Awkward Rooming Situation(KyaKonami and HaseoGentsu1)

Harley continued to move against Kuren as he fucked her, so close to her release. She tightened greatly after a few more thrusts, then came hard, a loud moan escaping her that only increased as she felt him shooting his load inside of her yet again. Her body trembled a bit as she breathed heavily, leaning back against him spent. She smiled as best she could as he licked up her neck.

Mira growled again as he bit her harder. She was still keeping pace with his fucking, mostly through sheer willpower and wanting him to feel as good as he was making her feel. Her nails were digging in even deeper into Raven, her body so hot she was nearly in a sweat from the intense fucking. Her breathing was heavy as well but she kept going, feeling his dick throbbing and how close she was to her own release.
Kuren grinned and kissed the bottom of her chin. "I'm actually quite glad that I can't get you pregnant just yet. I wonder how much cum I have shot inside of you now." He said lightly with a chuckle. He moved them back under the shower so the water could wash away what it could. To think that this all happened because he was washing her. Things escalated quite quickly with them.

Raven slammed into a few more times, his tail really teasing the inside of her ass, pushing against her walls so it felt like both sides were touching. To add even more, he began to move his tail in and out of her like another dick would. Raven's dick was really hot and throbbing when he felt another wave of pleasure consume him. It was from how she was tightening around his dick and tail. Raven shot his load really hard into her again after feeling her being to orgasm. His tail came out of her ass too.
Harley smiled and nodded, letting him move them back under the shower. "I wouldn't mind if you did now if you could though..." she told him, a slight blush on her face. "I'll be ready when you are...whenever we decide to.." she said, looking up at him and kissing him gently.

Mira continued to tighten around his dick and tail holding on to him as tightly as she could while he slammed into her. Then he shot his load, and she orgasmed, moaning loudly and holding onto him, shivering from the sensation as she kissed him hard.
Kuren's face lit up when she said what she did. He coughed and they actually washed what they needed to. "We can't do that just yet. First, we have to tell your mother. Second, we have to announce it to my family, and you get to meet everyone. Third, and finally, we have to do the requested things in a marriage with my clan...Trivial matters, and I can deal with the third one when we go meet your mother to tell her." He said lightly. Once they were out of the shower, he gave her a towel and kissed her cheek. "My birthday is coming up soon...So how about we finish all the wedding things, do the wedding, and on our honeymoon...We do it for real.." He said, his face reddening.

Raven slid out of her and kissed her pretty roughly. "I think that's how we do it..." He said with a grin and a chuckle. They had been having sex since they came to the house. A dark shroud ran through the room and the same cleansing feel came. "It does it by itself here. My parents are Succubi after all." He said lightly. "Don't worry though...Now that you have my scent, none of them can get to you." Raven said with a smile, kissing her cheek.
Harley actually did wash after they got over the moment after she spoke, listening to him, and nodding. They got out, and she wrapped the towel around herself, smiling a bit as he kissed her cheek, looking at him. She blushed deeply as he finished speaking, then smiled a bit and nodded. "Y-Yeah...let's do that.." she told him, leaning forward and kissing him gently.

Mira moaned as Raven slid out of her, kissing him back roughly. She nodded, then felt the cleansing feeling wash over her. Smiling, she scooted closer to him, relaxing. "Good...I don't want anyone else's scent on me anyways.." she told him.
Kuren grinned and kissed her back. She was hard not to go all over, but for now, it seemed relentless. "Don't start this again." He said grinning as he almost got hard again. He pushed up against and licked her neck gently. "Should we go and tell you mother then?" He asked her as he slid a finger up her neck.

Raven grinned and put his arms around her. "Good. I don't want to smell anyone else on you anymore." He said in a growl.
Harley grinned a bit. "I'm sure you wouldn't mind if I did.." she told him. She giggled a bit as he pushed up against her, licking her neck. "Yeah, we should go ahead and get that over with.." she told him, smiling.

Mira growled back at Raven. "And you don't have to worry about that.." she said, kissing him deeply.
Kuren grinned and nodded. "Of course I wouldn't mind at all. I always want you." He said as he licked her neck. As he got dressed, he looked over to her and grinned. "I wonder what your mother is going to say to one of the conditions.." He said, teasing her with information he wasn't going to give out.

Raven grinned and pushed her up against the door. "Don't tempt me to start this again." He said with a grin. He ran a finger up his neck and smirked. "We may need to invite your mother here to meet everyone here...Well, my parents in the least." He said lightly, grinning just wanting her more.
Harley smiled a bit, then started to dress as well. She looked over at him as he mentioned conditions. "You're not going to tell me, are you?" she asked him, smirking a bit.

