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The ^ < v Game. (Three steps to wasting hours of your life)

^ Well. It's 3:47AM now...I shall face "today" when noon rolls around.
< Should sleep. But, now am not sleepy anymore.
V Ever had a favorite stuffed animal?
^ Are you kidding me? I have a phobia and fear bees as well as wasps!

< Shivers in fear after remembering some unhappy encounters with bees and wasps...

V Has a phobia too?
^ Likes having dinner for breakfast, actually.
< There's a good chance there's a tornado coming my way. And I'm casually playing forum games. Maybe I was dropped on my head as a baby.
V Would tell me wtf to do in case of tornado
^ stay away from windows, get to the center of the house or as close as possible, get in the bathtub, stay away from upper levels, jump in a ditch if nothing else or the best place, get in (storm) cellar or basement

< used to live in Oklahoma so i know this stuff

v knows what is said to be true
(Thanks btw.)

^ I think God in his infinite wisdom (blahblahblah) decided to spare this heretic's life. No tornado, thank god.
< Was scared half to death by the lightning and thunder though.
V Has ever experienced a major natural disaster first hand?
^ uuuummmmm, kind of, does tornado's within 10 miles count?

< i used to hide from them in a brick house

v hhhhhmmmmmm, wants to be a pirate
^ Only the baddest and most dangerous that ever lived!
< Would probably prefer to be dictator of the whole world...but hey, you know, can't have it all.
V If given the chance, would be a dragon permanently? (In a world where there are dragons and stuff)
^ Who says im not already ;)

< in all seriousness though that would be awesome

v Real name starts with a............... L
^ If the huguenot didn't leave France and go to Germany, then I might not exist...or at least live in a different place.

< Should go to bed...

V Wants to stay up late with me? (seriously, I should allready be in dream land)
^ Well, it's only afternoon here...-gives a pillow- There there, go sleep.
< Really likes pineapple.
V Prefers citrus fruits?
^ Sorry to disappoint, but I like umbrellas. Someday I'm opening one and fly away like Mary adventure!

< Wants to travel around the world someday and explore this planet.

V Wants to travel with me?
^ would love to travel with you. Can we go to Italy.
< thinks men are way too confusing
v is considering becoming a crazy old cat lady or male equivalent
^ Nope.

< Is not confusing. I make rational decisions based on facts, and... thighs and beer and rugby. Simple. Wow. Nice ankles.

V Never used Cliff's Notes.
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