The ^ < v Game. (Three steps to wasting hours of your life)

^ nope
<is so god damn tired from not sleeping again
V is a cowgirl
^ Could I be your co-pilot? ;)

< Has only flown twice in her entire life! (That makes me sound so old, right?)

V Loves to travel!
^ Ick! Work. Another one of those four-lettered words! :p

< Thinks I'll be doing more of it in the very near future after my internet has been disconnected.

V Will miss me when I'm gone? :(
^ Are you psychic??? :D
< Is wondering where in Africa, since I've always wanted to visit the south tip and Egypt.
√ Will probably be wondering the same thing, unless it's Intrepid, who.will answer my question.
^ The south tip is the degenerate, anti-white reverse aparteid land i call my place of birth. I am an Afrikaaner proud and true, and I won't sleep easy until the day true freedom and equality is spread throughout South Africa. As for the experience? I was a child soldier for many years. Answers itself.
< Is sorry for the sudden burst of rage.
v Will accept apology?
^ tell me what to do
<also needs cheering up
Vwill ask why everyone needs cheering up
< needs rp partners
V is male and will offer to talk about an rp
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