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Awkward Rooming Situation(KyaKonami and HaseoGentsu1)

Harley felt him push against her, smirking a bit. "Of course.." she told him, kissing him gently.

Mira still moaned in her sleep, not realizing she was undressed. When he pushed against her, she shifted slightly, stirring a bit. "W-What.." she trailed off, realizing he was against her and she was naked. She flushed, looking at him, hand still on his dick.
Kuren grinned and kissed her back, sliding his tongue into her mouth. He pushed up against her pussy, but before he did anything more than tease, he stopped. "Maybe I just want to tease you." He said with a grin, licking up the side of her neck.

Raven noticed that she woke up and grinned. "Well, well, well. Look at this. I think you're pretty turned on now, aren't you." He said with a smirk
Harley moaned as he pushed up against her, playing her tongue with his. Then he stopped. "Oh really?" she asked him, feeling his tongue on her neck. "No fair...."

Mira flushed bright red. "M-Maybe just a bit..." she said, glancing away from him. "Not like I meant to since I was asleep." she protested.
Kuren grinned as he bit her neck. "And what are you going to do about it?" He asked, smirking and touching her again to tease her even more. He wanted to see if she would take the initiative.

Raven looked at her and smirked, chuckling lightly. He brought a hand up to her cheek and stroked it, just as she kept her hand on his dick. "Then explain the situation a bit then. Or maybe why your nipples are hard, and you're becoming soaking wet." He said, teasing her with words.
Harley moaned as he bit her neck, smirking at him as he touched her again. She shifted, pushing him flat on the bed on his back and straddling him. "This.." she said, leaning down and kissing him, rubbing herself against him.

Mira flushed a bit more, glancing at him. "I was just having a good dream, that's all." she said. She wanted him, sure, but she wasn't sure if she wanted to do this again. She still needed to talk to Kuren, fess up to it all, and at least try to part with him on good terms before she even thought about Raven. She was attracted to this one a hell of a lot more, but she couldn't just jump into this just like that.
Kuren was pretty surprised that she actually took the lead. She straddled his waist and pushed up against him. Even went to the point of rubbing up against his body too. He grinned as his dick got bigger under her. Kuren kissed her pretty roughly, wanting her to get a little more pushy.

Raven grinned and kissed her gently, bringing his lips to hers. He broke off after a few seconds, just to feel the bed getting wetter under him. "You sure you don't want me to at least take care of that for you? You seem like you're holding yourself back." He said with a grin.
Harley felt his dick getting bigger, smirking a bit into the kiss. She kissed him back roughly, letting her nails trail lightly down his chest, slipping her shirt off and her panties, rubbing against him more as she yanked his pants down and stroked him lightly.

Mira felt his lips on hers, and kissed him back. She looked at him, then sighed slightly. "Fine...take care of it then." she said, smiling slightly at him.
Kuren gasped lightly, feeling everything she was doing. It was hard not to be excited. It even got to the point that once she had her hand on his dick, pre cum was already starting to come out. Once her shirt was back off, he brought her down to kiss her pretty roughly again, sliding a hand to her ass and groping it.

Raven grinned after she kissed him back. He watched her sigh and knew that he was going to be able to fuck her again. He smirked as he slid off her pants and panties completely, as well as her shirt. He loved the fact that she was without a bra already. He groped her roughly as he pushed the head of his dick into her, but not fully, just teasing her.
Harley kissed him back roughly, moaning into the kiss as he groped her ass. She stopped stroking him so that she could rub herself against him against him again, smirking a bit and teasing him with her opening.

Mira moaned as he groped her, even louder as he pushed in a bit. "Tease.." she growled out, pressing herself against him.
Kuren gasped pretty loudly when he felt his dick enter her, but not go in all the way. "Tease.." He said with a small growl. He bit her tongue, hoping to go in her soon.

As she pressed herself against him, his dick slid into her rather forcefully. "I like being your tease." He said with a chuckle. He started to thrust into her pretty roughly too, just feeling how wet she was.
Harley smirked. "Well you tease me....It's only fair.." she teased, moaning as he bit her tongue. She bucked, allowing him to enter her completely with a moan, then rocked against his cock, speeding up a bit.

Mira moaned as he slide into her so forcefully, bucking hard against him as he spoke. "Good to know.." she said, continuing to move against his movements, wanting more of him.
Kuren and Harley went at it for about twenty minutes, cumming multiple times on both sides. Once they had finished up, they took a quick bath, doing it a couple more times there, and went on with their lives. Kuren was pretty much drained out of what he had for the morning for sure. He stretched and looked at Harley. "Well, that was an interesting morning, don't you think?" He asked her, a grin on his face. He felt his phone in his pocket vibrate and scowled at who it was. Raven, of course. There were a few missed calls and knew that something was going on, especially since his father and mother called as well. He sighed as he stared at his phone.

