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Awkward Rooming Situation(KyaKonami and HaseoGentsu1)

Kuren looked down at Harley, who had just buried her face into his chest, and smiled. "I don't think you'll need to fight for me anymore....The competition is over...You know who I chose over anyone else." He said with a chuckle. He kissed her forehead and held her close. Kuren used his shadows to cover them up.

Raven slid his dick out of Mira and ran his teeth against her skin. "Anything else you want me to do for you beautiful wolf? Anything at all?" He asked her with a coy smile. He could easily see that her pussy was dripping wet and wondered if she would go to the limit of begging him to help her with it.
Harley wrapped her arms around him, holding on to him. "Yeah...I know.." she said, content with staying with him like that.

Mira moaned as he slid out of her ass, feeling his teeth against her skin. She nodded slightly, looking at him. "I...can't help it....I need you to fuck my pussy..." she said, her words almost coming out in a moan. She was so wet and was dying for a release. She hated to do this to Kuren, but she needed it so bad right now.
Kuren held her close, but knew that if they were walking in on, things would get a little awkward. He thought for a second, and a good thought came to mind. He looked down at her. Even though Kuren knew that she was quite intent, he needed to bring it up. "Want to go take a bath with me?" He asked her gently. Kuren shivered slightly.

Raven grinned. "As you wish." He said coyly. Raven got her on her back and making sure she could see him. He spread her legs out and he could see her pussy quite well. He grinned again as he teased his dick only slightly into her pussy. He wanted to tease her until she really asked for it. "How about you tell me exactly what you want me to do." He said with a smirk.
Harley looked up at him when he spoke, and nodded. "Yeah..I'd like that.." she said, smiling.

Mira was now on her back, looking up at him as he spread her legs. She moaned lightly as he teased her, then told her to tell him what she wanted him to do. It was a cruel tease, and she let out a growl to show her displeasure at it before answering him. "I....I want you to fuck me hard....Make me come..." she said. "I...I need it, please.."
Kuren leaned up and picked Harley up. He brought her, princess style, to the bathroom. They were both already naked, so he just stepped into the bath and lowered her down in with him. "I may get used to carrying you like that. It feels right." He said with a grin. The bath felt nice. Hot water with the girl you love, always a good thing.

Raven looked at Mira when she growled. He growled back and grinned. "You are insanely sexy and I'll do what you say that you want." He said, still teasing her. He opened her legs just a tad more and slid his dick into her, feeling and hearing naughty sounds coming from her. She was completely drenched and it felt amazing, especially when she began to tighten around him. "It feels amazing Mira.." He said under his breath, thrusting faster and faster.
Harley let Kuren pick her up and carry her to the bathroom. She smiled as he spoke, leaning against him. "Then I guess I'll get used to you doing it." she said, turning so she could kiss him gently.

Mira looked at him as he spoke, a bit surprised by the compliment but took it all the same. She moaned as he slid into her, tightening around him as he thrusted. She bucked as he did, moving in pace with him. " feels good..." she moaned out, still moving against him.
Kuren grinned as he set her in his lap, her back to his chest. The bath water just felt amazing, especially with her on his lap, although he knew that sooner or later, probably sooner, his dick was going to get hard again. He licked the back of her neck gently. "Good."

Raven grinned and thrusted faster and harder into her. He could feel her squeezing down on him every chance she could get and it felt amazing. Fucking her faster and faster made her moan louder and louder. It was the greatest thing he could ever hear. Raven slid a hand down to her crotch and began to tease her clit.
Harley let him set her in his lap, relaxed as he did so. A slight blush crossed her face as he licked the back of her neck. She leaned back against him. " are you going to tell her?" she asked him. She knew he had to tell Mira that he'd made his decision, and she was a bit curious.

Mira's moans increased the more Raven fucked her, her movements keeping up with his, shifting slightly so he could go deeper inside of her. Things only got better once he teased her clit, a gaspy moan coming from her as he did so, bucking against him exceptionally hard as she tightened more.
Kuren put his arms around her waist and held her close. Leaning his head on her shoulder, he sighed. "I don't know how to break it to her. I don't want to hurt her, but I know it will be the outcome. I guess it's hard for me to tell the person that I had cared for that she won't be the one I choose. You are...." He said lightly. "Any advice?" He asked as he slid a hand down to her crotch, just teasing her a bit.

