The ^ < v Game. (Three steps to wasting hours of your life)

^ Is correct...Unfortunately.

< Is bummed that he missed out on the nekkidness *sigh*

V Wants to give me a pat on the back?
^ Will be part of said threesome.
< Has 3 of the top ten most stressful jobs.
V Life be like OooAaa.
^got me wondering about world distruction hidden in keyboards
< is thinking what if its the '<' key and the whole game was a plot to get me to destroy the --
V *user is unable to post at the moment due to loss of internet activity in case of world destruction...*
^ Fuck arrows. Carrots are delicious.

< Is not going to shore delicious foodstuffs with anyone.

v Yes, even you.
^ Found no arrow in my ass, but today is a new day! ;)
< No longer believes in Cupid anyway.
v Is a closet romantic
^ Clearly knows nothing of the coordination of the person below him.

< The only arching she can do is with her back. -ahem-

v Might enjoy a nice scotch today!
^ Would swap the scotch for some tequila! ;)
< Doesn't really drink that often anymore.
v Prefers beer over the hard stuff.
^ Jury is still out on that one. ;)
< Can be a little "flaky" at times...
v Is a dare devil.
^ (It's only 7:06 AM, but what the hell!) Guzzles!
< Has coffee brewing in the pot.
v Not quite awake yet.
^ Central Zoners (I was born in the Central Zone) have an extra hour before the world shows up to smack them around.

< Is on his fourth cup of thick, black Louisiana coffee.

v May already be in up-and-at-'em gear - or may not!
^ Not quite. Freshly showered, but wearing only a towel.
< Will soon be sporting a pair of jean shorts and a t-shirt
v Would consider changing his/her plans to go to the lake with me today.
^ Made him an offer he just can't be damned-fool enough to refuse.

< Whistles a nonsense tune as he straps the canoe to the top of his station-wagon.

v Chooses between the red and the orange life-jackets.
^ Should already know red is my color. ;)
< Hoping to get in a bit of fishing (among other 'fun activities')
v Has a BIG pole? (As in FISHING pole, silly!) :p
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