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The ^ < v Game. (Three steps to wasting hours of your life)

^ ofcourse, don't you see these pearly whites ;)

< in all actuality hasn't been to the dentist in a while

v is disappointed in me
^ The day a trip to the dentist is fun is the day the world (might) end! (possibly not)

< Knows a very nice dentist who can repair my broken teeth without causing me pain while a different one might pull it out of my mouth instead.

V Has problems with his/her teeth too?
^ Nope. Never had to get braces. Blessed with perfect teeth.
< Started roleplaying guys.
V Roleplay the other gender for fun?
^ Toyed with the idea. I've written female characters, but never in an RP.

< When I run my text through I come up female with over 80% probablility.

V Can write the other gender well.
^ So I've been told. But I think I'm proficient at it.
< didn't work for me ;_; I tried to upload a googledoc...maybe the problem.
V Is supposed to be working on replies, but isn't.
^ Everyone have flaws. I'm sure I have flaws :3 But nobody need to know what they are +w+
< Flaw 1: forgetful
V Is narcissistic?
^ Aw shiet. I knew there was something I forgot to do this morning...

< actually did forget to take her meds.

v is against prescription pills being prescribed for so called "depression".
^ Is the first step to a slippery slope of overmedication

< Manages depression and anxiety with rational thinking

v Uses rational thinking to make others depressed and anxious
^ Sure why not. :D


v will cook me a celebratory "you're-not-crazy" meal, maybe?
^ I'll think about it. ;)

<< Is a good cook, if I have to say so myself!

V Knows his/her way around the kitchen.
^ Now, lets see: the cookies are in the cookie jar, the beer is in the refrigerator....

< The Old Ball and Chain is overnighting in Hartford so I have to cook for myself tonight. For joy.

v Would rather call in a pizza.
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