The ^ < v Game. (Three steps to wasting hours of your life)

^ Just thought of a kinky new thing to throw during Mardi Gras parades (expensive but, maybe, worth it)!

< Has a set of inch-and-a-quarter walrus-ivory anal beads all ready for the next role-play (hint: a girl's got to be pretty empty to use 'em)!

v Could wind up whistling "Baubles, bangles, and BIG anal beads"!

^ Should post a picture of his walrus beads for Blue Moon's new "Show And Tell" thread (I'll go make the new thread in a jif! :p )

< Now has the damn song stuck in my head...


V Has a wonderful "warped" sense of humor!!!
^ Eerily nailed the description of my humor perfectly

< Fears getting wasted on her birthday for fear of what or who she will do.

v Has an amazing taste in wardrobe
^ Reminded me why I'm not visiting my Facebook on my B'day

< Vows to get wasted and laid on her birthday

v Will grow an addiction to Blue Moon
^ ^ Will gladly watch as Prince spanks the sexy Ava

< Is somewhat of a voyeur

V Enjoys watching him/herself in the mirror while having sex.
^ Is an experienced Holder of the Underwear (and moistener of her own) at Birthday spankings.

< Loves taking in the mirror show but is not often positioned to watch it (boo hoo, boo hoo).

v Is no stranger to the Mirror Matinee himself/herself.
^ Needs to buy a new mirror.

< Will find a way to stick a mirror to her ceiling, above her bed.

v Is a master/mistress of seduction.
^ Is the REAL mistress of seduction (and just plain awesome in general)

< Needs to eat (as in right FUCKING NOW!)

v Will fall by my blade
^ Needs to ease up on the role play requests or dig harder

< Has a tendency to juggle far to many role plays

v Has my undivided attention.
^ Must have scads of potential partners in the wings waiting for her decks to clear.

< Would likely be one of 'em.

v Establishes great chemistry with his/her role-play partners and builds effectively on that as the 'play proceeds.
^ Is an uber-awesome all-around person

< Already has several golden partners

v Needs to keep being awesome
^ Should ignore the humanoid silhouette outside of the nearest window

< Can predict the future

v Will post again in this thread
^ Is a quick learner ;)

< Makes more mistakes than likes to admit to

V Would like to play "Cowboygirl and Indian" with me?
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