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The ^ < v Game. (Three steps to wasting hours of your life)

^ That depends on the tan. There are people who tan so much that they get sun bleached.

< Gets a sunburn easily.

V Has to use strong sunblocker too?
^ I used to be, for twelve years. It was horrible. TT^TT

< doesn't understand incest/rape fantasies

v doesn't understand either?
^ Yes, yes I have! :p

< Feels a little bit embarassed for forgetting who the colonnel is...I'm in the corner of shame if you're looking for me.

V Knows a town where there is no fastfood restaurant?
^ Not really; I don't take the phrase, "eating pussy" literally.

< Lots of times, small towns which can't attract a national chain fast-food joint have a local one.

v Has to have his/her cheeseburgers and fries.
^ Nope, I love the summer. I have nothing against winter except catching the cold. I'm an allergic person (hay fever) and have to deal with a snotty nose two times seasons per year.

< Gets nearly every year a new allergy, but it goes away when I'm lucky (try to imagine a six year old kid who is allergic to chocolate...).

V Has allergies too?
^ True. Never broke a bone.

< Has eaten waaay too much junk food today. Time to detox.

V Has thrown away something perfectly good because a better model came out.
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