The ^ < v Game. (Three steps to wasting hours of your life)

^ has opposite taste in women's height than him. Thinks they should trade if they find one for the other.

< Entirely better now. Feels like he could sleep for a month.

v Enjoys reading all the responses in this game.
^ Yes - I even reply to a few of them even if they're not mine haha!
< Got a raise today and is quite happy about it.
v Really wish they got a raise or at least acknowledgement of the job they're doing.
^ Is correct about my day.

< Went to an indoor black light minigolf course and had some fun. I should play golf more often, though, I barely won. This might not sound exciting, I enjoyed it.

V Likes to play golf from time to time too?
^ I do like to play golf from time to time.

< Just finished up with his date - things didn't quite go as expected :p (See my journal - I'll get to write on it now)

V Has thrown up at someone before.
^ Sort of. Not quite at, but over... does that count? Twenty shots of vodka in a row, I'm probably lucky I threw up and something worse didn't happen.

< Always tired lately! Shouldn't complain though, been good.

v Opens doors for the opposite sex.
^ hahaha really?! No I never do, well it depends but usually no
< hates I have more stuff to do when I go home and it sucks
V never has much to do or not as much for right now
^Body oil....part time masseuse life
<Too much work, feels like head is about to implode.
vHas big urges to hibernate throughout a whole day just for the sake of it.
^ Not entirely, but does as best as he can with the little system he got.
< Fell asleep way too early last night.
V Have often overslept for something
^ False - I LOVE vegetables. Imagine a kid hating vegetables and refuses to eat anything else but the meat at dinner. I'm the opposite of that(Well, I do eat the meat too <3)
< Once beat up a very friend who tried to rape another friend of mine
V Isn't really a go-getter.
^ Correct, Although, I am unsure if it's nipple-piercings or neck-bracelet...

< Is tasked to get into the new systems that I will be running thanks to my promotion, but takes a "break"~

V Wouldn't let him/herself be tempted unless there is a chance of getting in on the temptation.
^ Yes, I do at the moment. I invited a friend over to discuss something, but all alone without anything to do in the matter of an hour or so~
< Is excited about his Birthday tomorrow.
V Already had their birthday this year.
^ Have fun on your party! My birthday is at the end of November (27).

< Had a good and funny day with my mother and my brother shopping in the city.

V Has spent some time with his/her family too lately?
^ False - I have flown quite often in an airplane(My dad worked for SAS, and I can travel the world for 100 dollars, more or less.)
< Doesn't enjoy country music
V Loves to have sex to music.
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