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Awkward Rooming Situation(KyaKonami and HaseoGentsu1)

Kuren pushed into her deeply with his dick, but took it out so he could turn her to face him. Then he slammed his dick back into her, kissing her roughly. He already knew that he wasn't going to last for a very long time since they had done it earlier that day, but he was going to give her enough to please her.

Raven sat up and put an arm around Mira and pulled her into his chest. He hugged her gently. "I'm sorry if I did something wrong to you, but I know it wasn't a bad thing. We match in what we want..." He said in a very gentle voice. He took her hand and unfolded them, so there weren't any more of a fist. He brought her hand up to his lips and kissed it gently.
Harley moaned as he pushed in deeply, then as he slid out. She looked up at him as he turned her, moaning loudly as he slammed back into her, kissing him back roughly. She bucked lightly, wanting him more and more. Harley pressed herself against Kuren, determined not to have any space between them.

Mira felt an arm around her, and she was pulled into Raven's chest. She hadn't expected him to say what he did, and it surprised her. Then he was unfolding her hands, kissing one. She shook her head slightly. "I-It's not that..." she said, a small tear leaking out of her eye. "I shouldn't have done this with you....Not until I knew his answer...." she said. After a few moments, she laughed halfheartedly. "Or maybe I've just been fooling myself and I'm really just that shallow..."
Kuren felt her buck against him and squeeze them together. He pushed her up against a wall and picked her up, wrapping her legs around his waist. He began to really thrust hard into her. He was determined to fuck her for as long as he could before he lost his load again. Kuren grinned broke off the kiss, biting her neck pretty hard. He licked down to her shoulder and bit her again, loving the reactions he was getting from her. He could feel the pressure tightening up more and more in his dick.

Raven's face hardened. "Never say that again Mira...Never." He said firmly. He put his hands on her shoulder and pulled her to face him. His face was stern. "You're not shallow in the least. Mira, ever since I laid my eyes upon you, and felt you up a little bit..." He said coughing, his face a bit red, "I couldn't take my eyes off of you. It's one of those things." He said lightly, his face softening up. "As a question, did you ever feel that way with Kuren when you were having sex?"
Harley groaned sensually as he pushed her against a wall and wrapped her legs around him. She kept them there, holding on to him as he thrusted into her, her nails digging in lightly as he bit her neck hard and moaned loudly. She was enjoying it so much, bucking against him and tightening as he kept thrusting and biting her.

Mira heard Raven first before he turned her to face him. She looked at him, not budging. She flushed slightly, thinking about what he said and asked. "N-Not really I just....I don't know, I wanted him, I know that much..." she said, sighing.
Kuren ran his teeth up her body, from her shoulder to her cheek, then slid his tongue into her mouth. He was teasing her heavily as he fucked her harder and harder. Her nails dug into his skin causing a shiver to go throughout his body. He loved the feeling. He kissed her roughly, then broke off as he pushed farther into her, reaching as far into her as he could. He thrusted harder and harder.

Raven put a finger under her chin and lifted it so she could see eye to eye with him. "And what about now? Are the feelings the same?" He asked lightly.
Harley moaned as he slid his tongue into her mouth, playing her tongue with his and smirking a bit as she felt him shiver. She roughly kissed him back, moaning loudly as he pushed in as far as he could and thrusted. Her nails dug in more, sliding down him a bit as she tightened up more.

Mira looked into Raven's eyes, a slight flush on her face. "I....I don't know..." she answered. She didn't know how she was feeling at the moment. She didn't like losing, but was she really still feeling for Kuren aside from sex? Of course, having sex with Raven was mind blowing, and he was attractive, not to mention an interesting character to say the least. She felt torn, unsure of how to feel and maybe even a bit afraid of the outcome.
Kuren felt her tighten up more than before. It caused him to thrust into her all the way a few more times before cumming into her. He broke the kiss and breathed heavily onto her. He tapped the ground lightly and a small mattress appeared on the ground. He fell back onto it and sighed. "Still too good Harley...Thank you." He said lightly bringing her down to kiss her.