Mira smirked. "Maybe I should tempt you.." she teased, feeling his finger up her neck. "I'm sure she'll want to come. Though you'll eventually have to meet my father as well.." she pointed out, then sighed. "That...might not go so well....he's...a bit overprotective sometimes.."
Kuren looked back at her as he approached the doorway. He grinned and chuckled. "Not at all, and if I know your mother, I doubt she's going to like it." He said with another laugh. Kuren knew that Harley was the one to get pretty curious, so teasing her to this end was pretty fun.

Raven chuckled. "And I promise not to use any of my powers to make him like me. I want him to accept me for who I am. And..I'll play nice. No teasing you at all." He said with a grin. He sighed under his breath. "Why don't you invite both of them over then? I be they will want to see where you're living from now on." He said lightly.
Harley followed him as he went towards the door, rolling her eyes a bit. "It can't be that bad, can it?" she asked him. Her curiosity was still egging on at her, but she was trying to hold it in as much as possible.

Mira smiled a bit as Raven spoke. When he suggested inviting them both over, she flushed slightly at his last statement, then nodded. "Okay, I'll do that...but first, shouldn't I meet your parents?" she pointed out.
Kuren grinned as they locked arms and walked out of the room and building. Once they were a bit farther away, he began setting up the portal that would bring them to her mother. "Depends on what your definition of 'that bad' is." He said with a laugh. He kissed her cheek as the portal was done and looked down at her. "You ready to go and tell your mother unexpectedly?" He asked with a grin.

Raven looked at Mira and smiled. She was going to invite both to meet them and nodded. When she asked about his parents, he sighed lightly. "Well, you've already met my biological father, since Kuren and I are half brothers. My mother though....If you thought my power was alluring....hers is worse. Mine can only bring in women. Her's can bring in both genders easily. But because you have me with you, you'll only feel a small effect that it actually has." He said shaking his head.
Harley watched as Kuren set up the portal and looked at him. "Yeah, I'm ready.." she said, kissing him back on the cheek. "Sooner she knows the better."

Mira listened, nodding a bit. "Alright, well, I'm sure she's nice either way.." she stated. "So, when should I invite my folks?" she asked him. Her mother needed to know she wasn't with Kuren anymore to begin with. She just hoped she'd understand the situation and that her father wouldn't overreact to her living with Raven. She hadn't lost, not in her mind at least. She had won by having him, and she didn't want to lose him anytime soon.
Kuren and Harley stepped through the portal and appeared around the area of her mother's house. Since Kuren didn't know where she actually lived, he could only get into the vicinity of where she may live. "You'll need to guide us. I have no idea where she is." He said grinning as he reached down to grab her hand and interlace their fingers.

Raven looked over at Mira. "Whenever you wish to. I just hope they don't overreact to me. Especially with the situation we're in too." He said with a soft smile. Grinning, he put a hand on her cheek and stroked it. Leaning down to kiss it, he chuckled. "It seems that my mother is home right now....Are you sure you're ready to meet her?" He asked.
Harley nodded, smiling at him. She led him down the street, and it wasn't long before they stopped in front of her house. "Here we are." she said, walking up and knocking on the door. Natalia opened it, a bit surprised to see them there. "Hey..sweetie, Kuren.." she said, acknowledging him. "Mom, we need to talk...can we come in?" she asked. Her mother nodded, opening the door wider and allowing them to come in. "Make yourselves comfortable." she told them.

Mira smiled back. "I'm pretty sure my mom won't. Like I said, it's my dad you have to watch out for.." she reminded him as he stroked and kissed her cheek. "Yeah, I'm ready..I mean, I'm going to be living here after all." she said, slipping one of her hands into one of Raven's.
Kuren nodded and sat down next to Harley and sighed mentally. He chuckled lightly as Lady Natalia sat down, a small, confused look on her face. "Since we needed to inform you, even though you probably already know, I have asked your daughter to marry me. If there is anything I must do to apologize for not asking you first, please tell me." Kuren said lightly, his wording a bit different than usual. Especially his tone of voice. A little more royalty.

Raven nodded. "Note taken. I'll make sure to make a good impression on your father. Or, at least, try my best to. I want to keep you here no matter what. You are the one that I wish to be with." He said lightly as they walked down a walkway. They walked for about two hundred feet when they came to a very eerie part of the area. It was a big part of the whole 'castle' like area. "The main housing.." He said stopping. He turned to Mira and kissed her quite deeply. "You're mine, don't forget that. Lady Kiara may try to take you...Be careful." He said as he addressed his mother as Lady Kiara.

