Awkward Rooming Situation(KyaKonami and HaseoGentsu1)

Harley had barely gotten a pair of shorts on when Kuren had grabbed her and pulled her along. "I don't know...If she's not around here though, I'd guess the park." she told him.

Mira moaned as she felt him pull out, feeling him release on her body. Then she was pulled up and facing him. Moaning loudly as he bit her neck, she felt her hands pulled to his still hard dick, rubbing it as she felt how hard he still was. When he said he wanted her mouth, she nodded, going down and starting to suck on him, slowly at first, then she sped up, sucking harder.
Kuren nodded and grabbed her hand. He made a portal appear and they stepped into it. When they stepped out, Kuren had his arm around her waist and looked around, feeling an odd aura. It was Raven's for sure, but at least it wasn't his Incubus aura. He did, however, feel a barrier up and noticed it pretty quickly. Kuren looked at it, using his heightened senses and his eyes widened. He was unsure of how to feel of it. But without hesitation, he used his royal blood to let a screen appear on the portal, which pretty much made it look like a tv was floating in the middle of no where with porn being broad casted. His smile turned to a straight face and he was pretty upset.

Raven felt her mouth wrap around his dick and she began her movements. His dick was already pretty hot and it was only getting hotter within her mouth. He could feel that he was already close to cumming, and almost on cue, Kuren's secret presence appeared. Only other vampires could feel it though. He grinned after a few more of her suckings, he held her head a bit and came hard into her mouth. He slid his dick out of her mouth, and let the rest of his cum go all over her body. He grinned as she leaned back. "Wanna lean back and spread your pussy out? I think it's time to satisfy you to the fullest." He said lightly, knowing that Kuren and Harley were watching.

Kuren was slightly disgusted. He grabbed Harley, made a portal, and disappeared on the spot. He wasn't going to stand for anymore of it. She was enjoying herself anyways. No Incubus blood was being used.
Harley let Kuren take her hand, stepping into the portal with him. She was relaxed as they stepped out with his arm around her waist. She watched as Kuren's eyes widened, about to ask him if something was wrong when he caused a screen to appear. And there was Raven and Mira. Harley was a bit confused by it and she looked at Kuren.

Mira kept sucking on him, not realizing anything. She moaned slightly as he came into her mouth, looking up at him as he spoke. Nodding, she leaned back and spread her legs, waiting on him and still not realizing that Kuren and Harley were there.

When Kuren grabbed Harley, she held on to him, knowing he was upset. She grabbed his hand. "Kuren..." she said, looking up at him, not sure what to say. What could she say? Mira had basically betrayed him before he even announced his decision. Unless there was more to it than that. Harley didn't know.
Kuren made them appear within the dorm, and he was pretty pissed. Mira had betrayed him completely and was having sex with his older brother. Of all people, his older brother. "It would make more sense if he was using him blood right, but there was no sign of Incubus there. Mira was doing it on her own free will." He said quietly. He leaned against the wall, his hand limp in Harley's. He glanced to the wall and bit his lip. "I know that a decision was going to be made, but am I really not good enough..." He said gently, clearly upset.

Raven grinned as he felt the others leave. Then he looked down to see Mira spreading her legs and pussy for him. He smirked as he slid his dick back into her, slamming hard into her. He thrusted quickly and hard, and with each, fucked farther and farther into her. He was going to make her cum one more time before being done. She would probably get addicted to sex in general. He wondered about her ass though. Would she be craving it too?
Harley looked at him as he spoke, letting him get it out. She leaned against him, squeezing his hand gently. "You are good enough..." she told him. "I don't think Mira would up and do something like that on a whim. She was just as into this competition as I was...Just calm down and talk to her whenever she comes back, okay." she told him. She gently turned him, kissing him gently. "I'm still here...remember that..." she told him.

Mira moaned as he slammed into her, bucking against him lightly. The further he went into her, the more she moaned and the more she tightened. She could get addicted to this, she knew it. It was just too good. And her ass? Well that was something entirely different but pleasurable all the same.
Kuren looked over at Harley. He intertwined his fingers with hers and kissed her cheek gently. "If there is ever anything you want me to do for you, sexually or not, I'll do it...Alright?" He said lightly, pulling her into his arms and nuzzling her gently. "I don't think she'll come back easily...She's going to get addicted to Raven like he was the next big thing. Kuren kissed her gently back. "I know you are....And I really am happy about that..The love of my life is such a great girl.." He said lightly, wrapping his arms around her waist.

Raven could feel her reacting to each one of his thrusts. He grinned and continued harder and harder, faster and faster until he knew that he wasn't going to last much longer after this. He had cum so many times it had gotten to hard to count. He just wanted to keep fucking her to the end of time. He grinned and kissed her roughly.
Harley nodded. "I know that.." she told him, allowing herself to be pulled into his arms and nuzzled. She smiled slightly at his last comment. "Let me guess. Incubus blood makes him addictive?" she asked him.

