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Awkward Rooming Situation(KyaKonami and HaseoGentsu1)

Kuren sighed and watched them leave. He looked over at Harley and nodded. He pulled a box out of his back pocket and gave it to her. "I was going to wait until they left to say something, but I guess the surprise is over now.." He said as he kissed her, his shadow pressing against her. He watched her open it.

Raven looked over at Mira. "Hopefully not too big for your tastes. It always seemed pretty daunting when I was a kid. Big house, small boy...Yeah, things happened that shouldn't have. But that was also when Kuren and I had a good relationship. It wasn't until later that things became a little unstable." He said as her things began to appear in the house. "You can have any room from all of them to sharing one with me. Your pick."
Harley watched Kuren pulled out a box, flushing as he spoke and gave it to her. She kissed him back, feeling the shadow against her, she couldn't suppress a small moan coming out of her. She opened the box to see a ring inside. It was what she expected the moment he handed it to her, but that didn't stop her from crying a bit from happiness. "I think you pretty much know the answer..." she said, kissing him again passionately.

Mira listened to him, nodding slightly in understanding. "It's fine. I like it." she said. " don't mind me asking....what happened?" she asked him. She was curious as to what drove a wedge this big between the two, if they were on good terms in the past. She smiled a bit as he told her she had her pick of a room. Stepping closer to him, she leaned against his chest lightly. "I think I'd like to share.." she said, a small smirk on her lips.
Kuren grinned and slid it on to her finger. "Good." He said lightly as he kissed her back more passionately than she did to him. He brought her into his arms and even to the poin to put her into his lap. He just wanted to be with her at the moment. It was even better that it was their room now, so they didn't have to worry about Mira coming in to interrupt them.

Raven looked at Mira when she asked what happened. He sighed lightly, but knew that he would have to tell her eventually. When she stepped closer to him, he grinned. She wanted to share, which made things better than before. Raven had them sit down for a second. "Well, it's a pretty long story, so I'll shorten it up a little." He said gently. Raven sighed again, but then took a breath. "It was around my 16th birthday. Around that time in our age, we are given our first missions to prove ourselves worthy of the rank and position we have. So I was given mine. The only bad thing was, at that time in my life, the coup de tat was happening. My mission was to kill Kuren so the throne wouldn't have an heir, which would make my family the next leading one." He said sighing. "So as I tried to carry out my mission, there were complications." He said, choking up at the end. "I was told that Kuren was sick and was bed ridden, so my attack was going to be there. When I attacked and killed the person in the bed, I thought it was done. What I wasn't told was that Kuren was being taken care of by his mother, his real mother. She was in the bed with him for the night, and Kuren had gotten up to use the bathroom." He said, a tear going down his cheek. "I killed his blood mother. Kuren came into the room in a rage, and attacked with killing force." Raven said as he stood up. Mira probably didn't see it, but now she was going to.

Raven slid off his shirt and turned his back to Mira. Two major claw marks went from his shoulders to his waist. They were healed over, scar tissue along the whole thing. "Most wounds heal if they were shallow enough. Kuren isn't just a Shadow Vampire. He's one of the strongest and monstrous ones of them all. Not many can transform into a different form, but he can. It's one out of three hundred or so out of the main family. Kuren tried to rip me to shreds." He said, sitting back down. "I can't blame him for the way he acts towards me now. I did a very idiotic thing back then. I've been sorry ever since then. I've tried to make up for it, but nothing works. I am just a side character paying for my crimes." Raven said sighing.
Harley felt the ring slide onto her finger, and it felt like the most wonderful thing in the world. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he put her in his lap, kissing him deeper and pressing herself tightly against him.

Mira sat down with him, listening as he told her what happened. She was a bit surprised at first, but considering it was during a coup, it made sense his mission would be to kill Kuren. What hit her was the fact that Kuren's real mother was dead. The woman she and Harley had met wasn't her. She watched Raven stand and take off his shirt, seeing the two marks on his back.