Raven turned forwards and put his hand on the doorway. Pushing his hand on it, he let out a little of his power and the door took it in. Only the main family of the branch were allowed in. Raven and Mira stepped inside, and the door closed behind them. "Mother...I wish to introduce you to the one I have fallen for." Raven said, a little unsteady in his voice.

At that moment, a blast of Succubi power overwhelmed the area. The air was thick with the feeling of Succubi. Lady Kiara appeared coming out of the ground and into the presence of the two of them. "It's quite a spectacle to see my son to willingly come here. But if it is to show a claim and introduce, I guess that's fine." She said in a very alluring voice that was directed at Mira. She stepped forwards in her very sexy outfit and put her hand underneath Mira's chin. "You are quite the sexy beast yourself...Why not come with me?" She said, leaning down.
Harley sat down, waiting on Kuren to sit as well, her mother was sitting there, wondering what was going on. She figured it might have something to do with what Kuren had come to her about the other night, but wasn't sure. When he confirmed her suspicions though, a small smile came to her face. "No need to apologize, Kuren. I understand." she told him. "But I take it there's a lot more you need to tell me besides that.."

Mira smiled as Raven spoke about making a good impression. She hoped her father wouldn't cause too much trouble. She followed him to the other area, feeling the eerie aura. She stopped when he did, kissing him back deeply, and nodding after he spoke. "I won't forget. And I'm not planning on letting anyone take me from you.."

She followed Raven inside the room, noticing the tone in his voice. Then the air was thick with Succubi. When she saw Lady Kiara, well, she wasn't too surprised. She watched her as she came towards her, and put a hand under her chin. "Thank you, ma'am.." she told her, then shook her head a bit. The allure of Succubus was all around, and while Raven's mom was someone that was attractive for a woman, Mira shook her head. "Sorry, but no thank you. I think I'll stay right here with him.." she told her.
Kuren sighed lightly. He turned to Harley and kissed her hand. "I need to talk to your mother alone for this one." He said lightly. "I'll tell you about it later...But for now, customs comes in." Kuren said quietly. Even though Harley knew there wasn't much she could do about it, she stood up and moved out. Once she was out of the vicinity, Kuren put up a sound proof barrier. He looked at Natalia and sighed lightly. "Well, this may be a little awkward....but you do have a few choices in this." He said lightly, knowing that she was as suspicious as Harley was. He took a breath. "Knowing that I am from a royal family, there are a few customs that need to be taken into account for. The marriage is the stage we are at, so I will only go into this one right now. You have a few choices. Now that you know that I wish to marry your daughter, you, and whomever you are with, need to come with Harley and I to my original home and speak about what may or may not happen. Second..." He said, stopping for a second. "This is where your choices come into effect. The mother of the daughter has to have some sort of sexual contact with part of the son's family. Either my lecherous father, who will do god knows what to you. My mother, whom has no innocence with women...Raven's mother, the Succubi....Or myself. Not saying in any way of trying to get you...I think you may want to choose me...Since I will do whatever the minimum is... And I do not know until I read into it a bit more.." He said, turning away slightly. His cheeks were flushed.

Raven pushed away any sort of alluring power from his mother. In his younger years, even he was tempted by his own mother, which came into punishment, but he was different not. Kiara moved closer, her lips barely touching the cheek of Mira's. But even with that small of contact, a fluctuation of power went through Mira. Such an alluring scent went through the area and Kiara knew that she was layering it on pretty thick. But as she leaned in to Kiss Mira, Raven's hand intervened. Pushing her back, Raven glared. "That's enough, Lady Kiara....This one is mine.." He said coldly.
Harley nodded to Kuren, knowing she had to leave. She got up and headed outside of the room. Since they were going to be a minute, she decided to slip into her room for a bit and look at it one more time. She probably wasn't going to be back, so she might as well take it in.

Natalia watched as her daughter left, looking back at Kuren and waiting on him to continue. She was quite surprised at the second point. She thought for a moment, then sighed. "Well with the first one, I just need to state that my..boyfriend...he's completely human, and he's not too keen on the thought of other races outside our own. As far as he knows, Harley's human." she said. "I couldn't let myself get caught up with anything other, no offence." she stated. "As for the second...I trust what you say, because I can see how much you love my daughter. When the time comes, you can do what you have to.." she told him.

