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The ^ < v Game. (Three steps to wasting hours of your life)

^ nope unless that smart something is...
< im very stupid
V is dieing for a water sport rp
^ loves me playing horses
<wants so watersport rps
V hates waterspors
^ Has a new idea and is running with it. Or maybe swimming with it.

< Never did an animal role-play before, but the harder you work the luckier you get.

v Has come no closer to watersports than Muff Diving 101.
^ Is terrible at keeping secret identities.
< Does indeed think so.
v Probably could use a little more crazy in their life.
^nope im pretty could i dont think i could fit in any more
<is truely crazy that i fun into walls
V will ask whats wrong with me
^ isnt very creative when seeing things
< chooses not to use grammer unless writing
V will argue that this is writing
^ what is hump day
V will be impressed about it
^ definatly
< is stupid about hump day
V knew what is was before it being explained
^ Get's a D for effort.
< Made it through hump day by skipping his first and last classes (to be fair, the middle one was an exam)
v Is likely either hungover, desperately into water polo, or....owns a fancy plumed hat.

<Wants to host a PnP Fallout Campaign but doesn't know where to start.
V Is a smoothskin.
^Has absolutely no clue what you're talking about.
<Tired and has just cried her eyes out, boyfriend is being a horrible jerk.
√Will console me! Please? *Pouty face*
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