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Awkward Rooming Situation(KyaKonami and HaseoGentsu1)

Kuren nodded as he got up. "All right..I guess I'll be back in a little bit then.." He said lightly as he opened the door. He waved to the two of them and left the dorm room, locking up behind him. He quickly rounded a corner and came into an empty corridor. He put his finger on a wall and began drawing out some runes that just stayed on the wall. "Kuren Shinai of the Vampire Knights, Prince of the Vampires, requesting access of portal and usage for the next few hours." He said in a more royal tongue. The portal flashed green and Kuren entered. "Portal on this end, finished, destroy runes until further notice." He said again, as he appeared on the other side of the portal. He moved his hands around and the portal shrunk down to pocket sized. Kuren leaned down, picked it up, and slid it into his pocket. Kuren had ended up in a barrier enclosed building. Only authorized personnel could enter. Kuren shrugged and entered the building. He went up a few floors and entered an office that he was supposed to be in. The room was lit up slightly, and no one was around. It wasn't until he heard someone in the back that he finally lowered his defenses a bit. "Hello? I'm here for my appointment." He said, a little louder than normal.
Natalia came out from the back, but of course she looked different from when Kuren had last seen her. She was in disguise of course. She motioned to a chair nearby. "Sit please.." she told him, and once she sat, she leaned back against the desk in front of the chair, looking at him. "Well, I'm ready to hear whatever you have to say." she told him.
Kuren sat down and looked at this woman. Her aura was pretty familiar, but that may have just been because she was a family friend. "Well, I hope you know the main details leading up to this whole thing. That would make this a lot easier than having to go over every little detail." He said leaning back and looking at the woman. "The big thing out of it all is that if I choose one, the other will be saddened....Making that choice is just harder, no matter how much I promise to take care of the other, it will still pain me to see how they turn out...." He said sighing lightly. But in his head, he was already thinking of all the words he would say to end the whole thing. But that would be after this woman said some things too. He didn't want it to be all one sided.
Natalia listened, nodding. "I know what's been going on so far. It was a slightly foolish thing to start up, but nothing can be done about that now." she said, crossing her arms. "Have you made a decision yet though? I've heard both girls care about you, and you them, but have you figured out which one you want to be with?" she asked him. She'd get this answer first before continuing. She wasn't sure what he would say. If he said he'd chosen Mira, she would know then that she'd be dealing with Harley soon, and that her daughter would be heartbroken.
Kuren looked at this woman and took a breath. "Well, for an average guy, no one wouldn't like this sort of situation. Seeing the feelings of both girls, and then taking advantage of the situations. Well, I'm not that sort of guy. I'm the kind of guy that respects a woman's feelings. I don't like the competition in the least, but it has brought me to some conclusions about my life." He said with one of those looks you don't see many guys give. A confident one. He smiled. "This little thing that was at first troubling since it was awkward to try to have a sexual relationship with either girl, has turned into something quite amazing. I have found that my feelings have bloomed and blossomed over this short amount of time. Through all the dates, the get together s, the peaceful times, and the wild times, in both sexual and nonsexual contacts, I think I may actually have an answer for all of this. I can easily say that I love both girls, but my love for one of them is exponentially higher." He smiled lightly, glancing down. "She's beautiful, inside and out, gentle, well minded, and I have the urge to make her only mine, and to protect her forever. She's a little submissive, and I wish she would try to be a little bit more dominant, but I don't really care....The sex isn't just wild, ravaging sex....It's consensual and love can be felt from every moment. And, I don't even need the sex really either. Just being with her makes me over joyed, and seeing her smile...Well, I guess I can't explain that too much.." His face was a bit red, but when he looked up, he was peaceful.

