stroking her neck and shoulder.

"So tell me now...shall we get some rest? it has been a very long day and I'll admit i am i'm tired." he laughed as he scooped her up, clearly not really giving her a choice as he carried her to bed laying her down then jumping over her while the owls fluttered over to their perch. He lay beside her and stretched out with a deep groan. 'Ahh thats nice."
Cleo elbowed him playfully as she snuggled under the blankets. As she dozed off, she asked, "Where is my underwear babe?" The lingerie that had disappeared was part of a gift set from her mother. A very expensive gift set.

Arista flew gracefully to the large perch, taking up a little space and tucking her head under her wing, puffing her feathers to stay warm. Skyfall looked up at her worriedly and curled himself around the pole of the perch and fell asleep.
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