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Awkward Rooming Situation(KyaKonami and HaseoGentsu1)

Harley continued moaning and moving with him, playing her tongue with his outside of their mouths. She bucked with every last thrust he gave her, tightening more than usual as she hit her orgasm when he came inside of her.

Mira growled playfully against as his nails ran down her back, tightening as he cam inside of her, a gasp escaping her as he continued fucking her. It didn't matter though, because she wanted more of him the more he fucked her. She felt him slide out of her, and was pinned, moaning loudly as he slammed himself into her ass. She bucked roughly.
Kuren gasped as she tightened up on him. He turned her around and held her close, his dick still in her. He wanted to stay connected with her as long as he could. Kuren knew that the feelings were different than before too. He chuckled at a thought. "You know...We're going to need to go tell you mother that we're engaged.." Kuren said with a laugh.

Raven thrusted faster and faster into her, making sure that each thrust was rough and deep. He moaned lightly as she tightened up even in her ass. He ran his hand through her hair before traveling down her other side of her body, sliding a finger back into her pussy. It was already pretty wet. "Naughty wolf....Very naughty..."
Harley stayed against Kuren as he turned her around, not wanting to move away from him. She looked up at him as he spoke, nodding. "Yeah...but we still have time for that." she said, kissing him.

Mira kept moving and moaning as Raven continued to fuck her. She let out a breathy moan as he slid a finger into her pussy, laughing a bit at his comment. "Look who's talking.."
Kuren kissed her back and grinned into it. After a couple seconds, he broke off. "We can't wait too long though. I wonder how she'll react to both the engagement, and to what I bet my father will ask her." He said with a chuckle. Kuren knew that would peak Harley's interest, but that didn't mean that Kuren was going to tell her though.

Raven grinned as he fucked her a bit slower now. His finger slid farther into her pussy making a naughty noise as it did so. "Says the one who's this wet even after being fucked this much." He said lightly. Raven bit her neck and grinned.
Harley nodded, then looked at Kuren with a raised brow. "What will he ask her?" she asked him, curious. She wasn't sure what Kuren's father would want with her mother.

Mira moaned as he fucked slower, bucking lightly against his finger sliding deeper inside of her wet, tight pussy. "Yeah well, can you blame me?" she asked him, feeling him bite her. She growled as he did, biting his neck in return.
Kuren laughed. "You'll see. I am not allowed to say anything more about it. It sort of is like a ritual for royal families. Nothing bad though." He said waving his hand away from the subject. Kuren grinned and kissed her neck up to her cheek. "Nothing to worry about."

Raven was close to cumming again into her ass this time. He wanted to make sure he filled every place as much as he could. Everywhere too. As he fucked her harder, he created a different clone this time. It stood in front of Mira and had his dick really hard in her face. "Wanna help him out too?" Raven asked as he began to mold another one too. "No wonder Kuren and Master Shinai love these shadows..." He thought to himself. He was going to make sure Mira never forgot this time ever.
Harley listened to him, then sighed. "You shouldn't have mentioned it. Now I'm way too curious.." she told him, cuddling up to Kuren. She knew he was dismissing the subject, but she was still highly curious.

Mira blushed as she saw another one of Raven's clones appear. She blushed even more as he spoke. "Y-Yeah.." she answered. She took the clones dick in her mouth, sucking hard on him and playing her tongue around his length and tip.
Kuren chuckled. "But I knew that you would get really curious. It's fun to mess with you." He said with a grin. Kuren kissed her cheek and cuddled her a bit more. "Wanna go take a bath or shower?"

The clone looked down at her and grinned, running a hand through her hair. Raven grinned and bit the back of her neck as he fucked her harder and faster into her ass. The other one was close to being made, but Raven just wanted more. He slid his finger into her pussy as he fucked her harder too.
Harley smirked. "Well, you succeeded." she told him, thinking for a moment about what choice she wanted. "Mmmm...Shower. We haven't had one of those in a while.." she said, smiling a bit.

Mira kept sucking the clone's dick, moaning against him as he continued fucking her ass. The more he did and the more he slid his finger into her made her wetter and tighten even more. She was getting a bit closer, but still had energy to satisfy him.
Kuren grinned. "We really haven't had one for a bit now, have we." He said chuckling. He got up, with a blanket over his shoulders. "Just come and meet me in there when you're ready to have it." He said as he went into the bathroom and started running the water for the shower. He needed to make the water just right so both of them could handle how the water was. They had different tastes. Once the water was at a good point, Kuren walked into it and waited for Harley to join him.

A different clone appeared underneath her and slid its hard dick into her pussy, replacing Raven's fingers. Raven grinned as he and the clones fucked every spot of Mira that they could. The clone underneath and Raven were thrusting at different speeds, while the one standing was being satisfied just by her tongue and sucking pressure.
Harley shook her head. "No, we haven't." she said, watching him go to the bathroom. After making sure she could walk properly, Harley followed, seeing Kuren already in and slid inside as well, looking up at him and smiling.

