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The ^ < v Game. (Three steps to wasting hours of your life)

^Can't really dislike RV's logic...Cats do sorta suck..but kittens are soo cute.
<Has a new puppy and no snow...
Vwants to climb in a van because I have candy
^ jumps into the van Naked cuz how can you eat candy when your not naked?

< just got laid for the first time in 4 days! yayness!

V will jump into the van with me.
^ I own the van....Now prepared to be raped...with a candy cane...

< Incredibly hyper and wants to be a bear...rawr...

V thinks that I'll be a cute bear of fluffyness.
^I am the creepy bear raper....fear me...

< Enjoying a nice bowl of ice cream with jimmys...mmmmm

V like ice cream with jimmys....
^ likes icecream with jimmys.... and gummy bears.
< starts to sing the power ranger song.

V will LOL at my power ranger sig.
^ oh buddy did I....hehe

< braaaaiiiinnn freeezzze...ugh..

V the hula with a tube sock....
^ /grabs hand cuffs/ yes...yes I will.

>Munching on an apple and some crackers...

V tell me goodnight...sleepy time...
^ has been doing the time warp.

< will never be the same after he watched that movie.

V is in love with the transexual tranivainen transevestite! mawahahha...
^ is actually in love with the transexual tranivainen transevestite!

< Is new here!

v Is wondering who this new stallion of a man is!
^ Needs to show a picture of his "Stallion" claim before saying such.
< Wants to do.. ANYTHING
V Should PM me and start the darkest and sickest RP possible.
^ ownes 50. (and i do.... my room mate colects them.)

< thinks his roommate is wearied.

V thinks my room mate is wearied too.
^ has just the one.... althou i can think of it.

< is pissed right now cuz is mother's are over at his house. ((i was raised by lezbo's. >.>))

V will help me get rid of them.
^Will let me take them home.
<sometiems wishes her family was as normal as him
V wonders what my family was like
^Will get me if he lets her use his ass
<Is feeling naughty
V Will do soemthing naughty to me
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