The ^ < v Game. (Three steps to wasting hours of your life)

^ Will he ever change his avatar? *Grins*

< Leans forward and gently shakes her "globes" at him...

V Has already began his/her day back at the old grind
^ I would be so HONORED and happy to make you an avatar! *Rubs her hands together, making shifty eyes*

< This ought to be FUN!

V Do you have any specs for the size of your penis in this avatar?
^ None. Let your conscience be your guide, Darlin'!

< Is a veteran of the tag-culture-influenced MSN Groups and would like to see it catch on here.

v Can get a freebie from me merely by sending his/her E-M address to
^ Has had several of his freebies and he is very creative and gifted when it comes to picking out the perfect avatar!

< Loves all of the avatars that has been sent to her.

V Wants to do very naughty things to my latest avatar!
^ Ohhh, so close! Need one minor change: "Tie me up, tie me down, and fuck me...HARD! :D

< Knew he would eventually see things MY way! *Gigglesnorts!*

V Is ready to try out his/her new "Dom" boots!
^ Understands, almost as an afterthought, that it's not about the seamanship, it's about the semen (and especially the acceptance thereof)!

< His "new boots" are easily five years old - but they are grooved and notched for spurs!

v Likes "Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy!" by Big and Rich.
^ That song title is this cowgirl's motto! ;)

< Has been known to spur a few good men!

V Wears a hat on occasion.
^ Has a hot new avatar! (which undoubtedly was inspired by "Nice Ass Week"?) :p

< Has had a horrid headache all day but has taken enough dope to finally dull the pain just enough so that it is bearable... :(

V Also suffers from chronic headaches (migrains)
^ Fuck away! I'm better today! (Laughs....hey, that rhymed!)

< Wishes she was immune from pain

V Is having an "after dinner" drink (wine or a cold beer, perhaps?)
^ Has a TRULY EXQUISITE bottom, a taste for Warner Brothers comics and a well-worn Teddy bear.

< Finds her signature the stuff of which wet dreams are made.

v Fancies dungaree shorts in another incarnation.
^ Finds this image a big turn-on


< Am now mesmerized by such images...


V Should distract me with something else.... LOL
^ Wouldn't that make me a... dick? :p

< Is suppose to be watching the Super Bowl game with the hubby

V Will be watching "some" of the Super Bowl game tonight.
^ Should become a Raven Fan! :p

< Didn't really do that much celebrating, but was rather pleased with the outcome of the Super Bowl

V Has a quiet evening planned at home tonight.
^ I think everyone outside the State of California was, overtly or covertly, rooting for Baltimore Sunday night.

< Will not forsake those ratty-assed Saints (any enemy of Roger Goodell is a friend of mine).

v Is more than a little relieved that football season is over with.
^ Would find these very sexy


< Finds THESE (boxers) very sexy on men


v Doesn't wear undies (most days!) :p
^ Imagines him celebrating in something like this:


< Has never really celebrated Mardi Gras, but "Fat Tuesday" was all-in-all a good day for me. :)

V Hopefully doesn't get Mardi Gras beads mixed up with their anal beads.
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