The ^ < v Game. (Three steps to wasting hours of your life)

^ Finds a way to create a math symbol for the word "anything"

< Enjoys drinking her ice-cold coffee

v Will never understand why he/she is responding to this thread.
^ Has great knowledge.

< Need some ice-cubes to add to her coffee.

V Wants to do something wild.
^ Has a really tricky mind.

< Makes the wrong move and misplaced the ice-cube "damn its cold". Still locking for it.

v Is bored and searches for something fun to do.
^ Has real rabbits in her Rabbit Hole (when I looked inside, I heard a little voice ask "What's up, Doc?).

< Could either find the ice-cube or have a helluva time looking!

v Has been a partridge in more than one pear tree!
^ should help her find that damn cold ice-cube.

< sits back making space for the ice-cube to be found.

v Is hungry.
^ Is a really cleaver guy.

< Opens all windows to get fresh air

v Wants to go for a walk.
^ Is really hungry.

< Fell actually asleep, was tired after all.

v Will be back from the walk soon.
^ She attacks me with exploding pickle missiles that have wings.

< Really likes doom, my avatar is an edited version of the original doom box art, replacing the space marine's face with my own.

V Needs to figure out why their cookies keeping turning into green glowing radiated ones.
^ Shouldn't be breaking into other people's cookie jars

< Is listening to someone make tackita tackita noises on their laptop

V Was voted most likely to achieve geosynchronous orbit with the moon Europa.
^ Should never stop from having fun

< Has finally finished her shower

V Thinks is the smarter person on earth
^ Thinks that is supposed to go into an electrical socket

< Hasn't been on a skateboard in nearly 20 years

V Probably was on a Skateboard last week
^ Is absolutely right!

< Fall asleep again in front of her notebook.

v Has the need to spank someone.
^ Has a really naughty mind!

< Hopes that today want be that exhausting.

v Has to try harder.
^ Thinks he's all that and a bag of chips
< is called a silver tongued devil, in more way then one, by many women
v likes to keep to themselves while having some discrete fun.
^ Is hungry and need food.

< Thinks its getting hotter.

v Wants to show his evil side.
^ Maybe he could watched

< writes a replay

v needs some time off
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