Mira watched Kiara moved closer, stepping back slightly, then the fluctuation of power went through her. She found herself unable to move even though she wanted to. She didn't want to betray Raven, not when she felt so deeply for him. She was leaning in to kiss her, and she was fighting against this as best as she could when Raven's hand stopped it, pushing his mother back. She blinked a bit, looking at him. She was tempted to just wrap her arms around him as he claimed her. Even if his voice was cold, the way he stated that she was his sent a shiver down her that made him even more alluring to her.
Kuren was pretty surprised that Natalia took it pretty easily. He already knew what had to be done, but knowing that she chose him out of the other three, it made him feel a little better. It was kind of messed up for this kind of thing to happen, but it had to happen either way. Kuren went back to the first thing. "I know that your boyfriend it completely human, and I'm sorry that I can't say that I'm even close to being human. I would rather Harley have more of a normal life, but it seems that I could never let her go, as you can see." He said lightly. Kuren sighed mentally and looked back up. "I'm glad she has a mother like you, Lady Natalia. I am very grateful."

Raven stared at his mother and she finally backed down. "I'm glad to see that you finally have someone to call yours Raven. Someone that you care that much about too. Congrats for that. On the other side, next time you two go at it, please put a shield around. Many of us could hear it..." She said with a good amount of laughter. Raven glanced over to Mira and put his arm around her waist, pulling her in closely. "Thank you mother..We shall see you another time." He said as they left via portal. They appeared in his room and he collapsed to the floor. Raven had actually kept a good shield around Mira and himself while they were inside there. Without it, Mira may have been his mother's by now. Raven took in a deep breath and sighed.
Natalia smiled a bit. "I don't care if you're human or not. If Harley's happy, that's all I can ask for." she told him. She stood, walking over and putting a hand on Kuren's shoulder. "You're not like her father. I know you won't leave her." she said, then sighed. "He left that moment I found out I was pregnant with her. Never heard a word from him since. But it's for the best, I suppose." Truth be told, no matter who Natalia dated, she still held a torch for Harley's father, even if he had abandoned her when she needed him most.

Mira was relieved that Raven's mother had backed down. She flushed a bit as his mother brought up having heard them having sex, and looked over at Raven. She held on to him as he pulled her close, watching as he collapsed on the floor once they got to his room. She knelt down beside him, reaching out to him. "You okay?" she asked him, smiling a bit.
Kuren smiled and nodded along with what Natalia was saying. "I promise on my life that I will never leave her...I won't allow her, and even yourself, be left behind..." He said lightly, getting a bit quiet at the end. No matter what happened, Kuren felt as if Natalia was a pretty important part of his life already. She helped him get to the point that he knew that he loved Harley. "Well, besides that...When would it be okay to meet up with Lord and Lady Shinai?" Kuren asked.

Raven nodded and pulled on her hand, bringing her into his arms. "It's just hard to keep up a powerful force with both of us. Even with most people's will, she'll get through. My power has risen because of her." He said lightly. "I made my allure as high as I could to keep anything from going wrong.." He said a bit embarrassed.
Natalia smiled, nodding silently. She understood him completely. "Whenever you need me to is fine with me. You should let my daughter know what you told me first though. This doesn't need to catch her by surprise.." she told him. "She can handle it so long as she knows the reasons.."

Mira allowed him to pulled her down into his arms, nuzzling to him as he spoke. "Well, I'm glad you did. I don't want to belong to anyone but you after all.." she said.
Kuren looked at Natalia and smiled. "Thank you." He said before he listened to what she had to say. He nodded. Harley should know, and knew that she was understand if there were real reasons for it. He even had the documentation for all of it. His family allowed polygamy. That was a big reason for it. He shook his head. "I hate how my father reinstated that ability." He said with a laugh. "If you can call in your daughter, that would be best." He said lightly.

Raven grinned and kissed her cheek. "Good. You're mine only. Only..." He said, kissing her neck in one spot. "Mine." He finished as he moved down to a different spot. Yes, he was quite excited and horny, but this wasn't the place to do so. Raven stood up before she could continue with what she was about to do. "Since we did it before you got to see your new house, let's go on shall we?" He said in a teasing voice.
Natalia nodded, going to the door and opening it. "Harley, you can come back now.." she called. Harley sighed, leaving her room and heading back. She came in, looking at them both and wondering what had been said.

Mira smiled, giggling a bit as he spoke and kissed her. She was getting in the mood again just a bit, and was trailing a hand down his chest when Raven stood up. She pouted a bit, then smiled and stood. "Yes, let's."
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