Kuren leaned back in the chair and looked up at the ceiling. "I guess, what I'm really getting that my choice is a given....It shouldn't be hard to figure out that through this outrageous time, I've come to care for a particular half demon..." He said smiling.
Natalia listened to him, not giving away any emotion as he spoke. But the moment he said he had decided on Harley, she had to fight the urge to cheer for her daughter. But, there was still the question of Mira. "Well, it's good that you've figured out these feelings. The other girl though, she needs to know this. I'm not saying rush out of here right now and tell her, but you're going to have to soon." she said, then a thought came to mind. What if he would still want to fool around with Mira, or any other attractive female, behind Harley's back? She smirked. "Unless..." she said, stepping forward, leaning towards him, and pulling him forward a bit, then sliding onto his lap, straddling him slightly. "You can always just forget both of them, find someone else. That way you won't have to worry about choosing..." she said teasingly. She needed to see how he would handle this. "That, or have the other one on the side. Affairs are a common thing after all."
Kuren nodded. "Oh, I know that...I just have to find the right time.." He said lightly, leaning back in his chair again. Kuren watched as the woman walked forwards and got onto his lap. She straddled him and he could feel the woman's warmth on his body. His face reddened as she got closer and said what she needed to say. Then, as her face closed in on him, he smelled something quite familiar. His eyes widened, then he grinned. He squeezed his fists, then as he unclenched them, he slid a finger up the woman's leg, up her stomach and chest, and to her chin, lifting it slightly. "And just who do you think you are?" He said smirking. His face got close to her neck and he blew some air on her neck, grazing his teeth ever so slightly on her neck. He tapped the chair with his other hand, and shadows loosely encircled her legs, making sure she couldn't move from her position. Kuren licked his lips as he took in the scent on this woman. "Are you sure you want to go down this path?"
Natalia watched him, smirking back at him. "I'm just a girl looking for a bit of fun.." she told him, feeling his teeth graze her neck, moaning, but in her mind she wasn't believing that Kuren could be swayed so easily. Was this really the boy Harley was head over heels for? She couldn't believe what he was doing already. Then shadows held her in her position and she laughed a bit as he spoke again. "Oh, that I'm sure of. I've been wondering what you have to offer that two foolish young girls would actually compete over.." she teased.
Kuren was getting turned on, but he made sure that he didn't show any of it. He blew in her ear gently as his hands wandered on her body, but didn't touch anywhere vital for a relationship. He went to her neck and licked it gently, but not for long. The taste confirmed what he was thinking and he knew almost immediately afterwards. He kissed her cheek, and backed off a bit. He came up to her ear again. "You know...Usually a guy would take advantage of a situation like this, but I won't." He said, firmly at the end. The shadows released her, but not until it removed her from his lap, and settled her back on her chair. Kuren stood up, a small red hue in his blue eyes. The aura around him was intense, and anyone around would know it was a vampire's from the royal ranks. He stood in front of her with a firm look, then lightened it up and smiled. The red going away from his eyes. "Do you really think I could be swayed that easily...Don't get me wrong, but you are a very beautiful woman, and if these weren't the circumstances, and I wasn't in love with your daughter, things may be different." He said, a smile on his face. Kuren shook his head. "Lady Natalia...You give off a very unique smell, that puts you with Harley pretty easily. And then the taste...Well, don't hold me to that. You were the one that straddled me." He said with a chuckle at the end.
Natalia felt his tongue against her neck, a kiss on her cheek, then he spoke. She was surprised, but before she could say anything his shadows removed her from his lap and then released her back in her chair. She looked up at him, eyes widening when he gave away that he knew it was her, then she smirked at him. "I was only making sure. For my daughter's sake." she told him, then stood again. She walked over to him, wrapping her arms around him in a hug and sighed in relief. "To tell you the truth, I'm so glad you love her..." she told him. "It's selfish, but I wanted you to pick her over Mira...I'm sure the girl has her charms but I'm not sure if I could have handled seeing Harley cry.."
Kuren felt her put her arms around him and he smiled. He hugged her back and just felt her stay around him. "I know that. Motherly love will do a lot for their children." He said with a small laugh. Kuren was a little taller than Natalia was, so it almost looked like they were the same age. Maybe that's why Dad was attracted to her. Then again...His dad did have that polygamous life. Kuren was not proud of his Father at all. "I very much do love your daughter, and I'm glad that you accept me. I'll make sure your daughter never cries...." He said gently. Kuren broke the hug afterwards. He was thinking of Harley and was getting slightly excited. He smiled and looked at Natalia.

It was around the time that Kuren was speaking to Natalia when a strange aura entered the dorm. "I can't believe that stupid prince would be doing something like this...Agreeing to go to the Lord's counseling. It's a stupid set up. I need to set things straight." Said the mysterious man. He had entered through the same portal that Kuren had left. Only those of the royal family could use it. This man had the skin like Kuren, but slightly darker. He was a half breed and pretty bad tempered, especially with the main family. Also considering, since he was of royal blood, but he was still known as the branch family. A step lower than the rest. And with him being a halfling, it caused more problems for him. A demon and vampire, who'd know.

