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The ^ < v Game. (Three steps to wasting hours of your life)

^ Only if I have a GF
< Is up all night to get lucky
V Has on several occasions been up all night to get lucky
^ Oh yeah! Germany, Hawaii... fun times.

< Has an insane addiction to screaming and guitars in music.

v Has a band they just can't live without.
^ I have written some! Some are even songs on Youtube!
< Really like classical music(amongst others)
V Can't stand opera
^ If I had one, yes! I once had one made out of silk... *Sigh*
< Hungers for chocolate
V Will watch a movie tonight.
^ did yesterday night
< watched "let's be cops" funny as hell and I love it
V has a certain movie they really wanna watch but never has time to
^ You're right, even googling her didn't help me to know who she is.

< Should start to work out again. I'm slim but I still want to train to get some muscle mass.

V Would like to train together with me?
^ No, I'm afraid of training as my family got a rather brutish build(I am terrified to look like a brute :( )
< Is having a very late dinner right now!
V Had icecream this past week!
^ Oh my gosh! You have no idea!
< Doesn't want to rethink it though.
V Has had something major happen in their life in the past month.
^ Thought you had a date, (or possibly misread something somewhere)

< Totally understands, is currently not feeling far off from you!

v Continues the depression downhill rollercoaster we've just built!
^ Awww, someone reads my Tome <3 - Date is Tomorrow. I am lonely now.
< Is trying to figure out how to plan out the day tomorrow.
V Will never be as young again as they were when they just finished this sentence.
^ Rule #1, Know thy enemy! lol Just kidding, I read it because it was there and I Journal as well. Semi-voyeuristic tendencies and all.

< Wishes his was MAYBE five years younger... for specific purposes. Still able to do a 5K though, and pretty happy about that.

v Wants to do a 5K with me!
^ Wants to if I was able to. Lacking stamina these days, but I possess short bursts of brute strength.
< Should get a bicycle
V Isn't too sure where his/her life is going.
^ Ain't that right brother! One week, several surprises.

< Bruised his sternum on an obstacle on Saturday. Still working out tomorrow! RUN!

v Is as much of a masochist as the next person.
^ Gave me a weak answer!

< Has to go to bed, but gets to work from home tomorrow (Work still flooded).

v Has just been inducted as my personal defender while I'm sleeping! Don't fail me!
^ depends, do I get paid?
< * sits down with a bunch of weapons waiting for an answer* I am a commander for hire
V might want to have me too
^ Correct - this past month has been a toll one me for sure. Next two ones will be very interesting as well.
< Finds tall women(Amazone-kind) REALLY sexy
V Would love an office-job.
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