Raven felt her shift so his dick could go deeper into her. He grinned and fucked her harder and harder afterwards. Once the moan came out after he teased her clit, he could feel her getting rougher. He smirked as he teased it more, stroking her clit roughly. He pushed harder into her, kissing her deeply and roughly.
Harley felt him put his arms around her waist, and she completely relaxed, listening to him. She nodded as he spoke, a small moan escaping her as he teased her a bit, before answering. "I..honestly don't know..except you need to do it soon. Stringing her along will make it worse.." she said. "I think she's going to be hurt, regardless of how you do it.."

Mira moaned as he continued fucking her and stroking her clit, kissing him back roughly. She picked up her pace, matching his and bucking against him roughly.
Kuren nodded and smiled. "I'll tell her when she gets back. I can't do that to her. No more stringing along, nothing like that. I'm not that sort of guy." He said lightly, into Harley's ear. Then he bit it gently, sliding his tongue into her ear. He pushed his finger onto her clit and teased it a bit too.

Raven could feel the pressure building inside of him again, but he could also see that Mira was having her own fun as well. She even looked to the point of collapsing from the pleasure. That just brought more pleasure in him fucking her. Raven thrusted harder and harder, deeper and deeper into her. When he cums, he wants to do in in the deepest parts of her being. He could feel her bucking hard, and he wanted to just give up and let him have his way with her body. He wasn't going to stop, it was just too fun.
Harley smiled, about to answer him, but instead a moan came out as he bit her ear and pushed his finger onto her clit. She giggled a bit, leaning back against him more so that her head was on his shoulder, looking at him.

Mira kept moaning the more he thrusted, worn out from all of the moving, her own movements slowing down slightly as he kept on. She was in a state of intense pleasure, not wanting him to stop, but she tightened around him as he went in deeper, pleasurable cursing coming from her mouth, close to begging for him to keep going.
Kuren felt her whole body moan and it was enough to make him smile. Her laugh just made his face turn a tad red, and he licked her neck gently. He raised his hands up to her stomach and just pulled her against him. "What were you about to say?" He asked, grinning at her gentle stare.

Even though Mira and Raven had been going at it for a while, Raven knew that he could go on for a very long time, past her breaking point. He wondered if he could actually get her to say that he was breaking her. He grinned at the thought, and even though he knew that he was about to cum, he was far away from being done. He thrusted a few more times before cumming into her hard again. He took his dick out of her, still hard and looked at her. "I hope you're not done yet, my dear Mira. I don't think I'm close yet."
Harley smiled as he asked her what she was going to say. "Well, I was going to say that I know you're not that kind of person...that's all.." she said, relaxing against him, enjoying just being near him.

Mira was getting closer to a release, and she orgasmed after a few more thrusts, feeling him cumming inside of her. She breathed heavily, looking at him. He was still hard, and she still had the urge to be pleasured even though she was out of breath at the moment. "I'm no where near done.." she told him, shifting so she could rub her pussy against him, urging him to slam back inside of her again.
Kuren bit her neck and made sure to leave a mark again. "Thank you Harley." He said lightly, nuzzling into her neck. The water had cleansed their bodies, but he wondered what was taking Mira so long. He doubted that he could have ever finished with Harley, let alone get into the bath with her too. It was throwing him off a little.

Raven looked at her and grinned. "Really now?" He asked lightly. He smirked as she began to rub herself against him. It felt good enough to comply, but her pussy wasn't the next target. Raven pulled Mira forwards so that she was on her stomach. He jumped around her, sort of like he was mounting her, but then he went backwards a bit. He raised her butt a bit, then slammed into her ass again. He slid a couple fingers into her pussy too.
Harley moaned as he bit her neck, knowing he left a mark there again. She didn't care though, if it meant she was his. She smiled as he nuzzled into her neck. She was silent for a few moments, merely enjoying the closeness of him. "So...what now?" she asked him. "Mira's taking long enough, it seems."

Mira nodded, thinking he was going to be inside of her again, but then she was pulled, put on her stomach, mounted, and his dick was back inside of her ass. She moaned loudly, feeling his fingers sliding into her pussy and growled a bit, bucking against him. She didn't care at the moment, she wanted it badly, and if this was how he was going to fuck her she wanted him to keep going.
Kuren heard her moan and it just made him happy. He smiled and kissed under her neck. "I don't know actually. It seems a little odd how quiet it is right now." He said, laughing a bit, He did wonder where Mira had gotten off to. She said she was going to get some fresh air on a walk, but he wondered what she was actually doing. "Want to go look for her?" He asked lightly.

