The ^ < v Game. (Three steps to wasting hours of your life)

^ That would be a fair statement. (Took a little break, but am slowly making my way back)

< Just looked at the clock and realized how late it was

V Bids a good night. :)
^ Wants the cowgirl! ;)

< Isn't into women really, but appreciates them for their beauty and intelligence!

V Thinks cowboys are the shit!
^ Gets pumbled for not liking cow girls
< Is a cow girl ( and unmistakenly in love with a fictional book character that will never come to life)
V will become my Dimitri Belikov (fictional boiok character i love)
^ should have been my Dimitri
< will show you how to pumble someone
V will be my assistant in the intrustions
^ dead wrong
< would give blood to vampires
V will be my vampire
^ no im not
< i know if i tried i would e pretty
V wil try to boost my ego and fail
^ not really
<can know someone out with one punch
V will ignor the spt about me and keep thinking im sweet innocent girl and will try to get on my bad side by tickling me and will regret it
^ Has a bit of a devious streak - and a vivid imagination.

< Once appeared in the Houston Fat Stock Show and Rodeo (as a chuck-wagon driver, during intermission).

v Likes to observe the goings-on in the breeding shed.
^ might be correct
< does have a vivid imigiannation
V has an urge to tickle me
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