Mira was so close, still moaning as he kissed her. She kissed him back roughly and then after he thrusted in her more she orgasmed, moaning into the kiss.
Kuren nodded. "Well, that and his charms. He's older than me. More experience. You took my first time, you know that. But his Incubus blood is a plus, that's for sure." He said lightly. But, for some reason, even after seeing Mira like that, Kuren was still pretty excited. He still wanted Harley pretty badly, so he moved her head and kissed her pretty deeply on the lips. He was already at his limit before he left, but now, he really wanted her.

Raven felt her orgasm and knew that was all she was going to be able to do, especially when she didn't last very long. Raven took his dick out of her pussy and came on her body. Raven looked at Mira and noticed that most of her body had cum on it. From her back and butt, to her crotch and pussy, to her chest and face. Even in her hair. He pretty much had her way with her and he was very proud of himself. He grinned and bit her neck roughly then released, leaving a small mark. "How was that my dear wolf?"
Harley nodded. She had thought so. "Charisma will get someone lots of things, I guess." she said, then felt his lips on hers. She kissed him back deeply, knowing he wanted her. She wanted him as well, even though it seemed inappropriate with what they had just seen. But she wanted to make him forget that, and just think about something positive, anything.

Mira moaned as his dick slid out of her, feeling his cum hit her body. She breathed heavily, laying there and looking at him. She moaned loudly as he bit her neck, knowing there was a mark there. "I...It was great..." she said, still breathing heavily. She couldn't have gone any more even if she had wanted to. She was in such a haze from it reality hadn't begun to sink in yet.
Kuren slid his tongue into her mouth and pulled at her waist. He wanted to do it right there, no matter how fast it was, or how long it was, he wanted her right then and there. Kuren slid a hand up her back and unhooked her freshly put on bra, letting it slide down onto the floor. He could already feel her hard nipples against his chest, through their shirts. He grinned into the kiss and played roughly with her.

Raven put a hand onto her shoulder and they teleported into a hotel together. Somewhere where they could relax without a barrier up. He laid her down on the bed and laid a towel next to her. She was still pretty full of cum, including on her body, in her pussy, and her ass. He grinned and licked up the front of her neck. "I'm glad you liked it. It was pretty good for me too. Best I've ever had. And to be able to do it with a girl as beautiful as you, the best thing in my life."
Harley moaned as he slid his tongue into her mouth, and pulled at her waist. She played back roughly with him, feeling her bra unhooked and already on the floor, her hands reaching and desperately going to his pants, undoing them yanking them down, then going for his shirt as he continued to kiss her. She was wanting him as well.

Mira looked around as they teleported to a hotel. She grabbed the towel, trying to get some of the cum off of her. She was still pretty much filled with him, so she got what she could, moaning lightly as he licked up her neck. "Oh really?" she asked him. "I would think someone like you would have had many and better, really.."
Kuren grinned, breaking off the kiss as his shirt was taken off. He took that time to take off hers as well. "A little hasty now, aren't we my naughty little Harley.." He said with a chuckle as he bit along her neck to her lips, sliding his tongue back into her mouth. Kuren slid off her pants and panties pretty quickly, and took off his boxers. His dick was hard and ready, so he slid it between her legs, and just rubbed his dick against her pussy.

Raven chuckled. "You would think that, but I am quite picky about women." He said lightly. Raven slid a finger into her slowly, just to mess with her a bit more. He took a quick smell of her and grinned. "I wonder what you've been doing, your body smells of ravage sex." He said with a grin. With her on the bed, he leaned her back and licked her neck again, his dick teasing her pussy and ass.
Harley felt him taking off her shirt as she continued ridding him of his. "Yeah...I..I want you.." she said, moaning as he bit his way along her neck, kissing him against and playing with his tongue. It wasn't long before they were both completely naked and his dick was between her legs. She moaned as she felt it rub against her pussy, pressing herself against him and lightly rubbing back against him.

Mira raised an eyebrow. "Oh? And how is that?" she asked him, moaning lightly as he slid a finger into her. "Hmm, I wonder why" she teased, feeling his dick teasing her.
Kuren's face lit up when he heard that she wanted him that badly. He could feel her rub herself against him and he rubbed back just as hard. He turned her around and bit her shoulder up to her ear. "I have a request...Would you let me try something, but if you don't like it, I'll never do it again until you ask?" He asked her as he stuck his dick between her legs and rubbed against her harder.

Raven shrugged. "I don't sleep with just anyone. I haven't really been with many other women, not like this, that's for sure. I look for pure but wild...Beautiful and perfectly shaped. One that will be submissive but always wants to be dominant. I know, I'm picky." He said with rubbed her clit, his dick getting closer to her.
Harley was turned around, moaning as he bit her and rubbed against her. He was speaking again, and she nodded. "Y-Yeah..." she told him, wondering what he was wanting to try. She was willing to try anything with him because she trusted him, but that didn't mean she wasn't curious.

