The Whomping Willow (Kiandra_Black & Greeneyed23)

"Well, round six thirty? That gives us a little more than an hour to attend the events before hand, and Lily is coming here round twelve. That will give us plenty of time to get ready." Cleo answered. She looked him in the eyes and smiled. He looked tired, and he wanted to take care of her... that wouldn't do at all...

"Come." She stood gracefully, and took his hand, leading him to the bedroom. She waved her hand, causing their tub begin to fill. She started to take Brandon's clothes off, saying, "You take such good care of me love, let me help YOU relax tonight." Once he was naked, she led him into the bathroom, sinking him into the tub, and kneeling beside him. She washed him gently, her hands running over his body as she cleaned him. Once he was clean, she took her own clothes off and joined him to get clean.

After their bath, Cleo dried him with a towel, and led him back into the room, and the two sank into the warm covers, Cleo cuddling into his side and pressing kisses onto his body.
He did not argue with her. He never could.

When they were in bed he wrapped around her kissing her neck. "You do spoil me Cleo."

He squeezed her gently as he wrapped them into the blankets and gestured the lamps dimming and the door shutting partially to cut off the light of the fireplace.

He hummed into her neck, his voice deep and rough while he let the school song float into the air above them, his eyes slowly drifting closed. he murmured her name. "Then I shall see you at six-thirty...."

With that he was fully asleep.
"You need someone to spoil you. Especially since you do such a good job spoiling me." Cleo answered as she cuddled into his side. She drifted off the sleep, safe and warm.

The next morning, she woke to Merlin hooting apologetically towards Arista who sat perched on the end of the bed, her back to him. "Oh dear... Merlin, you'd have better luck catching the squid outside than getting her to forgive you before she is ready..." Cleo said, laughter evident in her voice. Arista gave her a look before hmming and turning away from her. Merlin finally hooted in exasperation and stretched his wings. Cleo got up, giving Arista a scratch behind her ear tuffs and went to the bathroom to do her morning absolutions before crawling back into bed, straddling her mate as she magicked their clothes off.
Brandon grunted as his shirt caught on his ear and he shoved it off to glare up at her. "Would you not do that when I'm wearing tight shirts?" he folded his arms glowering up at her. It was clearly fake as his eyes were gleaming up at her as they always did, but he was also in a playful mood and was curious just what she would do to break his 'bad' mood.

"And perhaps Arista should take a lesson from her mother and let things go more easily."
"Oh really? And here I was thinking I could get a little love this morning... nevermind..." Cleo teased back, a playful scowl on her face as she rolled off him easily. She lay on her side, presenting him her back, which curved down to her plump ass. She played going back to sleep, although in reality, one of her hands was slipping down the front of her naked body, to play with her wet pussy. She bit her lip to keep the noises in so that Brandon wouldn't know what she was doing.
His hand caught hers before she could touch herself. "You never want just a little." he bit her neck, likely a bit hard, and pushed his erection between her legs and into her pussy then pushed her legs tighter together with his own as he began to thrust into her plump ass his hand still holding hers in place while the other slithered under her neck to grope her breasts, and his lips and teeth continued to attack her neck and shoulders.
"And you love it." Cleo groaned out as her pussy pretty much strangled his cock. The friction within caused her to feel too full, the pleasure edging towards pain and back, her hips bucking against his for more. She pushed her head back towards his shoulder, whimpering in pleasure.

The angle he was at kept her close to the edge, but wouldn't allow her to fall, and she struggled a bit in his grip to get stimulation where she needed it. Their hands were so close to her clit, but she couldn't move it down. She whined his name, moving restlessly against him.
He bit her neck again. "Your point?" He thrust into her powerfully still pulling her in while ramming into her.

He refused to let her touch her clit, intentionally withholding the contact to heighten her arousal and come as close to driving her mad as possible. He kept nibbling her neck as he thrust into her his hands forcing hers against her body, one on her breasts but not touching her nipples while the other was a mere inch above her clit but no closer.
Cleo struggled within his arms, trying to push her hand to her clit. She was so close, she could feel the heat from it, the swollen little nub begging for attention. Her hips wiggled, only causing her pussy to swell with arousal around his length, pillowing it within warmth.
"Please Brandon!!!!"
He smiled and gripped her ear with his teeth twisting it rather roughly then snaked his hand down squeezing her clit with his fingers while his palm and arm kept her hand trapped. he snarled into her ear and kept ramming into her as he stroked and squeezed her clit driving her at her orgasm at headlong speed.
Cleo jolted then froze, a keening cry coming from her lips. She dove headlong into climax, his name screamed out.