When he got through, she sighed slightly as well. "I's hard to get over something like that." she began, thinking over her words before she let them come out. "But...I don't think it was idiotic...I mean, you were young, of course you're going to do best by your family, even if it means something bad.." she then put her arms around him, nuzzling his neck a bit. She wanted to comfort him, at least a bit.
Kuren was surprised at first by her reaction, but once she pressed her body against his, it felt amazing and right. He pulled her close and kissed her just as passionately and even began to slide his tongue into her mouth. He wanted her more than ever before, but heck, they did just get engaged. Kuren's mind was racing with factors in all of this, but the biggest one was to have to talk to her mother about it too. There was a lot to do.

Raven looked over at Mira when she put her arms around him. He kissed her forehead. "But the thing is, its not just that I killed his mother...All of them are my family too. Like I said, I am the branch family. The first wife Lord Shinai took, Kuren's mother, was the main family. That meant all the kids there too. But the vampire race believes in polygamy. My mother was the next one that Shinai took. We may not be full blooded brothers, but we are still brothers. Same blood from our father. So you can see why I feel horrible. That's why I took my training very seriously afterwards. I wanted to make sure no one else could do what happened to Kuren. I'm his protector." He said, finishing off what he needed to say.

Raven looked back at Mira afterwards. "But now I'm not just a protector of Kuren. I'm Harley's as well...And a protector of the girl that I fell for....You." He said as he kissed her.
Harley moaned a bit as his tongue slid into her mouth, playing her tongue back with his lightly, wanting him. She was happier than she'd ever been. She kept kissing him, shifting slightly and getting even closer to him, one of her hands going down his chest lightly.

Mira listened to him, looking up at him as he spoke, flushing slightly as he got to the end. She kissed him back, getting closer to him and leaning against him. She broke off after a few moments. "Does Kuren know this though? I mean...." she said, sighing. "I could try to talk to him, at least." she told him, sliding into his lap. "Later though, because I'd much rather spend some time with the guy I think I'm falling for..." she said, leaning against his chest and looking up at him.
Kuren felt her tongue playing with his so he played back even rougher. He felt her hand trailing down his chest which made him grin into the kiss. They both wanted each other which made these things better for both of them. Kuren played roughly with her tongue as he slid a hand up her shirt, undoing her bra and letting it fall to the sofa.

Raven shook his head. "He would never listen to me, not even to this day. Only political things he would listen to." He said shrugging. Kuren knows how to hold a grudge too. Anyone that gets on his bad side would have a horrible life thereafter. But that went both ways. If Kuren liked you, your life would be very forgiving and go smoothly. Raven pushed those thoughts away when he felt Mira slide into his lap. He grinned. "I think I'll help with that." He said as he kissed her roughly.
Harley moaned as he got rougher with her tongue, doing the same. Her bra fell to the sofa as she reached his pants, undoing them and sliding her hand to his dick, rubbing him lightly. She kissed him deeper, wanting more of him.

Mira nodded slightly. She wished she could help somehow still though. For both of them. She kissed him back just as rough, moaning a bit and growling slightly into the kiss, deepening it as her hand went down to his pants.
Kuren grinned and gasped slightly from her touch. For some reason, it seemed different than before. It felt better. Maybe it was because they were doing it because they were engaged. He chuckled to himself as he slid his hand down into her panties and stroked her pretty roughly.

Raven heard her growl and he growled right back. He felt her hand travel down to her pants and he grinned. He forced his tongue into her mouth and played with it roughly as he slid his hand down to her butt and groped it.
Harley kept stroking him lightly as he slid his hand down inside of her panties and moaned a bit loudly into the kiss. She felt more sensitive than before. Maybe it was the different situation they were in, being engaged. She didn't know, but she knew she didn't want it to go away and she didn't want to stop.

