Random Info About You 2.0

Dogged said:
Writer's block!! Supernatural season ended recently and I keep thinking of how all the angels fell and Castiel just staring up at them! *tries to hold self together but can't* I no can think for to post responses! Ack! *looks at Panda's sig n ava n cries a lil.

Thank you, Miss Spoilerbot. -.-
Info: Fed my venus fly traps some ants because I couldn't find any bigger bugs to feed them. I don't want to have to order flies, but if I do, it'll be worth it to make my babies big and strong. <3
Hahvoc The Decepticon said:
Info: Fed my venus fly traps some ants because I couldn't find any bigger bugs to feed them. I don't want to have to order flies, but if I do, it'll be worth it to make my babies big and strong. <3

Hahvoc The Decepticon said:
Info: Fed my venus fly traps some ants because I couldn't find any bigger bugs to feed them. I don't want to have to order flies, but if I do, it'll be worth it to make my babies big and strong. <3

You ownVenus Flytraps? Awesome!
Info:Talking to someone I haven't spoke to in a really REALLY long time
Fact:I screwed up big time with this person and that's why we haven't talked in so long
Fact:I'm kinda nervous but it's a good nervous if that makes sense lol
Oh congrats on your new puppy! What kind? Adoption or breeder?
Fact: avoiding my mother in law like the plague--she's due here in 10 minutes so I uh... need to sort out boxes in the basement.
Fact: Being back on this site makes me pretty damn happy.
Fact: I bought a new bra today, and it makes me feel pretty.
I want a laptop. <_< I miss having one severely when I'm reading in bed and still wanna look online.

Info: Work is lamesauce.
Info: The weather is so nice too. ;_;
Info: It is soooo hot..... *melts*
Info: Package deal writing partners = <3333333333333
Info: I'm excited for my daughter's ballet recital.
Info: I want my MIL to go home. >.>
The MIL?! I know your pain!! Congrats on the writing partner and recital though. *offers some AC*

Info: Currently on new laptop-Compaq Presario CQ61, dual core, 2.3 ghz, 4 gig ram, Radion integrated graphics. Basically affordable with all the good stuff I like.
Info: Found a great deal on A/C's at the pawn shop for thur and fri's 90 degree weather.
Info: Plotting with a great writer for upcoming thread of rawkin happy awesome sauce!
Awww.... I has AC/central air.... and I set it wayyy lower than I probably should. >.< But, I'm one of those who gets irritable when it gets hot outside. Even with the air on, I still just get cranky and all bleh. But thank you, hon. <333333
Dr. Nibbles said:
I actually liked the 4th Aliens movie... I know I should be stoned...

I feel ashamed to call myself a human being by admitting this but I have never seen any of the original Alien or Predator flicks, except Predator 2.

On topic: I think my AC unit is busted or something..... And it gets to be around 85° here lately. Here comes another tinderbox summer.
Heh, I'm the same.
I've seen tid bits of the first Predator and I've only watched Predator 2 all the way through.
I've never seen any of the Alien movies (because honestly they scare the crap out of me), but I have seen Prometheus and I guess because I haven't seen the previous Alien movies I enjoyed it a lot more compared to my partner who has seen them.
(It still scared me a little though, but that's because I am a freaking pussy when it comes to that genre)
darkangel76 said:
Info: It is soooo hot..... *melts*
Info: Package deal writing partners = <3333333333333
Info: I'm excited for my daughter's ballet recital.
Info: I want my MIL to go home. >.>
I'm with you on all of the above -_- And wishing your daughter luck at her recital! If the practices were anything like my daughter's was, I know you'll be glad to just be able to sit back and watch finally.

Info: Our central a/c went out, and we're stuck with a pawn shop window unit, a ceiling fan, and a shop fan until we can get someone out here.
Info: I updated my plot thread finally... now I need to actually finish it.
Info: I'm finding kittens are hard to find a home for, especially orange tabbies, even if two of them are girls which I hear is pretty rare.
Fact: Dentists are overpriced whores.
MyHappyWorld said:
Heh, I'm the same.
I've seen tid bits of the first Predator and I've only watched Predator 2 all the way through.
I've never seen any of the Alien movies (because honestly they scare the crap out of me), but I have seen Prometheus and I guess because I haven't seen the previous Alien movies I enjoyed it a lot more compared to my partner who has seen them.
(It still scared me a little though, but that's because I am a freaking pussy when it comes to that genre)

There's nothing wrong with that. The first two Aliens scared the crap out of me too. I just love being scared is all.

Info: I too have a busted AC unit, in my car. And being a black car in soon to be 100+ degree weather its not going to be a fun summer.
The AC in my car is busted and has been for the better part of forever. We got ONE AC unit in the house fixed today, but only for the basement. The upstairs (main living quarters) AC is gonna be fixed HOPEFULLY by week's end.

I haven't seen the Aliens movies, not because I don't love the genre (Sci-Fi and Horror are my favorite types of films, so when they blend the results are more often than not enjoyable. Jason X is a whole different story.) but because they aren't on Netflix, and when they ARE on HBO/CineMax/Show Time, I always flip to said premium cable channel once the movie is halfway done. :/

Info: It's hot as balls, the AC is busted all over the place, and going to the gym is more of a pain in the ass due to the sun.
Info: My daughter was awesome at her dress rehearsal.
Info: My daughter is now looking forward to the actual recital.
Info: My daughter wants to go to dance camp this summer, haha!
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