The ^ < v Game. (Three steps to wasting hours of your life)

^ YES! Make it a DOUBLE! ;)

< Actually hasn't had anything stiff in quite some time! (the drink, the DRINK!!!) :D

V Has had something stiff in last 24 hours.
^ Sorry, I would buy you another bottle...but I'm MARRIED! Pfft....

< Gets no respect!

V Doesn't give a rip about my marital status.
^ Hate is such a strong word, don't ya think? Would rather say I'm "indifferent" about your habitual use of anything. :)

< Spent the last hour on Facebook. Is that a good or bad thing? Don't know...

V Is "indifferent" to Facebook. *Chuckles*
^ excuse me im a female
<doesnt own no FB twitter anything like that
V will ask what i do all day
^ Going out on a limb here, but...I bet you obsess about horses all day! :p (From one cowgirl to another, "Howdy and welcome to BM"!) :)

< Is being lazy and not getting much accomplished on this cold, dreary day! Where is our Spring weather? Brrr!!!

V Has a warm, cozy fire going.
^ Knows better than to creep along on all fours when there's a Shetland pony in the yard.

< Got drug out of a warm and comfortable bed early this morning to shlep geezers and geezettes around town, and the day has devolved therefrom.

v Would druther be on South Padre Island in the warm Texas sun, enjoying the scenery but DEFINITELY not chillin'.
^ Any warm, sandy beach sounds good to me. (I've yet to experience one, or see the ocean.)

< Gotta go get the vittles started

V Knows what vittles are.
^ should cut back so they have real energy
< feels sick too (prob nerves)
V will ask y i have nerves
^ true i want pizza
< is nervious because shes going to a state competition for the first time ever !!!
V will ask what for
^ Wishes her good luck in whatever it is she is competing in. :)

< Was never much of a competitor.

V Has many awards/trophies attesting to their competitive wins.
^is coorect
<has won many pagents as a child but this is different
V wil ask why i stopped doing pagents
^ I imagine something along the lines of mother/father's dream and not your own? Or horrible incident?
< Wishes pagents had been the biggest thing in my childhood -- or some manly equivelant, actually, depending on the nature of the pageants in question.
v Is probably going to subvert my post to ask why Horseobsser stopped doing pagents.
^is wrong
<i stopped because i didnt like the thought of only getting byu on being pretty if you saw me today you would never think i was one of those perfect tiny peagent girls, well tiny part yeah sometiomes i go into be perfect form but i am no longer pretty or slim
V will probably ask why i chose not to be pretty cause everything is about looks these days
^soooo true i need something
< has been drinkig wine (coolers) since i was 9
V WILL ask whats wrong with my parents for give me them at that age
^ Not anything too terrible compared to some out there. Pregnant teenagers who leave kids in dumpsters, men who take out aggression from work on their children. I was told mine sold me away to child-soldiering before I really knew them to get rid of some sort of debt, for instance.
< Actually -- kind of misses some of the things about those days. Also, they didn't part with me voluntarily. I found them later.
v Will now please bring this all to a much happier topic.
^should stop complaining and have some wine
<wants to get drunk so she could relax about today
V should tell me go to bed (please)
^ That wine must be really good to counteract a realization of mortality. Now since you obviously realize you should, it shouldn't be necessary for me to say this, but get your ass to bed.
< Likely going to finish off another couple of glasses of dop and then head that way as well (mine, not your's, obviously).
v Is still going to bring up my horrible use of the English language.
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