Raven nodded. "It's easy to see that it's hard to think about. Take your time alright. Think carefully about it." He said lightly. Raven got up for a second and checked on the bathroom. He grinned. "How about you take a bath." He said lightly.
Harley moaned, tightening more the more he thrusted, her orgasm hitting right as he cummed inside of her, she held on to him tightly, breathing heavily. She watched as he landed onto the mattress he brought forth, kissing him back. "You're very welcome.." she said, smiling at him. She kissed him again gently.

Mira watched as Raven got up. She was still unsure of herself, but was grateful he was telling her to take her time. She needed it. "That...actually sounds good right about now.." she said, smiling a bit as she stood up.
Kuren grinned and kissed her pretty gently. "I truly do love you Harley, no matter what." He held her closely, his arms around her waist. He grinned and chuckled. "Wanna go take a bath?" He asked her quickly.

Raven nodded and pointed to the bathroom. "I'll be out here." He said as he sat down, his clothes appearing back on him. He stretched and leaned back.
Harley smiled as he spoke and held her, nodding. "I know..I love you too.." she told him. She smirked as he asked her about a bath. "Of course.." she said.

Mira nodded slightly and went into the bathroom, running the water and sliding in, cleaning herself a bit and then leaning back with a sigh, arm over her forehead and eyes looking up at the ceiling, lost in thought.
Kuren grinned and picked her up. "We know each other too much." He said with a chuckle. Since they were both naked, he set in the tub, carrying her like a princess. Once they were in, he licked up her neck gently.

Raven grinned and look up at the ceiling. He wondered about his talk with Kuren though. He needed to marry soon. His father wasn't going to be lord for much longer. Things needed to begin to happen.
Harley smirked and nodded. "In more ways than one.." she teased a bit, letting him take her to the bath. She felt his tongue on her neck, shivering slightly as he licked up it. She relaxed against him, smiling slightly.

Mira finally got out of the bath, wrapping a towel around her body and coming back into the other room, hair still slightly wet. She looked over at Raven, grabbing her clothes and dropping the towel so she could slide into them.
Kuren chuckled. "You're right about that one." He said lightly as he kissed her gently, a hand going around her body, caressing and washing. His dick was already getting hard in the water and rubbing against her back.

Raven was sitting on the bed, just leaning back. He smelled clean and everything too. Even looked it. "Feel any better now Mira?" He asked her, grinning slightly. His thoughts were still wandering, but he wouldn't tell her about it.
Harley kissed him back gently, feeling his hands washing and caressing her. She then felt his dick rubbing against her back. He was already hard again. "Already?" she asked him, smirking a bit and kissing him more.

Mira nodded. "Just a bit." she said, going over and sitting down on the bed once she had her clothes on. She laid back on it, looking at him. "So, what now?"
Kuren's face reddened. "Not my fault." He said lightly. Kuren kissed her deeply and broke it off. "Completely not my fault. The girl in front of me is just too damn cute and sexy..." He said glancing away.

Raven shrugged. "Anything you want to do, I'll be there for you." He said lightly. He sat up and took her hand into his.
Harley kissed him back deeply, blushing as he spoke. "Well, I'm just glad I make you feel this way..." she said, glancing away and smiling slightly. She leaned against him lightly after a few moments.

Mira felt him take her hand, and couldn't help but smile slightly. "Right now, I honestly think I want some sleep...I'll....go talk to Kuren later..." she said. "Figure things out..."
Kuren didn't mind that she wasn't going to do anything about it right now. He just wanted to be with her and stay like this for a bit longer. With a hand around her waist, he slid one behind her back, and did something he hadn't done much to her. He hugged her. "I'll never let you go...ever."

