The ^ < v Game. (Three steps to wasting hours of your life)

^ will do any nuaghty thing she ask's, name it and its done.

< is watching pokemon with his cosin.

V WILL kill ash.
^ Is totaly wrong
< Wishes i could draw stuff like TheBitterEnd's avatar
v Would give a poor man a orange before the date hits the 29th
^I'm afraid to ask where the itchy is....
> Sitting here with my sissy.....MUST CONQUER THE WORLD!
v Will help be a minion to my royalty!!!
^ HAH! You're dreaming
< Is having issues with the scanner I have borrowed
V Would slap the "world conquering person" with a orange
^ is Correct, i don't care at all
< My neigbours goes "uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss" from 6pm to 2am daily
V Will help me kill them and nail their corpses to the ceiling
^ Everyone loves waffles!
< is listening to DA and Vega on the new ventrilo
v Loves my stuffed lion, Flemming, which sits in the pocket of my coat
^ Does not love Flemming seeing as he stole my waffles. *Rage*
< Maniacly ringing hands...for no reason whatsoever...
V Bored beyond comprehension, and is only doing this because of lack of replies or anything fun to do at the moment.
^ I am not actually bored, I just felt a need to check it out again
< Is stressing massively over the fact he can't find his club emblem
v Is also stressing over something
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