This man walked over to the dorm room number he knew that Kuren was staying in. He knocked on the door and when it was answered, he bowed lightly, but went back to facing the girl in the eyes. "My name is Raven....Is this the dorm where Kuren Shinai lives in?
Natalia let go of him as he broke it, nodding. "Good.." she said, then looked up at the clock. "You should get back to the girls. I'm sure they're wondering where you are. Besides, I need to get this wig off and meet up with my boyfriend...we were supposed to be going on a date tonight.." she said, leaning back against the desk and looking at him.

Harley and Marina had agreed after much debating on a movie to watch. It was a horror film, something Harley wasn't bothered by in the least, but Mira was another another story. In fact, she had grabbed on to Harley and was attempting to hide her face, but the red head was making her watch the film. A knock sounded on the door just as the creature jumped at the man peeping in his attic at ghost children staring at a projector, and Mira jumped, yelping a bit. "I-I'll get it.." she said, wanting to turn her mind on something other than the film. She went to answer the door, looking at the strange guy there. He was quite handsome to say the least. "Y-Yes it is. He's not here right now, but he should be back soon if you want to wait on him." she said. Harley laughed a bit. "Mira! You're missing the reveal of the yard work tape! It's gruesome!" she called to her. Mira flushed slightly. "I don't wanna see it! That movie gives me the creeps!" she yelled at her.
Kuren laughed. "You may want to freshen up a tad. I don't think your boyfriend will like if he smells me on you." He said with a smile. He took the portal out of his pocket and set it on the ground. "Good luck and thank you." He said lightly. "I'll probably be seeing you again soon." He said as he bowed and entered the portal. Once inside the portal, he was brought back to the portal he had left earlier.

Raven nodded. "Thank you. I will wait if you don't mind. I have something important to speak to him about..." He said firmly. By the smell he got from this girl, this was the werewolf, which meant that the one that called for her was the half demon. He needed to see how they actually were, if he was going to allow his master to choose one of them. He took a step forwards and noticed a reaction to the werewolf. Her flushing red face was quite attractive, and it was only until he stepped a bit closer that he noticed her build. He licked his lips lightly, but didn't let her see at all. Once the door was closed, he manipulated the shadows to make this wolf girl trip, and by doing so, Raven put his arm around her and held her up. "Are you alright young wolf?" He asked lightly.
Natalia laughed a bit. "Believe me I will. I don't want him getting the wrong idea. Luckily though, he's human so he won't sense much to begin with.." she said, nodding to him and watching him leave.