Raven chuckled and smirked when she growled. He growled right back at her and thrusted harder and faster into her. He grinned with every thrust and then ran his nails down her back. He leaned down on her as he continued to fuck her. "Anything you really want me to do?"
Harley nodded in agreement. When he asked if she wanted to go looking for Mira, she nodded again. "Yeah, just in case. I mean, I'm pretty sure she can handle herself but she's been gone for a while." she said.

Mira continued to moan as he fucked her, hearing him questioning her. "J-Just keep fucking me...I need it..." she told him, bucking against him, tightening around the fingers in her pussy. "Keep this up and I think might break me.." she admitted.
Kuren nodded and began to stand up. Usually, with how Harley was standing up, she had leaned up, her butt and pussy facing him. He grinned, leaning forwards, sliding his dick in between her legs. "You know, if we weren't about to go, I'd probably have to take you right now...As they say, if you stop and your tails up, it's fair game." He said grinning.

Raven chuckled. "That would be good on both parts. That means I'm doing a good job, and you're enjoying it to the fullest." He said lightly as he fucked her ass even harder and faster. He felt her tighten her pussy around his fingers, so he began to move inside of her with those as well.
Harley moaned as she felt him lean forward and slide his dick between her legs. "Yeah, well, you're going to wait..I'll take care of it later.." she said, moving a few steps forward, then turning to face him, leaning forward so she could kiss him gently. "Now let's go before you get too excited to contain yourself."

Mira would have responded but he was fucking her ass harder now and she merely moaned, moving against him once more as he moved his fingers inside of her. She was still soaking wet and his fingers weren't helping that.
Kuren whimpered jokingly. "But what if I already am too excited to control myself." He said after she kissed him. He grinned and chuckled, grabbing her hand. Kuren pulled her into him and kissed her deeply. He broke off as he leaned against the counter, snatching her clean panties up before she could see him do it. He slid on his clean boxers and pants, then his shirt. He looked back at her as she began to get dressed too. "Ready yet?" He asked grinning lightly.

Raven fucked her faster and faster, sliding his fingers deeper into her pussy. He moved his fingers separately around in her pussy, feeling how drenched she was. He leaned down as he fucked her in her ass. Biting her ear roughly. "Don't worry, I'm not forgetting your naughty, drenched pussy. I'll ravage you until you can't do anything anymore..." He said in a smirking tone.
Harley. shrugged. "I think you can handle it." she said, giggling a bit. He pulled her into him and she kissed him back deeply. She pulled her bra and shirt one, going for her clean panties to find them gone. She looked over at him. "Hand them over, Kuren.." she said, holding out her hand.

Mira continued to moan, getting closer to another orgasm as he kept sliding deeper into her pussy. She growled as he bit her ear, hearing what he said. "Good...I...I want you to.." she moaned out.
Kuren grinned when he saw that Harley wanted her panties back. "And what tells you that I have them?" He asked her innocently. He had stuck them in his back pocket and wanted to see if she would go for them. Kuren took her hand and kissed it.

Raven thrusted deeply into her ass and came really hard again into her, but without giving her any sort of rest, he slid his hard dick out and slid it straight into her pussy. Thrusting right off the back, he quickened his pace, feeling her tighten up in an orgasm. He would usually give her some time to recuperate, but this time he didn't. He fucked her hard even with how sensitive she was.
Harley smirked. "Well, they're gone, so I can only assume you had something to do with it." she said, getting closer to him as he kissed her hand. She reached around him, grabbing her panties out of his back pocket, squeezing his butt a bit as she did so and smirked, backing up a bit and sliding them on.

Mira moaned as he came inside of her ass again, then felt him slide out and right into her pussy. It only took a few thrusts before she tightened and orgasmed around him, breathing heavily as he continued to pound her. She didn't know how much longer she could go, she was becoming more and more sensitive to his thrusting.
Kuren flinched slightly out of pleasure. He looked back up at Harley and grinned. Once she had gotten her panties on, he grabbed her hand and pulled her along. "Let's go and find her then." He said, grazing his teeth against her neck. He brought her outside and wondered for a moment. "Where do you think she could be? Any ideas where we should look?"

Raven grinned as he felt Mira's will to go on disappearing. He was going to break her to the point that she only wanted his dick. It could also go down the path of wanting just to be fucked every minute of every day, but Raven thought she was stronger than that. Plus, with all he's doing to her now, there's a possibility of the first one. Then he felt Mira tighten up roughly around him. He came pretty quickly with this one, but instead of cumming in her, he pulled out and sprayed it along her back and body. He pulled her up and turned her around to face him. Biting her neck, he slid her hands down to his hard dick, still wanting to be pleasured more. "I want your mouth.." He said quietly.
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