Mira smirked as she heard Raven growl back. She moaned as his tongue forced its way into her mouth and played back roughly. Her hand already had his dick out and was stroking him, pressing herself against him so he could feel how wet she already was.
Kuren grinned as he felt how wet she was becoming, and how fast it was. He slid a finger into her pussy, sliding her skirt and panties off. His own dick was pretty big and was already being restricted by his pants. He hoped that Harley realized that. Kuren broke the kiss for a second to slide off her shirt, so that she was completely naked while sitting on him. He smirked as he got a bit harder when he saw her that way.

Raven slid off her pants and panties and grinded against her, his dick and her hand pressing up against her pussy. A good way to tease a woman. Raven broke the kiss to take off her shirt and grinned as she pressed herself against him more. Her nipples were hard and pressing against him. Raven grinned again and kissed the woman quite ravenously.
Harley moaned as he slid a finger into her, smirking a bit. He had slid her skirt and panties off, and she was about to take off his pants when he broke the kiss and removed her shirt, sitting there naked on him. She felt him grow harder, and quickly removed his pants and boxers, then his shirt, pressing against him and kissing him again.

Mira moaned loudly as she felt his dick and her hand against her pussy. She pressed against him more after her shirt was off, nipples hard already. Kissing him back just as ravenously, she rubbing against his dick, moaning into the kiss.
Kuren teased her pussy by pushing his dick against her. He wanted to push in into her for how hot and wet she was becoming, but he also wanted to tease her quite a bit too. Kuren pushed his tongue back into her mouth playing with hers pretty roughly, taking it into his mouth and sucked on it.

Raven played back roughly for dominance, pushing up against her. He wondered if he could use his shadows differently, so as he groped her breasts, he started to mold something out of shadows. He inserted his dick into her, but only the head to keep teasing her.
Harley moaned as he pushed his dick against her, her mouth opening enough for his tongue to push inside. She played back with him pretty rough, moaning more as he sucked on it. She pushed against Kuren, letting him feel how wet she was.

Mira felt Raven pushing up against her, smirking as he groped her. She was unaware of him trying something with his shadows, moaning lightly as he inserted his head into her. She growled. "Fucking tease..." she moaned out pushing against him, wanting more.
Kuren slid a hand down to her crotch and slid a finger into her as he teased her a bit more. His dick wanted to go in her, and with how wet she was, Kuren knew that she wanted it pretty badly. He wondered how long it would be before she started to beg for it. Kuren bit her tongue gently, holding it in his mouth, then letting go.

Raven grinned at her comment. "I think this may be more of a satisfaction...Well, we'll see." He said as another pair of hands went up on both of her breasts. Raven had been modeling a shadow clone of himself to go behind her. It was pretty detailed, especially the lower body of it. It looked exactly like Raven, except it had a see though type to it. Raven grinned as the shadow clone played with her nipples while Raven himself teased her more.
Harley moaned as his finger slid into her, and as he bit her tongue she pushed against him more, bucking lightly against his finger teasing her. She wanted him to bad, but she didn't want to give in and beg him. She kissed him more, harder, nipping his bottom lip lightly and smirking a bit.

Mira was about to ask him what he was talking about when two hands grabbed her breasts. She looked back to see a clone of Raven and blushed. "Oh...I think it may be.." she said to him, moaning as the clone played with her nipples, rubbing herself against him still.
Kuren slid his finger up to her clit and teased it as he slid farther into her with his other fingers. He broke the kiss and went down to her shoulder, biting it, licking up her neck, and biting her neck roughly. He brought a different hand up and teased her nipples while his dick throbbed against her groin, rubbing against it, but not entering.

Raven smirked and chuckled. "We shall see what you think after this." He said as he pushed her hips down, his dick ramming into her pussy, but he wasn't done there. As his dick entered her pussy, the clone pushed its dick into her ass. They both started to fuck her at different speeds, making a new sensation all together.
Harley kept moaning and squirming in pleasure under his teasing and biting, looking at him. "You're too much of a damn tease, Kuren..." she said, smirking a bit and pushing herself against his dick more. "Come on...please..."

