The ^ < v Game. (Three steps to wasting hours of your life)

^ Receives more chocolate as a free gift

< Has visit the Bank but is too lazy

v Thinks the world is flat
^ Knows to many things/ so annoying.

< eats cookies and milk.

v wants some milk but is lazy to go and get some.
^ Doesn't like milk! ;)

< offers her a coffee, special made. Hopes she likes coffee.

V Is a cutey.
^ Is ABSOLUTELY a cutie!

< Sees that Trink understands: she's created a monster!

v Also understands that an excellent role-play can be inspired IN THIS VERY THREAD without the uncomfortable strictures often imposed in the request threads.
^ Receives a cookie.

< Gives a cookie.

v Eats the cookie.
^Is wrong.
< the destroyer of cookies and all things delicious
V Will rage at me for destroying the cookie supplies one by one with my ICDMs (Intercontinental Cookie Destroying Missile)
^Thinks she is indeed a shmexy momma
< Loves big guns and he cannot lie
V Better love big guns or will snipe genitals off with ma .95 JDJ XD
^ Decides to spare genitals from getting sniped since artillery is fucking awesome
< Is thinking about becoming a Combat Engineer for the Armed Forces
V Likes playing Russian Roulette with 3 rounds evenly spaced in the chamber
^ Was somehow mistaken for someone else by me.

< Is tired of the Kardashians... really... really...really... tired of the Kardashians...

v Should be in the kitchen makin' me a sammich.
^needs to learn how to get off his ass and makes his own god dam "sammich"

<has a amusing avatar

Vneeds to buy a dildo and slap the first person he or she sees with it
^ Can likely find something much better to do with that dildo;

< Designed a self-ejaculating dildo back in the 'nineties (Ivory Liquid does very nicely as the fluid in question and is hygienically correct); and,

v Can always find inspiration, with or without prompt.
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