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The ^ < v Game. (Three steps to wasting hours of your life)

^ The most interesting person in the room.

< Debating on whether he should drink today.

v Avid follower of the Journal's section of the forum.
^ False, I have perhaps one side nobody has seen, otherwise people know me.
< is on his way to work
V doesn't got a job.
^ Totally wishes that were true.

< Rather beaten down by his work, and has his mind elsewhere.

v Very lucky human being.
^ Besides being born in Norway - False.
< Has started a little diet and feeling hungry as a Dragon
V Have already had dinner today.
^ Knows adventurers are crunchy and go good with ketchup

< Is glad he's never on the receiving end of a dragon, being the one that typically commands them.

v Realizes just how much geek is in the room now.
^ That's no joke, backed up like a geyser three years late for it's last explosion.

< Hates his lawn.

v Enjoys hearing about this WAY too much.
^ Nope - I got double-shifts at work both Saturday and Sunday.
< Got a headache for working too much today, and last way out is sleep.
V Have spoken with someone they haven't for a while this past week.
^Nope. Never see too many people to speak to at all except co-workers and fellow freaks here on BMR.
<Doesn't have plans for the weekend either. Told you I was boring
VWould run around outside naked in winter if dared.
^ Been there done that
< Is working at a fair all weekend so wont be around much
v cant decided if they care or not
^ been there don that? Wish I had been informed because I do care.
< wouldn't run around naked outside
V Wants to build a snowman
^ Nailed it on the head.

< Doing this right before passing out. Mind always elsewhere.

v Should get some sleep too.
^ In your own words, nailed it on the head.
< will end up staying up too late more than likely
v should curl up in bed too
^ Hmmmm 11:11 pm. Does that count?
< Really should focus on these rp replies to get them done
V lol. Wants a reply to a rp they're doing.
^ seems to know i was going to reply next
< would like a reply but isnt going to rush
v is wondering what rp im talking about
^ I'd hope I already know. Princess and Her Slave maybe?
< Makes mental note : Princess and Her Slave. Reply
V Thinks we're all a little looney
^ Being lonely together is better than being lonely alone. (But I am also lonely, so I wouldn't say so or judge you)
< Was praised today.
V Once had a slave/Master/Mistress.
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