Mira nodded. "Of course..come on in.." she told him, stepping aside to let him in, then closing the door behind him. Then suddenly, she tripped, on what she thought was her own two feet. Before she could fall though, Raven caught her. She looked at him, flushing out of embarrassment. "Y-Yeah I'm fine.." she said. Harley was turned looking at them. "If you two are done over there, come on and sit down.." she said, smiling at the two. She then turned back to the movie.
Kuren appeared back int hat alley way and noticed immediately an aura that wasn't supposed to be there. He ran for the front door, but knew that it wasn't going to be that easy. He disappeared into the shadow and appeared inside the room, in the middle of Harley and Raven. He brought up a hand, claws already bared, and the shadow wall appeared between Mira and Raven, splitting them up. The wall made Mira fall through the shadows and appear on the couch. Raven grinned, his sharp, jagged teeth showing. He went to his back pocket and threw out three daggers. Kuren caught each, and made them disappear into the shadows, pulling out his blade that Harley had seen once before. Kuren put it at Raven's neck before he could move. "What are you doing here Raven?" Kuren said, his eyes red as blood, claws out, and growling. Raven chuckled lightly. "Is that any way to treat your brother Kuren?" Kuren growled deeply at him, but he dropped the blade, making it disappear into the shadows. Kuren turned on the light so neither of them could have an advantage. "What are you doing here Raven..." Kuren asked again, still on edge. Raven put his hands up. "Is it so bad to come and see my younger brother?"
Mira yelped when the shadow wall appeared, not expecting it and was now on the couch. Harley had paused the movie and jumped up as soon as she saw what was going on, and had already taken a few steps over towards Kuren to calm him down when she stopped, looking at Raven. Mira's eyes were on him as well. Had he just said brother? They both looked at the two of them, even more surprised when he said younger brother. "Whoa...hold on...rewind...what?" Harley asked, looking mostly at Kuren.
Raven chuckled lightly. "Oh, sorry. Did I not introduce myself fully? I am Raven Shinai." He said with a smile. Kuren looked at him still growling. "We're not related by blood. He's a branch family, but because we are of the same royalty, he is technically my brother...My older brother, but two years. He's also not a full vampire. He's a half blood. Half demon, half vampire." Kuren said through his teeth. His eyes never left Raven's body. He was waiting for something to happen. Raven bowed lightly. "Don't mind him. It's just because my family tried a coup de tat before. Tried to assassinate the Lord. But that's over and done with. We're servants to the higher family now. I just wished to come and see who the young girls that were fighting over him were. And to check up on Kuren of course." Kuren had a low growl and was on high alert. "Drop all weapons and I'll lower by guard." Kuren said firmly. Raven nodded in compliance and all the weaponry dropped out his his clothes and into the shadows. It was a good fifty pounds or so of weaponry. "One more Raven. You're mouth." Raven chuckled and stuck out his tongue. On the bottom of it was a small pin. It was poison tipped. It dropped and Kuren settled down.
Harley and Mira were both listening, and both watched as Raven got rid of his weapons, Mira's mouth open slightly. Harley finally stepped closer to Kuren, glad he had settled down. Mira, not to be shown up, snapped out of her gaze on Raven and walked over to him as well. Harley would have done more, but Mira was there and she didn't want to be overly affectionate to Kuren in front of her, not when she knew what he was going to tell her soon. "Well, now that you two are done with that.." Mira began, then her fist was lightly planted on top of Harley's head as she pouted, looking at Kuren. "She was making me watch...well I don't know what the hell it was, but it was terrifying!" she said. Harley scoffed. "Oh please, that was a kiddie film compared to some of the things I've seen. I could have made you watch The Howling. And no, the werewolf doesn't have a happy ending.." she said, and Mira rolled her eyes.
Kuren noticed that both Harley and Mira had come to him. Harley first, but that was a given. "I'll be back when it's a little more calm and I can speak to you in peace Kuren. You and I need to talk soon." Raven said as he left. There was trouble with the family and they needed Kuren back soon. It was between peace and war, and it was almost time for Kuren to make his decision. Raven left no trace of him being there, but he couldn't get that wolf girl off his mind. He did, however leave a present for her in her pocket. It was a small red and black ring, with the emblem of the Shinai clan. He grinned and wondered if she would know it was from him, since he did feel her up slightly when she 'fell'.

Kuren was glad that Raven left, but for him to be formal about, something was up. He turned his attention to Harley and Mira. "A horror movie? I'm not the greatest with them, but I don't mind them either." He said lightly. He put a hand on Mira's head and patted her gently. "I'll be here the next time she tries to scare you with her movies." He said with a smile, laughing quietly. While Mira had her eyes closed and whined a bit, Kuren took that opportunity to reach behind Harley, who was still standing pretty close to him, and grope her butt gently. He withdrew his hand once Mira opened her eyes and he chuckled again.
Harley shrugged. "It could have been worse..." she said as Kuren patted Mira's head and spoke to her. Mira closed her eyes, whining a bit. "I don't want it to be worse..." she said, while Harley shot a playful glare at Kuren as he groped her butt. Mira looked at him as she opened her eyes. "Well, what now?" she asked them. "Because thanks to Harley I don't know if I can sleep tonight.." she said honestly. She shoved her hands in her pockets, one of them feeling something strange in there. It felt like a ring of sorts. She knew Kuren hadn't put it there, so perhaps Raven had. He had caught her when she tripped, not to mention she had been feeling her up. "Hold that thought. I need a drink.." she said, slipping to the kitchen. She did legitimately get a glass of water, but she also pulled the ring out. An emblem, one she knew was from Kuren's clan, was on the red and black ring. She flushed a bit as she stared at it, wondering why Raven had left it there.
Kuren chuckled lightly at Mira as she whined a bit more, saying that she probably wouldn't be able to sleep tonight. But just as Kuren was about to say something, she excused herself to the kitchen. He was slightly confused but watched her go get a drink. Kuren slid his hand back and grabbed Harley by the waist pulling her into him as he turned around. He kissed her pretty roughly, his tongue even sliding into her mouth. He didn't do it for too long since Mira was just in the other room, but it tasted great. When he broke it off, they both could feel that they wanted more. He shook his head. "I'm going to go crazy..." He said quietly into her ear. He broke off their contact just in case of Mira coming out.

