The ^ < v Game. (Three steps to wasting hours of your life)

^ Some days I'd like to call in an air strike. Pizza is always good though...

< Going to dream about packing tonight.

V Dreams about work and wakes up exhausted.
^ No, I can dream about whatever I want thanks to lucid dreaming.

< Emulators are fun! (I lost my ff9 cd and am playing it now on my laptop)

V Uses emulators to play games that aren't on the market anymore or too expensive too?
^ Very easy actually. Just feel for where the stitching to determine inside and out.
< Really likes sleeping in as well.
V Is a nightowl?
^ I can stay up to three in the morning, go to bed and get up three hours later so yes?

< Power naps in the bus anjd train to get enough sleep.

V Power naps too?
^ Negative, but it took me half a day to get my "land legs" back once.

< Being at sea is great if you don't have to take traps and get launched. Probably the only time you'll ever pull a bolter and not get your ass reamed is on "carrier quals".

v Feels sorry for the Coasties and Customs pilots who have to take 'em and know they'll never have to do it again.
^ Yup. Emily Browning. ><

< just fell in love with some Spanish guy in a soul band that was playing at Taco Haven.

v likes Spanish men >;D
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