Each thrust caused another orgasm to ram her, and she soon became a jumbled mass of nerves, her pussy sensitive and swollen, tightly grasping his cock within.
"Brandon... oh god..." her eyes rolled back in pleasure.
He growled as her train of orgasms overtook her and slammed fully into her and with his own moaning exploded into her pussy with a thick torrent of seed. He shuddered and shook within and atop her for a long moment then collapsed back onto his side gasping for air his cock throbbing within her.

"Well..that was certainly...intense."
Cleo panted for air as she lay on her side. Her pussy clenched around his throbbing cock, and she cringed at the feeling, way to sensitive for any movement at all.

"Wow... don't move... ahhh..." she said, her hand fisting in the sheets as she tried to relax. As if that wasn't enough, the two distinctly heard Lily knocking on their portrait.
Brandon chuckled but obeyed his lover not moving. "you know if we keep doing it like that we are going to end up killing each other." He lightly kissed her neck wincing as her spasming pussy gripped his cock.

"By the way.... we have got to repeat that."
"Speak for yourself... I can't feel my legs properly..." Cleo moaned as she hissed in pained pleasure. Lily knocked again, and Cleo looked over her shoulder at Brandon. "Doesn't she have impeccable timing?" She asked dryly, her pussy sucking at his cock, his seed starting to drip out around him.

Cleo finally moved, gingerly off the bed, cringing as his cock scraped across raw nerve endings. "Wait a sec Lily!" She shouted out before grabbing a robe and looking back at Brandon, as he sprawled across the bed. "Think she'll know we just had sex?"
Brandon smirked and grabbed his wand removing the physical signs, including the clear smell of it and also did her the favor of soothing her soreness so she could walk normally and not have to lie to her friend then stood and did the same to his very red and swollen penis. As it shrank to normal size he sighed with relief and went to his wardrobe grabbing his own clothes while pulling on a pair of sweatpants and a tshirt.

"Well my darling dear I shall see you at six thirty." He kissed her deeply then looked at the animals. "Kids behave for mummy. Skyfall you're in charge."

He kissed Cleo again then went to the door and stepped out letting Lily in. "Ms. Evans..." And with that he was gone.
"Mr. Krissin..." Lily turned and looked as he walked away before turning back to face her friend. Cleo had a slight loving smile on her face as she watched Brandon walk away. Lily chuckled and closed the portrait behind her, saying, "Why did it take soo long to answer me?"
"Huh? No reason."
"Liar. You look like the cat that ate the canary..."
"I know." Cleo smirked at her and the two Girls laughed and Lily put her bag down.
"Where are the dresses?"
"Right here. What did you have in mind for today?"

Cleo smirked before waving her hand around the room. It changed from their normal living room into a fully functional spa.
Brandon entered the Prefect's bathroom surprised that he was currently alone. He filled the tub and soaked for a long while until he heard people at the door and scurried out of the tub to begin getting dressed. He still had a few hours before the dance, though he was amazed he had been left alone so long.

The female Prefects came in together and smiled at Brandon but as usual he ignored them as he went to the mirror and first styled his hair into a swept back style that ended in a short ponytail then he pulled on a black suit. It was solid black save for a golden pumpkin orange tie and a black metal tieclip.

The girls could not stop staring at him and even he had to admit he looked good. he didn't like the tie but it worked with the suit perfectly and actually flowed well with his tanned skin and offset his eyes just right. He smirked at himself and making sure he had on his Gryffindor cufflinks and that his shoes, also black, were shiny enough he waved to the others and checking his watch went down to the Great Hall to see what was ready.

Professor Dumbledore had spared no expense or favor and had gotten four different bands to play two in the dining room where the ball itself was taking place with a shared medley of Halloween songs and dance music, while another was stationed at the first landing of the Grand Staircase filling the hall with instrumental Halloween music, and the fourth was in the gardens serving as backing to the various outdoors games and activities.

The activities themselves were numerous. There was costumes stalls, makeup stalls, art competitions, picture booths by the dozen, animals, singing competitions, and even the standard Halloween fare with bobbing for apples, jack-o-lantern booths, A murder mystery, ghost stories, fires with marshmallows and other goodies, candy of all sorts by the barrel full, gallons upon gallons of pumpkin juice, butterbeer, cider, hot chocolate, and other assorted treats, as well as a huge haunted house and corn maze Hagrid had helped grow.

