The ^ < v Game. (Three steps to wasting hours of your life)

^ I was painted as a person from tron (the blue lines etc.)
< Did not enjoy being painted like a person from tron because it was a nudist party (my friend was a weirdo like that.)
V Hopefully will not comment on previously said statement in any detail.
^ would love going to the pub, but has an exam tomorrow
< should be studying, but X-rays are awful boring
v is in a warmer room than my ice cube fingers
^ put a smile on my forehead
< has had too much junk food today
v had more junk food than I did
^ wouldn't actually mind eating junk food, but it's too warm in bed
< laptops are wonderful laziness inducing machines
v wishes they were in bed
^ is correct about my eyes -bats them-
< still hasn't slept >>
v is just waking up
^ Actually woke up less than an hour ago
< Is going to take a shower
v Will sing along with me while I shower!
^ is just kidding about me not showering
< thinks Disco should prove that they look good nekkid
V agrees with me that Disco should prove they look good nekkid
^ has a cool Nietzsche quote on the Signature.
< is bored and posts/plays in the Forum games
v is really sexy and hot
^ bought some cheesecake a while before, feet it to pk
< i kept my share so i will eat it now
v give amaya a relaxing massage
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