The ^ < v Game. (Three steps to wasting hours of your life)

^ hell no
< needs to sleep but not yet tired
V begging you to knock me out
^you were gonna knock me out!?
< is very stunned someone was really gonna knock me out
V will back me up
V hates that i dont go back and fix my typing when i accendently had caps lock on
^ roats beef (yuk)
< not eating my dinner
V will wonder whywsx
^ Indeed, why are you not eating your dinner?
< Is also wondering Why a certain someone has not bothered to roleplay, despite craving for it so badly yesterday. >_>
v Wonders who it is.
^ i know who it is but i forgot to reply when i was finished being forced to play cards....
<has a very bad memery and cause my dromates ate the only part of dinner i was so i have nothing now
V will offer me food :(
^ I wont offer you food, but I have something else to offer you.
< Finds it amazing how some card game is more important than a pretty much promised roleplay over the net, and still they have the time to post stuff here.
v Is mad at me now
< i was forced to!!
V will rerespond to me so i can talk again to you
^ ok fine no rp then.....
< has no loss
V will cheer that i nwon that arguement
^ awwww darn
< one thing about me... im obsessed with horses
V will laugh cause you already knew it
^ cuddles
< i love nekos and furries especially felines and canines cause of the way they stimulate the female while mating
V wants to rp with me and likes watersports and canine and feline furries and nekos
^ damn it
< wants someone that likes watersports ad those other things
V same as my last post
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