Raven nodded and pulled back the covers. As she got into the bed, he kissed her forehead. "Then, for now, sleep. I'll probably lie down next to you later tonight. I need to make some calls." He said lightly. Raven watched her fall asleep, or at least what he thought was her sleeping. He walked over to the other side of the wall and tapped on it. A windowed mirror appeared. "Sire, it seems like the picks are done, but I have a complication. I have fallen for the wolf." Raven said gently. Lord Shinai sighed. "As long as I'll have a daughter, maybe two, things will be fine. Kuren needs to take his place as the next Lord. I can't stay for much longer. The times have changed..." He said with another sigh.
Harley felt Kuren hug her, blushing as he spoke. She leaned more into him, nuzzling his neck a bit. "Good, because I don't want you to.."

Mira got into bed, nodding when Raven spoke. It wasn't long before she did fall asleep. She was a heavy sleeper still and didn't even hear the conversation between Raven and Lord Shinai.
Kuren smiled and released her, but still had his arms around her. He turned her so that she was pretty much straddling his waist and looking at him. He grinned and kissed her neck. "It's getting pretty late. It seems like we have the place to ourselves tonight." He said glancing away. "Want to sleep together?" Kuren asked, his face a little red.

Raven bowed to the lord and cut it off before anything else was said. He walked over to the bed and got under the covers. He needed sleep. It had been about four days of missions with minimal sleep. It would be nice to get more than three or four hours of sleep.
Harley smiled as he turned her, straddling his waist with ease. She nodded. "Yeah..seems so.." she said, her face growing redder when he asked if she wanted to sleep together. "Y-Yeah...I'd like that.."

Mira was still asleep, shifting slightly, and winding up closer to Raven. Her face was still troubled, even in her sleep.
Once Kuren and Harley had finished their bath, they got into their sleep stuff and got into the main bed together. The one that Mira and her usually slept on. Falling asleep, cuddled together, was a very good feeling to Kuren. It just felt right. They went through the night and stayed together the whole night. The next morning, Kuren shifted slightly and noticed how they were. Harley was pressed against him and her hand was near his crotch. Kuren's hand was on her crotch and his head was near her neck. He grinned and licked her neck.

Raven fell asleep with Mira, and once the morning hit, he stirred to notice that Mira was fingering his dick through his pants. He was pretty hard but he wasn't going to show it. He stayed almost asleep.
Harley finished bathing with him, put her clothes on, and slid into bed with Kuren. She cuddled up to him, staying that way as she slept. The next morning, she slept still, stirring slightly as he licked her neck. Once she started waking up, she realize where her hand was, and where his was, and flushed slightly. "Morning..." she said softly, but hadn't removed her hand just yet.

Mira was still asleep, not even realizing what she was doing. She shifted, now up against him, a soft moan escaping her, her hand shifting against his dick more.
Kuren looked at her and grinned. "Morning love." He said gently as he moved their waists a little closer together. He reached down and touched her pants and panties and felt something a bit odd. It was wet. He chuckled. "Wet dream?" He asked, not realizing that he had morning wood.

Raven noticed that Mira was still asleep, and yet she was softly stroking his dick. His eyes widened, but decided to slide a hand into her pants and panties and touched her gently, sliding against her pussy.
Harley smiled, feeling him touch her and moaned lightly, nodding. "Yes, in fact I did have one.." she said, touching his dick lightly. "Morning wood?" she asked teasingly.

Mira was still asleep, moaning in her sleep as he slid his hand against her pussy, her hand still stroking him.
Kuren grinned and pushed against her pussy. "Maybe." He said lightly, teasing her pussy first thing in the morning. "Want me to fix your wet dream and make it into a reality?" He asked her with a smirk.

Raven pushed her pants and panties down and even lifted her shirt up. Licking her nipples lightly, he allowed his dick to be brought out of his pants by Mira and she was rubbing him directly. He pushed the head against her pussy, and just let her stroke it.
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