Mira moaned as he slammed into her pussy, and the clone entered her ass. She couldn't help but moan louder, holding on to Raven as she was fucked, bucking against both dicks and moaning uncontrollably, gripping him tightly.
Kuren smirked. "I think you like it though." He said as he teased her more. Then when she said please, he didn't want that just to be it. "Please what?" He asked her with a grin on his face. He caressed the inside of her pussy with his finger.

Raven grinned at her reaction and both him and his clone reacted to how tight she was getting. It must be feeling pretty weird since she was being penetrated from both sides. He wondered about future actions, what else he could so. Raven grinned as both of them sped up their paces, fucking her fast, hard, and deep.
Harley smirked. "Maybe I do.." she said, moaning as he caressed her inside. "P-Please....I want you inside of me, Kuren.." she said, flushing a bit as she said it. "I want you..."

Mira moaned as they sped up, her pleasurable noises increasing in volume and her walls tightening the more Raven and his clone fucked her. She was still blushing, not able to control it since she was being double penetrated by him. She held on to the real him still, nails digging in slightly as she held on to him, her head leaning against his neck as she bit him a bit.
Kuren flushed lightly from what she said. He blinked a few times before doing a quick switch of positions. She was on the couch facing the bed, and Kuren was behind her. He moved her butt up and slid into her pussy from behind while biting her shoulder. He licked up to her ear. "Mine." He said with a grin as he began to move.

Raven could feel the pleasure rushing out of her as he and the clone fucked her harder. It wasn't until a few more that the clone came into her ass, disappearing once its role was over. Raven, on the other hand, was still fucking her pretty roughly. He wanted her more and more, especially after she dug her nails in and bit him. Raven went to the other side of her neck and bit into hers as well.
Harley waited on Kuren, watching him flush and blink. Then she was on the couch, feeling him behind her. She moaned as his dick slid inside of her, her moan increasing as he bit her shoulder. Blushing more as he spoke into her ear, she bucked lightly back against him as he began moving. "Yes...yours..."

Mira shuddered as the clone came inside of her ass, digging into Raven more. She bucked roughly, shifting so that he was fucking her deeper, crying out in pleasure as he bit into her neck. She tightened around him even more, and moved roughly against him, still wanting more of him.
Kuren grinned. "Good." He said lightly as he thrusted into her roughly, pushing as far into her that he could. He wanted her more and more, and with that completion of the thought, he knew that he had to have her completely. Kuren leaned up as he fucked her and turned her head to his. He kissed her deeply as he roughened up with her.

Raven sped up and began to reach all the way into her, his dick becoming hotter and hotter. Each sound, each cry, everything about her was turning him on more and more. She tightened in on him, and knew that both of them were reaching their limits a lot faster than usual. Raven lifted her head and kissed her even rougher than before.
Harley moaned as he thrusted into her, bucking against him and rocking the more he fucked her, keeping a pace with him. She let him turn her head to his and kissed him back deeply and roughly.

Mira moaned louder as she felt him go all the way inside of her, tightening more the more he thrusted and fucked her. She moved in pace with him, knowing her limit was coming soon and faster than usual, but his throbbing dick told her the same about him. She kissed Raven back roughly, growling a bit and keeping her body close to his.
Kuren could feel that she was tightening up with every thrust. It felt amazing and knew that her time was coming soon. He didn't want to stop, but knew that he was squeezed dry earlier that day by her too. As he fucked her, his tongue brought hers out to play outside of their mouths. With a few more thrusts, he came inside her pretty hard, shooting out more than usual.

Raven growled back pretty loudly as she did. Running his nails down her back as he fucked her even harder. Even when he came inside of her, he kept going at her. Even after she tightened up, he kept thrusting. He wasn't going to stop. Now, with Raven's instincts coming out, both of them were like animals. They suited each other quite well. Raven took his dick out of her pussy, pinned her down against the bedding, and slammed his dick into her ass.
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