Random Info About You 2.0

Info: Wants a least three Raichu tattoos. Pokemon is awesome.
Fact: Came up with an idea for a book series.
Info: Waiting for the B's game to start.
Info: Ecstatic with my current RPs at the moment.
Info: They make me very happy and smiley.
Info: Haven't felt this way about my RPs in a long while... 'bout damned time too, lol.
Info: I feel fortunate that I was 'found' by such an awesome writer. :)
Fact: I have a fully automatic nerf assault gun in my room.
Fact: I drive around with a spider-man costume and baseball bat in the trunk of my car, just in case there's trouble.
Fact: I am currently banned from Wal-Mart.
@Hahvoc The Decepticon:

I currently only have pics of the SV650S 1st Gen, this was taken on the way back from Nevada, one of our stops was through Yosemite.


I take my equipment through inappropriate places


I have to take pictures of the Ducati Monster Dark 750 IE one of these days.

Fact: Can function well on just five hours of sleep
Fact: Used to play Bottlerocket tag
Fact: I am on vacation in Japan.
Fact: I have five licenses, each for different vehicles.
Fact: I am single and unmarried, yet am not a virgin.
Info: I am happy to be here.
Fact: I wore a Green Rudolph antlers for last christmas
Fact: I have a new, cheap locket that quickly faded out, but I have now started to claim it as "vintage".
Fact: People who only drink socially are called social drinkers. In that case, I am a Social Fruit Eater.
Fact: I am still alive.
I have been sleeping on a bean bag chair rather than putting my 12 inch memory foam mattress back due laziness.

I recently had a coworker hit on me in front of a patient and might now have to go to HR and deal with a proper conduct lesson though I did nothing mostly just for being a man.
Info: I'm at work, wishing I were out running somewhere exercising cause I'm that kind of weird.
Fact: I can sing, drunk.
Info: I have a crush on my future ex-wife.
Fact: I would love to find a female sub in real life willing to push her limits.
Fact: I actually think small breasts are better than big breasts.
Fact: I have less than three days left in the military.
Fact: I think political parties are just as bad as street gangs (Red = Bluds/Republicans. Blue = Crips/Democrats... creepy anyone?)
Fact: I'm taller than 97% of the population.
Fact: I am new here. ^_^
Info: All of you interest me. o.o *Poke*... *Poke poke*... *Poke poke poke poke poke*~
Fact: I'm not a natural redhead.
Info: My sarcasm is my worst and best quality (depending on how one looks at it).
Fact: I can say the alphabet backwards just as fast as I can say it forward.
Info: I hate that I wake up really emotional. I told a woman I like a lot that something she said while I was barely awake made me sad, and that upset her and she logged off. Well... can only hope things blow over by the time I talk to her tomorrow.
Info: I made a chocolate cream pie and it makes my tongue orgasm
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