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The ^ < v Game. (Three steps to wasting hours of your life)

^ Oddly enough you're right, tabletop roleplaying stuff.

What kind of tabletop roleplaying stuff do you have?

^ Looks like you missed the point, Nich meant looney and not crazy. Ya know, looney as in crazy.

< Wants to have a slave or a mistress in the real life......

V Would like to be my mistress/slave?
^ maybe
< well I'm a commander so I think I'm kind of used to it, though I'm good in control
V wants to know what kind of tank I use if your curious
^ False, I have been pondering the whole tank-commander charade she's been playing.
< Is 11 hours into his 15-hour work-day.
V Was once spanked and liked it.
^ pretty cool, I could have the real version of swords and I could be a real ninja
< wishes I could buy stuff from my favorite anime
V has at least one souvenir from an anime they love
^ Is right, although I rarely get around to watch any :<
< Is curious about AndNich123's experience within spanking and the likes.
V Has a family member he/she haven't spoken with in a while and should call/visit.
^ Sorry, more of a fantasy guy. Do enjoy a good horror flick though.

< Is wore out from today's happenings, sadly.

v Is tired of seeing me everywhere in the Games section.
^ No. Only time I like to go shopping is when it's to buy new things to help sate my lust in one fashion or another.

< Really surprised he's still awake.

v Wants to partner up with AndNich123 for her shopping trip.
^ Thinks he just wants to partner up. lol.
< Could enjoy Nasty's kind of shopping trip
V Hates the color black

((Hi Nasty. It's Andy. Any other name I can call you besides Nasty, or do you like being called that? I can call you Mr. Nasty if you like. lol. ))
^ False. (Or did I just do it? o_O)
< Saw a woman topless today. Today was a good day.
V Wishes she/he saw a woman topless today as well(on-screen doesn't count)
^ Has a great idea of what can make a good day.

< Feels broken right now. More physically than mentally. Up way too early.

v Is willing to get a tattoo of someone's name.
^ Not really - if so; only my own name. I have been backstabbed by too many people to make anyone permanent... Perhaps if I one day have children, or Marry.
< Is starting to go into overload mode once again
V Wishes she/he dared to take more chances in life and explore their sexual sides.
^Of course I can you see it all the time in the shower, you make this too easy.
< Feeling tired as well for the same reason.
V Is craving cheesecake right now
^ Wasn't until you mentioned it.

< Has come to terms with the word 'obsessed'.

v Prefers hanky-panky in the morning.
^ Is sort of right
< Prefers hanky-panky at any time with just about anyone because I CAN handle them.
V Sleeps naked.
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