Mira moaned loudly against the dick she was sucking as the other clone slid inside of her. She couldn't take much more, not with this. She tightened greatly, sucking and moaning against the dick in her mouth and bucking the dicks inside of her roughly a few times before she started to release in an orgasm. She shook a bit, still moving against him even as she came, wanting more of him still.
Kuren smiled when he realized that Harley had joined him. But once she was under the water, he noticed again that he was taller than her by a good amount. He chuckled under his breath as he leaned down and kissed her. He pulled her against him and gave her a deep, loving, passionate kiss, but broke off before anything happened again. Kuren reached over her and grabbed the shampoo bottle. Before he put any in his hands, he did a small little mean thing. He squeezed the bottle and let the cold liquid slide down her back. After seeing her reaction, he squeezed a little bit more down her front, letting it slide all over her, then put some in his hands. Kuren put the bottle down and put his hands to his head, grinning.

Raven felt Mira start to orgasm, but that didn't stop him what so ever. It did, though, make the clone that was getting his dick sucked to cum in her mouth pretty hard. Once he had done so, the clone disappeared. Luckily for both of them, a clone, being the same person as the original, had the same semen as him too. So it wasn't like someone else was cumming in her mouth. Raven watched as Mira swallowed most of it, and he felt his dick throb in her ass. He and his clone grinned at each other and began to pump up the speed a bit more. Raven leaned down and bit her ear as they fucked her harder. "Tasty?" He asked her.
Harley smiled as Kuren leaned down, kissing him back passionately, feeling herself pulled against him. She enjoyed that kiss immensel, but he soon broke it off. She was about to speak to him when she felt something cold slide down her back. A light gasp of a moan escaped her, and she glared playfully at him. Then he squeezed it down her front, and she moaned again, covered in shampoo now. She still glared playfully, grabbing up the bottle while his hands were in his hair and squirted some at him, before getting some in her own hand and putting it in her own hair after putting the bottle back, looking at him with an innocent face.

Mira moaned again as the clone came in her mouth. She swallowed most of it, noting the same exact taste as Raven there. She moaned louder as she felt his dick throbbing in her ass, then even more as they both fucked her harder, and Raven bit her ear. "Y-Yeah.." she said, before moaning once more, bucking hard against them. "I...I think I'm gonna....gonna cum again.." she said, heat already pooling inside of her as he and his clone kept pumping into her. She couldn't help it, it was so good that she moved and bucked against them with a desperate need for another release.
Kuren grinned at her reactions and her playful glare. Then he was squirted with the shampoo too. He grinned as it didn't take too much effect. "You'll need to try harder to get a reaction out of me." He said as he let the water take the soap out of his hair. He ran his hands up to her breasts, and, with the use of the shampoo all over her, he lathered them up. "All that white shampoo kinda looks a bit naughty on your body, you know." He said with a grin. He reached behind her and hit the little squirt bottle of body wash. It released a cloudy white soap onto her back and her neck. "Looks like something of mine covering you.." Kuren said, a little red in the face.

Raven grinned as she spoke back. He could feel all of the pressure in his dick and knew that he couldn't old for too much longer. He moved Mira for a second, the two of them taking their dicks out of her. The clone quickly put his dick back into her ass, went a couple more times, and came into her ass pretty hard too. Once he disappeared, Raven slid his dick back into her pussy and really began to fuck her really roughly. "I want it just to be us at the end...I'll make you cum harder than ever before...So just hold it as long as you can." He said as he started to move faster. Raven lifted her leg to get in deeper, and sped up more.
Harley pouted at him, then moaned as he lathered the shampoo all over her breasts. When he spoke again, she flushed a deep red, smiling a bit. "Yeah well, maybe you should try that sometime.." she teased, taking the body wash from him and using it on him, though she did lightly tease him once her hands got close to his dick.

Mira moaned as they both slid out of her, then the clone was in her ass. She maoned as the clone came into her ass, then disappeared. She looked at Raven, moaning even louder and bucking hard against him as he slid deep inside of her and started fucking her pussy again. She nodded to him as he spoke, face a bit flushed from his words. She moved in pace with him, speeding up as he did and trying to hold back her orgasm as long as she could, gripping on to him hard as her pussy tightened more.
Kuren's face reddened quite heavily with her comment. He felt her hands go down to his dick to tease him. He was already pretty hard, even though they really had just finished. But seeing her in this state, no matter what, Kuren was going to be excited. Kuren leaned in and licked up her neck, a small amount of his saliva running down her neck. His dick was already throbbing and wanted her more, but he kept her away from it for now. He slid a hand down her back and to her ass, sliding a finger into it just to tease her a bit more.

Raven could feel the pressure building more and more and knew that he wasn't going to hold out for much longer at all. After a few more thrusts into her, he gasped. "I've been holding it in.....Not any more...I'm going to cum more than before..." He said in a gasped voice. He went in all the way and came in her deepest parts. He filled her up to the point that it leaked out of her. Raven had been holding it in from the very beginning. And it felt even better since she orgasmed at the same time.
Harley knew he was hard the moment she felt him, and even though her intentions had never been to get either of them riled up, she was already getting wet just thinking about him. She felt his tongue against her neck, feeling his finger sliding down and into her, she moaned a bit, looking at him, face still flushed.