Mira nodded slightly. "I see.." she said, feeling his dick getting closer to her. She moaned lightly still as he rubbed her, wondering what he was up to, if anything.
Kuren nodded gently and rubbed against her even harder, just making her pussy drenched. It would almost seem like he was going to thrust it into her from behind, but that wasn't his plan. He pushed her up against a wall and planted her hands against it. He moved his dick up a bit away from her pussy and pushed it slowly into her ass, moving in and out of her experimentally.

Raven suddenly kissed her roughly, forcing his tongue into her mouth as he slid his dick back into her ass. He just couldn't get enough of her, and he needed to let out the last of his load. He thrusted hard into her, not caring, but happy with how sensitive she was.
Harley moaned as he kept rubbing against her, she was so wet. She thought he was just going to slide himself in from behind, but then he pushed her against the wall. She didn't mind this, she wanted him and was still curious what he was trying. Then he slowly pushed into her ass, and she cried out, never having done this before. She didn't protest however, and let him move in and out of her, and soon she began to moan slightly. It was a different kind of pleasure.

Mira didn't expect the rough kiss, or Raven's dick sliding back into her ass. She moaned, bucking slightly as he thrusted, kissing him back roughly and playing roughly with his tongue. She was so sensitive that it was hard to resist him.
Kuren stopped for a second when she cried out, but after a little bit of movement, she began to moan. He smirked and began to really push into her, thrusting faster. He slid a hand down to her pussy from her front and slid a finger into her, teasing her even more.

Raven grinned as she began to play back with his tongue, even bucking against him as he fucked her again. He thrusted really roughly into her, making her feel each movement going in and out of her. And with every thrust, he could feel her tighten everywhere. She was insanely sensitive and it just felt amazing on his dick.
Harley continued moaning, getting a bit louder as he thrusted more. Then his finger was inside of her pussy, and she bucked against him slightly from the teasing.

Mira continued to play back with his tongue, moaning into the kiss as he trusted roughly, tightening and bucking more against his thrusting. It just felt so amazing, she couldn't help it. Her pussy was getting wet all over again.
Kuren grinned at her buck and he leaned against her as he pushed farther into her. He leaned up to her ear and bit it. "Such a naughty girl I have here.." He said with a chuckle as he licked into her ear. Kuren played with her clit as he thrusted harder into her ass.

Raven slid out of her ass and thrusted really hard into her wet pussy, then took it out and went back into her ass. He knew it would bring something up in her. He was going to tease her to no end.
Harley moaned louder as he pushed farther inside hearing him speak and lick her ear. "Yeah...guess you do.." she said, moaning even louder and biting her lip slightly as he thrusted harder into her.

Mira gasped and moaned as he slid out of her ass, thrusted hard into her pussy, then went back to her ass. She growled a bit. "Damn tease.." she moaned out.
Kuren caressed her body gently and slowly, teasing every spot he could. He licked up her back and to the back of her neck. He just wanted every part of her, everything and anything he could get from her. Kuren thrusted faster into her, feeling the pressure build in his dick. "I just can't live without are my love forever." He said lightly.

Raven grinned. "Got a problem with that?" He asked innocently. He began to fuck her ass harder and faster again, precum already leaking into her ass.
Harley moaned and bucked lightly against him as he caressed her and teased her. She blushed when he spoke. "I...can't live without you either....I don't even want to think about being without you..." she told him through her moaning.

Mira smirked. "Not really.." she said, moaning as he fucked her hard, feeling the precum already leaking out of him. She bucked against him harder, and on purpose, egging him on to a release.
When Kuren heard her say that, he felt the pressure leak out and he came inside of her ass, but without any hesitance, he took it out of her ass and slid it into her pussy. He wasn't even close to being done. Kuren bit her neck again, just wanting to do her more.

Raven felt her buck pretty hard back and it just made him lose it. He came hard again into her ass. He slid out of her and lied down on the bed next to her. "Well, that was one way to make me cum..." He said lightly, chuckling under his breath.
Harley moaned as he came inside of her ass, breathing a bit and not expecting him to move right to her pussy, but enjoyed it all the same. She moaned louder, bucking against him and feeling him bit her neck, face slightly flushed still.

Mira felt him come as soon as she bucked. She shuddered a bit, looking over at him as he spoke. "Exactly.." she said, laying there. She had started to relax, and her body was feeling tired after all the sex. It was then that she thought back on what she had done, and her face paled. "I......shouldn't have done this...." she said, raising up even though her body didn't want to, sitting on the edge of the bed. Her fists were balled up and her head was down.
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