Brandon bumped into Dumbledore himself who was wearing a set of spectacular orange robes with black etchwork throughout. "You look very festive sir."

Dumbledore smiled. "Thank you. But you seem rather austere Mr. Krissin."

Brandon smiled. "I suppose sir. My mother told me I look best in dark colors." Dumbledore nodded. "it look suit you well."

Brandon laughed. "it should it is tailored. Is there anything I can do to help sir?"

"No but thank you. Shouldn't you be collecting Ms. Gale?"

Brandon checked his watch. "Not for another thirty minutes sir."

Dumbledore nodded and walked with Brandon examining the various booths and activities and discussing things. Brandon always marveled at Dumbledore's knowledge both about his students and the world at large, but what truly amazed him was how he made everyone feel listened to. Several first years, including Brandon's brothers and sisters, came to greet and thank Dumbledore and he spoke to each of them kindly and by name telling them to enjoy themselves.

At the appointed time Brandon took his leave and went up to the portrait waiting for Cleo along side Lily's escort. Brandon held a small black box with Cleo's corsage waiting to see what she was wearing before he opened it.
Cleo and Lily spent the time together gossiping and laughing. They did their nails, each one choosing a color that compared to their dresses. For Cleo, that meant a dark purple that shimmered blue. Lily chose a bluish green. They did their hair, Lily choosing to simply tie some of her strands back and curl the rest around her shoulders. Cleo chose an up-do, a braid that curled around itself, She placed small rhinestones in her hair, their shimmer glistening off her black locks. Lily smirked at her friend and said, "I think Brandon will be picking his jaw up from the floor when he sees you. How do you want your makeup done?"
"Smoky eyes. Simple and elegant, plus, it goes amazingly well with my mask and dress."

The two did each other's makeup, Lily choosing to do her eyes up, in blue and green. Lily dressed, in a long blue green gown, mermaid cut. It shimmered on her, and Cleo suggested painting her arms with small scales to go along with the whole set up. Lily agreed, and Cleo spoke a quiet spell, shimmery scales appearing on Lily's skin. They would disappear with the light, and Lily grinned. "You look like a sexy version of the little mermaid." Cleo said, before stepping into her own dress. The dress was so dark, it looked black. At least until the light hit it, and it turned into a deep royal purple. It was skin tight, with a slit up the side, to her mid thigh. Strapless, it pushed her breasts up and in, causing cleavage. She did not wear a bra with it. On her face was a black mask. It had purple scroll designs, and rested on her face gently. The two girls grinned at each other before hyeading out the door. Cleo, allowing Lily to exit first, grabbed her wand and slipped it into her garter belt holster, before stepping out, her eyes shining behind her mask.
Brandon closed his eyes when the portrait open and waited until Lily had gone by taking her date away then smiled when he smelled Cleo and opened his eyes and indeed his jaw dropped.

"Cleo..I..." He shook his head closing his mouth and then his eyes trying to formulate his words. He smiled and opened his eyes. "Darling you look magnificent. I cannot believe I am loved by someone so beautiful."

He opened the black box and revealed her corsage which was a black orchid mix. It was a deep purple with black edges and very carefully using his wand he placed it in her hair letting it rest just by her gorgeous braid. He then gently cupped her face and kissed her lightly.

"I love you so very much my beautiful Cleo." He kissed her again his eyes glowing.

He then stood back and gave a bow. 'May I escort you to the ball milady?" He offered his arm.
Cleo smiled as she saw Brandon's face and reaction to her appearance. Her own eyes ran down and up his body, as she decided that he looked too handsome to go down to the ball. She tilted her head to allow him to place the corsage into her hair, grinning as she noticed it was the perfect color match to her dress. She kissed him back gently, "And you are too handsome tonight. I'll have to fight the ladies off with a stick..."

As he bowed, she curtsied, allowing her long tanned leg to split the long slit, showing off the edge of a black lace garter belt. She placed her hand in the crook of his offered arm, and allowed him to escort her down to the Great Hall. She leaned into him, her black heels allowing her head to rest above his neck, and whispered, "I love you. Just wait until we get home, I have a gift for you..." Her words were sensual, leaving a hint as to the nature of the gift.

At the Great Hall, the two walked quietly through the doors, and Professor Dumbledore welcomed them. "Ah, Miss Gale, you look beautiful tonight. Enjoy yourselves, and stay alert." Cleo nodded as she smiled at him, then tugged Brandon's arm in the direction she had seen Severus standing.
Brandon stopped her just long enough for a trio of photos to be taken paying for copies from all three then let her lead them to Severus.

