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The ^ < v Game. (Three steps to wasting hours of your life)

^ Nope, I'm on my way home from school. Well, right now I'm waiting for the bus, but still I'm on my way home.

< Isn't a fan of McDonald's either.

V Likes fast food from McDonald's, Burgerking, Subway, KFC and/or other fastfood restaurants which I forgot to add to this question?
^ Now in the land of the decent fast food burger after being away for a few years. My perspective is all wonky. I want all the Whoppers. Relax. It will pass.

< Gourmet pizza and a pitcher of beer with friends.

V Come to our table. You look interesting.
^ Have done it before yes, but prefer the comfort of a keyboard.
< Hates the lack of spellcheck on phone. But if I enable it, it does funny things...
V Have sent awkward texts before because of phone autocorrect.
^ Awkward texts to parents have happened, so now autocorrect is disabled.
< Misses getting calls from people who thought my numberr was eBay Customer Service.
V Prefers summer to winter.
^ Summer is so warmer and doesn't give you a cold like winter so of course I prefer it.

< Wants to eat baklavar again sometime.

V Wants some baklava too?
^ Yes, whipped cream is easier to use in bed for some sexy foreplay ;)

< Doesn't know if that's true *forever alone*

V Has a partner or a bf/gf unlike me? *forever alone*
^ I wake up as soon as I hear my alarm going off. I got that into my head when I had my first internship while I was still in highschool.

< Could need a hug...

V Wants to hug me?
^ Prime numbers, all of which (except two, the first one) are odd.

< Lives on the Eastern Seaboard and is watching the approach of Tropical Storm Arthur as it threatens to wash out our Independence Day weekend.

v Has better/worse things to worry about.
^ Is accurate about that unless the storm devastates the US and we end up like life in Water World.
V Enjoyed Lego Movie.
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