Mira was tightening the more he thrusted, holding back as much as she could. When he spoke, she flushed a deep red. "M-Me too.." she gasped out before a loud moan escaped her as he went in deeper, hitting her spot just right. She came as he did, bucking hard against him as she felt his cum filling her, even leaking out of her. She breathed heavily, still feeling him shooting his load inside of her, her body shaking with pleasure.
Kuren slid his finger out of her and grinned. He chuckled lightly and kissed her cheek. "Thinking something may happen?" He asked her as he felt her pussy. "Getting a bit wet there I see." Kuren said teasingly. He ran his finger up to her clit and teased it a bit more. He pushed her up against the shower wall, the water still running over them.

Raven stayed in Mira as he laid down next to her. When he shifted, a bit of his cum slipped out of her and onto the bed. He grinned and smirked. "Feeling better?" He asked her, chuckling. He leaned forwards and bit her bottom lip roughly, but then backed off. He wanted her more than anyone ever in his life.
Harley looked at him, about to answer when he touched her pussy. "Y-Yeah...just a bit.." she said, feeling him tease her clit. Then she was against the shower wall, looking up at him, smiling a bit. "Tease..."

Mira breathed a bit as Raven laid next to her, a light moan slipping from her as he shifted and some of his cum slipped out of her. When she caught her breath, she was about to answer his question when he bit her bottom lip, and she moaned instead. Growling a bit as he backed off, she smirked. "Does it look like I'm feeling better?" she asked him teasingly. Of course she was. She wanted him more than anything. Slowly, she scooted a bit closer to him.
Kuren chuckled. "And how am I a tease?" He asked her as he slid his dick in between her legs. With the soap on her body, it made everything pretty slippery as it already was. He moved his hips to rub his dick against her as he got bigger and harder between her legs. He leaned over and grabbed the soap again and squirted a bit on the back of her neck, just to get a reaction.

Raven chuckled at her comment. "Maybe." He said as he put his arms around her waist. Raven didn't care that his clone had cum into her mouth. He leaned in and kissed her pretty roughly, growling into her mouth. Without him noticing, however, a devil's tail appeared behind him. When an Incubus gets a little too excited, especially after sex, their real forms will begin to appear. Thus, the tail, which is very sensitive by the way.
Harley looked at him, about to answer when she felt his dick between her legs and rubbing against her. Everything was slippery, but she moaned, the contact making her even wetter. "Y-You're a tease because you keep doing things like that with your cock, that's why.." she said, then felt the soap on her neck. She gasped, glaring playfully up at him. "And you keep squirting me with soap.."

Mira smirked, kissing him back roughly. Hearing him growl only made her growl back, kissing him harder and nipping on his lip a bit. She then noticed something. A...tail? Smirking a bit, she reached around, curious about it. Touching it lightly she giggled. "A tail, really?" she teased him, kissing him more.
Kuren grinned but his face flushed with a quick thought. "Instead of soap, I can squirt you like you said before.." He said in a hushed tone as he sped up the contact with her pussy. He grinned and reached around her, grabbing her breasts and groping them pretty roughly.

Raven broke the kiss to shoot a hand to his mouth as a light moan came out. His body shivered and his face lit up. "Fuck....Why now..." He thought to himself as she grabbed his tail. His tail was really sensitive, especially the tip. Raven was trying to stop that from happening so Mira wouldn't take advantage of it. He bit his finger lightly as she realized. (Sort of like in To Love-Ru)
Harley blushed, moaning still as he kept teasing her pussy. She moaned even louder as he groped her breasts. " could do that..." she moaned out, rubbing her pussy against his dick a bit.

Mira looked at Raven, curious as his hand went to his mouth. She could see him blushing, and it made her wonder. She still had a light grip on his tail, and she slowly slid her hand up, watching his reactions with a smirk.
Kuren pushed up against her, his dick almost entering her, but stayed out. He was a tease and knew it, but he wasn't going to say anything about it. He teased her nipples as he groped her and even went to biting her neck. It was all he could do from not slamming into her. He wanted to tease her a bit more.

Raven gasped loudly. His body shivered again and his face lit up more. "P-please...No more.." He said rather innocently. Raven was in a bad way right now, and Mira was about to get him back for everything he had done.
Harley moaned as he pushed up against her, wishing he wouldn't tease so much. She continued to moan as he groped and teased her nipples, a gasp of a moan coming from her as he bit her neck. She pushed herself against him, silently begging him to enter her.

Mira smirked as she watched Raven's reaction. "Aww, but it wouldn't be fun to..." she said, still slowly rubbing his tail. She had reached the tip, and wondered a bit before letting one finger glide along it. Leaning in close to him, she kissed his cheek. "I love that tone to your voice and besides, consider this payback for those clones ravaging my poor little body." she teased, nuzzling his neck before nipping on it gently, still teasing his tail.
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