As both of them had expected they drew many eyes, every male gazing at Cleo in awe the females in jealousy, while the reverse was true with Brandon.

Severus was in normal dress robes, black with green trimmings including a green tie. They had been a bit rough earlier in the week but Brandon had convinced him to let him have a look and altered them some and then Severus had gotten his own ideas and now they looked very fine on him indeed.

Brandon smiled. "They suit you well Severus. I daresay You should wear more proper robes more often." He shook hands with the shorter man who could not help a small smile.
Severus nodded and thanked him before giving Cleo a hug. Cleo gladly reciprocated, smiling at her oldest friend. "Did you come by yourself?"
"Yes. I wasn't interested in bringing anyone tonight."

Cleo nodded, although she noticed a girl in an emerald green dress watching him covertly. Cleo hid a grin and said, "It looks like you have an admirer Sev."
"What? You're out of your mind Cleo..."
"Sure I am... but Jess from Ravenclaw is doing a wonderful job watching you." Cleo responded, a smirk on her face. Severus blushed as he caught sight of the tall blonde girl and smiled, or at least tried to. It looked more like a snarl, and Cleo nudged him as Jess tilted her head questioningly. "Go and talk to her!" Cleo said, pushing him forward.

Severus walked awkwardly towards her and she smiled shyly. The two spoke a moment before Sev offered his arm and they began to walk around. Cleo grinned and then turned her attention to Remus and his date, a petite Hufflepuff named Chelsea.

Brandon tilted his head and kissed his lover's neck. "Matchmaker matchmaker make me a match."

He chuckled and let her guide them over to Remus, though he intentionally irritated the man by greeting his date with a kiss to the cheek, making Remus glower at him.

Brandon then resumed his place at Cleo's side just as some fourth years began to call out. "Hey Mr. Gale will your wife let you come out to play?" Brandon held up a reassuring hand to the teachers and Cleo and turned to the hecklers. "Gentlemen if you intend to insult me you have failed."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yes. To be the husband of such a beauty and to carry her name would an honor an sane man would be thrilled to have. So thank you."

They blinked. "So you're that pu-"

"Now gentlemen if you insist on discussing my lady in such a foul manner I will have to remind you of one thing."

"Oh yeah?"

Brandon smiled and reached over grabbing a floating candlestick. He gripped it with one hand and using only his thumb bent it in half. The fourth years ran off as he returned the candlestick to the air waving his wand at fixing it silently. HE then kissed Cleo again. "Do forgive me my love."
Cleo simply shook her head and laughed. She asked quietly, "Would you go get me a drink love?" She placed a kiss on his cheek and headed over to referee an argument between Severus, James, Sirius, and Lily. Which meant she was going to dress James and Sirius down, and lead Severus away before his temper got the best of him again. Who knew what had set them off tonight, but they were drawing looks.

"Hey, what are you three doing?" Cleo asked sharply. James and Sirius, who heard her both turned sheepish grins towards her. She raised an eyebrow while she waited for Lily and Severus to notice her standing here, her arms crossed in front of her body. Sadly, Severus' temper did indeed rear its ugly head and he spoke without thinking, his sharp tongue spitting out the one word that Lily hated, "What do YOU know you Mudblood!? Your potions scores are beneath mine!" His voice was a low hiss that caused silence to ripple out around them like the ripples on a lake. Cleo stared at him in utter shock as Lily teared up in horror. Both James and Sirius were shocked speechless, and as it was, everyone was in such shock that it took a moment to realize that they were all being attacked.

The Great Hall erupted into chaos.

Cleo whipped out her wand and pushed Lily down. She shoved Severus behind a table as a streak of red went flying by and shouted over the noise, "FORGET EVERYTHING AND GET IT TOGETHER!" Her words caused both to snap out of it and while Severus took his wand and began firing back spells, Lily hid behind Cleo and James, explaining that she had left her wand upstairs.
"And what use is it up there you idiot!" Cleo hissed back before she was separated by a spell. Severus gave her a look, and she nodded, as both turned and used a spell no one had heard before, "Sectumsempra!" as they both slashed their wands through the air. The effects were horrific, and three Death Eaters fell in shock and pain, blood pouring from their wounds. Cleo frantically searched for Brandon, her wand movements quick and steady. She didn't notice a Death Eater behind her raise his wand towards her.
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