Raven and Mira went on with tease and fuck for about ten minutes before Mira was done. He cleansed their bodies, but Mira still took a shower. While she was in there, he tried to get through to Kuren again, but felt that he hung up before Kuren gave him a chance. He shrugged, knowing that things were about to change extravagantly. He sighed and looked over to Mira, who came out of the bathroom fully dressed. "Beautiful like always Mira. Want me to bring you back to the dorms then?" He asked lightly, in a professional manner.
Harley went at it with Kuren as much as they both could, bathed with him, then went on with the day. She looked over at him as he spoke, nodding. "Yes, it was." she said, leaning against him. His phone was vibrating, and she could tell from his face it wasn't someone he wanted to talk to. Most likely his parents or Raven. She heard him sigh and reached up to gently turn his face so that he was looking at her. "'s gonna be okay..." she said, kissing him gently.

Mira went at it with Raven, then took a shower even though he had cleansed them both. She still liked her shower either way. She came out dressed, flushing slightly as he called her beautiful, nodding. "Yeah..I need to talk to him." she said, looking over at him. "You do too, don't you?" she asked. She knew he had come there for something last night, but what all he had wanted she didn't exactly know.
Kuren nodded and kissed her back rather passionately. "I know, but I also know that I may not like the outcome of it. Something is up, and I bet that's a big cause of why Raven is here." He said glancing away. And with his parents calling too, something really didn't seem right. He shook his head to clear it up and sat back on the couch.

Raven nodded to her for both statements. "There are a few things I need to speak with the young master with, but those can wait for a bit longer. Your causes are more important than those." He said lightly, kissing her forehead. He stood up and took her hand. A portal surrounded and consumed them. They appeared a little further out from the dorms and he looked back at her. "Do you wish for me to come with you, or stay outside?" Raven asked her gently.
Harley listened to him and nodded. "Well, going to have to face it eventually.." she said, following him back to the couch and sitting next to him.

Mira took his hand, nodding slightly. They appeared out close to the dorms and she looked at him. "Whatever you want to do. I mean, I don't know how he'll react if you come with me, but I...I could kind of use the support too, I guess.." she said, glancing away from him.
Kuren nodded. He felt the pressure from Raven's portal and knew that both of them were pretty close. He wondered why Mira was even coming back here. He doubted that she even knew that she was being watched for a good amount of it. He shook his head and moved his hand over Harley's.

Raven looked at Mira. "He'll react in the same way as seeing you probably. I'll escort you up there and stay in the background, but I'll still be with you." He said lightly as he took her hand gently. "Have courage alright." He said kissing her cheek. Raven and Mira walked up to the door way of the room. He could feel the pissed off aura coming from Kuren. Raven sighed under his breath and looked at Mira. "Ready?"
Harley looked at him as he moved his hand over to her. She kissed his cheek gently, leaning against him lightly.

Mira nodded, walking with him to the door. She looked at him. "As ready as I'll ever be." she said, knocking on the door. She didn't want to just walk in without doing so. It wouldn't feel right.
Kuren kissed her but then heard a knock on the door. Using his shadows, the door opened. Standing there was Mira up in front, and Raven behind her. He stood up, a small pissed aura coming form him, but he pressed it down. "It seems like you have something to talk about. I'll listen." He said firmly. He wasn't in the greatest mood, especially since Raven was standing there too. Mira and Raven entered the room and Raven closed it behind them.

"Please listen with an open mind brother. Things need to be heard and told, so you have some things to say as well." He said lightly. Raven leaned against the wall, Mira in front of him. He could see that she was pretty nervous, but to not cause too much problems, he wasn't going to be really close to her.

Kuren nodded to Raven's statement and request. Things did need to be said, but first was Mira.
Harley looked over, watching, but stayed silent. She had stood up, but only so she could watch Kuren. She looked over at Mira, who was standing there, eyes cast down to the floor like it was the most interesting thing in the world. She sighed shakily, shifting a bit and pushing a strand of her short hair behind her hair. "Kuren, I...." she began, then choked up a bit before she could start again. "I've been with...with Raven..." she said, glancing up at him. "I didn't intend for any of this to happen, honest, I so caught up..." she said, then looked down again. "I...I had a feeling you had already chosen her, so I gave in. I could have fought dirty, he offered to give me an advantage, but I didn't take it because if you had chosen me I wanted it to be fair and square, no...powers like that involved..." She backed up a bit then, still dejected. "I'll leave, I guess. It's better if I do...I don't expect you to forgive me, and I don't blame you one bit."
Kuren listened to Mira. When she brought up being with Raven, he glanced away. He was pissed but he wasn't going to be the bad guy and say that they saw them going at it. When she brought up Raven saying to give an advantage and that she turned it down, he smiled inside. His face was still solid and not showing anything. He sighed lightly, stepping up to her. He brought a hand up, and it almost looked like he was going to hit her. She even tensed up because it seemed like he was. But Kuren just put his hand on her head, like he usually did. "Do what you must. You're intuition was correct. I did choose Harley, but the reasons aren't what you think. Over these days and weeks, I've grown very close to her. And I feel like it's right to be with her. Just like you and...Raven. I can see the attraction you have with him, so I won't be mad." He said lightly, his voice breaking a couple times. He turned his attention on Raven. "Break her heart and I promise...Your life will end." Kuren said firmly. He took his hand off of Mira's head and hugged her. "Just remember, I did take your first." He whispered into her ear. He chuckled and walked back.

