The ^ < v Game. (Three steps to wasting hours of your life)

^ Will be Batman, I'll be Robin... :p

< Was SHOCKED to find out that Batman wore his underpants OUTSIDE his tights! (True statement!)

V Is just as confused as I am in that Batgirl isn't wearing her panties OUTSIDE of her suit??

^ Is that you, Sugar Lump?

< Always reminds herself to keep her hands on the "Bat-rope"

V The Joker kind of scares him/her
^ Nope, not really. :D

< Re-thinks the whole villain and good-guy dynamics

V Has seen the movie "The Avengers" more than once already.
^ Thinks it's about more than who can get it up and who can't.

< Believes in "Drill, Baby, Drill!" and practices what he preaches!

v Will do anything for her Party, including jumping out of the cake!

^ Is very likable (and sexy!) even though he is of the "other" Party!

< Is about to go make blueberry pancakes for supper! (And sausage links, of course!)

V Wouldn't mind if I hand fed them a sausage link (or two) that was dipped in maple syrup....while I was totally nude!
^ Make it a "double"!

< Now in the mood for some Kielbasa... *Winks*

V Really shouldn't play with his/her food!
^ Doesn't have a clue at how dirty I fight with food!

< Remembers the unfortunate incident with two loaves of bread. :s

V Is beginning to look "famished"...
^ Is decidedly beginning to appear as though she needs (and deserves!) to be well and thoroughly spanked.

< Has been researching the matter in depth.

v Will benefit from the experience in many ways.
^ Smirks and sticks her tongue out at him in a bratty manner. "Pervert!" :p

< Is doing all she can to get that spanking

V My little sister can probably spank harder than he/she can...
^ Should have known he'd somehow get my sister involved, too! *Laughs hard!* MORE perverted!

< It's raining here this morning, can hear the thunder rolling outside. Would LOVE to go back to bed!

V Wouldn't mind going back to bed WITH me....
^ Is winding up his vacation with this being his last day of "R & R"?

< Doesn't know what is meant by "foam ring" ??

V May have to explain to the "ditzy blonde"... :p
^ Ditzy blondes make the world go 'round, even if the axis wobbles a bit.

< Back to the salt mines on Thursday.

v When pre-come and vaginal fluids mix, and when vigorously agitated (in the best possible way), it gets a little "foamy"....
^ Never a dull moment... *Laughs!* :-*

< Perhaps has been a bit.."frothy" a time or two... :p

V Wanna get "frothy" with me, Baby? ;)
^ Will never put "Bronwyn V" back up if I keep feeding her alternatives.

< The "froth thing" is easily cleaned up if the lovers in question have the stomach for it!

v Believes the best experiences are those that are shared.
^ Shared experiences, yes. But not shared sex toys! :p

< Has a "semi-strong" stomach

V Close your eyes and count backwards from five....then open them back up! :D
^ Mmmm... a six foot, dark SEXY Cajun at that! ;)

< Would have to agree that Bronwyn V is her VERY most favorite pic, but she loves them all.

V Do Cajun men like their women to be like their food? "Hot" and "mouth-watering"?
^ Bronwyn (V) hits all his buttons - with a hammer!

< Observes that, after forty minutes of staring at the previous poster's avatar, they begin to sway gently....

v Next poster's avatar may equal, BUT CANNOT POSSIBLY SURPASS, the previous poster's.
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