The ^ < v Game. (Three steps to wasting hours of your life)

^is correct
<hasnt slept for two weeks correctly
V will ask how i am still going
^ I might. Just a warnight though, I'm not the dominant alpha male youre looking for. (judging by your RH)
< Is quite submissive, and would rather fill the role of the dominated than the dominator.
v Is wondering why and/or how can a guy be like that
^ i play dominate to
<most people dont like my dominate characters
V will ask about a dominate female roleplay (please?)
^ Indeed, I will ask.
< So, would you want to play as the dominating girl over a weaker, possibly indescisive guy and maybe even make him a sex toy? (PM me if so.)
v Fuck.

(edit; that question was directed at horse)
^needs to leave the band trailer to find more members.
< Looks like its Simon and Garfunkle meet Ozzy Ozborne.
v needs to stay out of our sexy, metal, folk duet.
^ i guess im good
< has a killer headach
V will give me someting to kill it
^never been on a real train so im ot late
<headach still pounding head
V will put me out of my misery
^will suggest that the release of endorphins during sex relieve headaches and other minor pains.
<is comically horny
v Your Songs Know what I did in the dark.
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