The ^ < v Game. (Three steps to wasting hours of your life)

^ would need some food soon
< waits around for her payment :)
v likes milk with cookies
^ Everyone likes milk and cookies! Even lactose intolerant people!
< Doesn't want to cook tonight.
v Will cook my viking steaks for me tonight?
^ has totally captivating points... of light - the eyes, people, the eyes!
< will develop ^ < v OCD as a result of this
v agrees that Ava snapped - quite audibly, too!
^is very smart.
<is happy she fixed her internet connection.
v needs rest and some time off.
^ redefines the essence of monochromatism vis-a-vis an avatar
< needs rest and time off - from many, many... things
v perfected the refraction of light rays into Scalene force vectors of equilibrium through a selectively translucent color prism
^ isn't suppose to know about the refraction of light rays into Scalene force vectors of equilibrium through a selectively translucent color prism
< must get back to the lab!
V wants to be a mad scientist
^ Likes her cherries marinated for about twenty minutes at the bottom of a Manhattan.

< WAS a brunette.

v Perceives these Forum Games not at all as "silly fun" but as devices to sharpen the mind and whet the appetite....
interestingly enough, yea. Funny how some people are conscious about posting information about themselves on the internet, yes these games expose more information then you might care to think

thinks manhattans are the most disgusting drink ever made, even though it's made with a shit ton alcohol. But does very much like cherries in other, smoother drinks with less of a bite

enjoys being outdoors, and playing sports. all in all, an "outdoor-sy" type
^ Nope, I'm more the indoor type. Much more.

< Should probably still get out more.

v Should get out more too.
^is a couch potato

< thinks he already gets out enough, seeing how he does a daily run and goes to the gym

v really needs to stop eating so much candy
^ Not even if it's their major turn-on (Dana is a day-one newbie and has hit the decks a-runnin'....).

< Feels like he could have a paleontological epoch named after himself.

v Was much saner before discovering this Game.
^ Was never sane. N x 0 = 0.

< Really enjoyed the hell out of not one, but both Twix bars in the package.

v Likely thinks I am greedy for eating both bars and not sharing.
^ Casts no aspersions; there may not have been, by accident or design, a person with whom to share the Twix bars (Mounds bars are entirely another matter).

< Thinks there should be an accepted mathematical symbol for "anything".

v Let Christmas in July slip by un-noticed, and now sees it'll be a long pull to the "real" winter holidays....
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