Mira was in the kitchen when Raven felt that the ring had been taken out. Raven smiled as he sat in the park in a barrier. He wasn't allowed to leave the area until he spoke to Kuren, so might as well figure out everything at the same time. Once Mira had begun to look at the ring, a small piece of parchment fell out of the ring. The little letter said, "If you want to find the answer to why I gave you this, go through the portal on the outside of your building, and come to where I am. I promise nothing will happen to you."
Harley smiled as Kuren pulled her to him, kissing him back just as rough and moaning as he slid his tongue into her mouth, playing her tongue with his lightly. He broke it off soon though, and she wanted more of him and she could sense that he wanted more of her. "You think I'm not?" she asked him, smiling slightly as he broke their contact.

Mira gasped as a piece of parchment fell out of the ring. She read it, then stuffed both the ring and parchment into her pocket again. Curiosity was burning inside of her. She finished off her water, then went back into the other room. "I'm going to go talk a walk. Clear my mind. I'll be back soon." she told them, and with that she left. Once outside the building, she found the portal, and went through it. When she got through, she saw Raven sitting in the park, a barrier around him. She looked at him. "Well, here I am."
Kuren grinned and then looked over to see Mira walk out the door. He was curious and looked back at Harley. "Did I miss something?" He asked her, and when she shook her head, he grinned. He sort of tackled, sort of carried her onto the couch, spinning slightly in the air for her to end up on top of him. "Gives us some time though." He said lightly, a smile forming on his face. He licked her neck as he pushed her farther up on him, with his knee against her pussy. "How many times will this be today? Three, four?" He shook his head. "I wouldn't care if it was thirty or forty..." He said lightly as he kissed her roughly.

Raven looked up to see Mira enter the barrier. "Welcome my beautiful wolf. Thank you for coming." He said lightly, bowing. The he got took a couple steps forwards and smiled at her. "I was told of two beautiful maidens that were competing for my brothers, and I thought it couldn't be true. But when I saw you...My heart skipped a beat. I couldn't believe someone as beautiful as you could live on this planet." He said gently.
Harley watched Mira leave curiously, then shook her head at Kuren. Then he did a sort of tackle, taking her to the couch and spinning slightly so that she was on top of him when he landed. She smiled at him. "Exactly.." she said, feeling his tongue going up her neck, moaning as his knee went up against her pussy. She'd been wanting him from the moment he came back home. "I don't care either.." she said, kissing him back just as rough, reaching down and rubbing him through his pants and using her other hand to remove his shirt.

Mira noticed that he was just as formal as Kuren with the bowing, but was still watching him as he stepped towards her. She was a bit taken back by his compliment, but smiled a bit all the same. "Oh, well, guess you're a believer now huh?" she asked him. She couldn't deny the fact that he was handsome, but she was still competing for Kuren against Harley. Mira had a feeling that was about to end though, and that she wasn't winning. She'd felt like this since the dinner, despite what happened with his clone. She could sense they were even closer than before, and while it pained her that he might not choose her, she'd take it in stride. "So, is that all you wanted me for? To throw a few compliments my way?" she asked him.
Kuren felt her hand pretty quickly on his bulge in his pants and was pretty surprised that she went for it that quickly. He grinned into their kiss and moved his knee against her pussy again, feeling how wet she was getting already. He broke the kiss and licked her cheek. "You're getting pretty naughty with me around huh, Harley?" He asked in a very innocent tone. He felt his shirt come off so he went up her shirt, since it was a two piece, one skirt and one shirt type deal, and unhooked her bra. "Such a turn on.." He said quietly.

Raven smiled at her. He chuckled lightly at her comment and nodded. "Well, not exactly. But I'm not too evil to do anything too bad. But, I just wanted to say, that you'll always have a place in my heart if you ever need anything, and you can't get it from my younger brother." He said gently. But then the portal closed behind, trapping her in the barrier, and since Raven was older, his powers were stronger too.
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