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The ^ < v Game. (Three steps to wasting hours of your life)

^only if we get to play ddr at the arcade
<is thinking about the best use for the rope i have
vthinks im fuck mothering insane
^ will be owned badly at ddr in the arcade
< doesn't think kitsune-chan is the least insane
v knows the online series called Sanity Not Included
^ knows where to find misa
< is already known by his friends as Misa-chan
v doesn't find it the slightest odd
^ already knows Omi is sexy
< is insane for thinking he can pass his math class.
V will help me with the Greek known as math.
^ Will sleep with you
< Thinks of reading some more stuff
v Wants to be one of my puppets
^ Found the place where I would want to go least of all
< Will try to avoid gay bars
v Will drink some water in the nearest future...
^has no idea what to say to that o_O <just celebrated my 22nd birthday...and drinking some jager. v will share a shot with me :) nikked ;)
^ if i were legal yes
<has gotten some pretty weird texts from my friends wen they get al little drunk
v can tell us if the universe will be injured if we kill time
^ I can? I didn't know I had that knowledge.... <I spied on my best friend getting into my lemon rasberry cheese cake >.< V will help me defeat and conquer the voices in my head...
^ I will not help you defeat them, they deserve the place
< has voices in his head but only to agree with him
v believes that voices in one's head are there for a positive reason
^ If you think they laughing their asses off when I screw up, then yes...very positive. <playing I spy to pass time... Vwill find a exact number for pie. 3 isn't enough.
^ Probably was just too lazy to find the number for pi themselves. D<

< Didn't have to search for 3.1415

v Enjoys surprise buttsecks. Because it's not rape if you say "Surprise" first, amirite?
^ enjoys it very much cuz how can you rape the willing. xD

< is insane and wants to have sex with sailormars.

V will kidnap sailor mars and bring her to me so that i can make hot dirty love waile they video record it.
^always gald to help..../grabs video camera and rope/ <thinks this wind should die down a bit. Can't hear myself think. Vwill bring me a kitten for cozy snuggle time.
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