Raven stared in disbelief. He shook his head. But he knew how to mix this stuff up. "So with your decision, this one" pointing at Harley, "will be your wife right?"
Mira saw Kuren coming towards her, tensing a bit because it looked like he would hit her. But his hand merely landed on her head like usual. She looked at him, relaxing the more he spoke, then nodded. "Yeah well, had a few good times, at least..." She hugged him back, slight flush on her face when he whispered to her, then growled softly. "Yeah'll always have that.." she whispered back, then looked over at Raven and finally walking over to him after a few moments. She leaned against the wall beside him, sliding her hand into one of his. Harley had watched silently, about to say something when she saw Kuren raise his hand, relaxing when he merely put it on Mira's head. She was silent throughout the exchange, shifting slightly as Kuren hugged Mira, then watched him come back. She leaned against him, looking over at Raven as he pointed at her. "That should be obvious by now.." she said, looking at Kuren.
Kuren grinned and intertwined his fingers with Harley's. He knew that she didn't like the fact that he had hugged Mira, but then again, who would. He chuckled lightly when Raven brought up what he did. Harley was quick to answer that. "It should be quite obvious Raven." He said lightly. Raven looked at him, but first intertwined their fingers too. He pulled Mira closer to him and grinned, but then got back down to business. It should be okay for him to talk to Kuren now that everything has been squared away. "Alright brother, you know most of the circumstances right?" He asked Kuren. Kuren nodded. "Raven, I'm not an idiot. When I see calls from father and mother, it gets pretty easy to read. Are they advancing?" He asked. Raven nodded. "Faster than we assumed. They are ready to take the crown away from Lord Shinai. The branch families, including mine, are doing their best to protect him, but with his escapades he pulls from time to time, it gets quite hard to do so. But now that you have probably chosen for good we-" Raven was cut off.

Kuren growled. "I have chosen. Not probably. Get that right Raven." Raven pushed off the wall and stepped forwards, his hand coming undone from Mira's. The same with Kuren and Harley. Kuren growled, the air thickening around them. "Raven, you know not to start something. I don't think either of us need to set a bad impression." Kuren said firmly. Raven backed down and leaned back against the wall.

Raven continued. "You need take the Lord position soon Kuren. The times are coming up." Kuren nodded. "I know that I do. Just a bit longer before we go into the business stages." He said firmly. Then he looked at Mira. "Since your parents aren't the closest to you, why not bring Mira back to your place. Just send the things through the portal." Kuren said with a smile. He backed up and took Harley's hand again. Raven looked over to Mira. "That okay with you?"
Harley let him intertwine their fingers, Mira did the same with Raven, smirking at him a bit when he pulled her closer. Both girls stayed silent while they were speaking, not knowing everything that was going on, but were listening intently all the same. Harley knew things were about to get tense as soon as Kuren cut Raven off. Mira had the same feeling and both girls made eye contact. They were agreed in one thing, and that was not letting them get into a fight. The boys left them both, stepping forward. They both had taken a couple steps forward, though Mira considerably more, until she was almost right next to Raven, in case something happened.

Mira let out a sigh of relief when Raven baked down, and Harley was relieved as well. Once he backed up, Harley gladly took his hand again. Mira looked at Raven, walking towards him again and nodding. "Yeah. That's fine." she said to him.
Kuren grinned and looked down to Harley. He brought her close and used a shadow to reach up her leg, under her skirt and touch her gently. Kuren had gotten better with his shadow so no one could see it but himself. He looked over to Raven and nodded. "I'll be in touch alright." Raven nodded and looked to Mira. He knew that Kuren wanted them to go so he could celebrate a bit more with Harley, so Raven touched Mira's shoulder and they were consumed by a portal again. "Just send the stuff, alright Kuren." He said as they left.

Raven and Mira appeared in front of a pretty big, Japanese style house. It was quite elaborate too. They walked together down to the second half. He slid open a door and the two of them entered. "It's not much, but this part of the housing is mine." He said lightly.
Harley felt the shadow touching her under her skirt, biting her lip slightly to hold in a moan until they left. She let it out then, smirking at him. "So, wife huh?" she asked him, getting even closer. "I like the sound of that..."

Mira looked over at Raven as they got ready to leave, looking at the house they appeared in front of. It was big and beautiful. She followed him down the second half of it, entering after him. "It's fine.." she said, looking at him. "I lived in a small town, so...this is big compared to our houses.." she said, smiling a bit.
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