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D&D 3.5 One on One: Shattered Nations Game

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Stepping through the blue door, he finds a small crowd of milling people, all of them seeming to wait. A man in deep blue robes is calling names. After a small amount of time., Xanivus hears his name called, along with a Irvine Aelfdane. The other man who answers is massive, 6'6" and well muscled, with a greatsword sheathed on his back. He's wearing mithral full plate, and seems eager to fight. The man in robes opens the door, where a woman in robes of the Silver Flame waits, and turns to lead them down the hall. "Follow me please."
Irvine grins darkly. "I will. I hope you're a good fight." Irvine replies. Ignoring the banter, the woman continues leading them to a room with two magic circles. "Please enter individual circles. You will be placed in the arena chosen after a few seconds. Combat will begin as soon as you arrive."
After a few seconds, the circles glow brighter, and with a flash of light, the two are... elsewhere.

Xanivus lands in a large room, about 200 feet radius, with pillars scattered here and there. Then a voice bellows "Begin!", and Xanivus knows the fight has started. Reaching for his weapons, he can feel by the hilt and weight that these are the Arena's, not his.
(do i have enough time to hide behind one of the pillars so the fighter cant see me? )
(can i wait for him to get nearby to the point where i can 5ft step and do a full attack or is he walking in a completely different direction?)
(I will move up to him and go in for a sneak attack. 10+15+2(if that's a flank). If that hit him Ill roll... total is 22+10 for craven so 32)
The strike pierces Irvine's armor, but doesn't pierce Irvine. "Ah, there you are!" Irvine yelled, swinging his sword at Xanivus.

27 total for attack roll.
No flanking (that requires two people.)
Damage if greatsword hits: 18
yea that hits
Full attack time: 4+15, 20+15(Crit!!!), And 2+10
I have telling blow btw
if any of these hit then heres the damage in order of the hits

7, 40, 12

Im pretty sure the first and last attack don't hit him

The first and last swings Irvine ducks and steps away from, but the second catches him in the chest painfully. He grins as he says, " A challenge." Before swinging his own blade.

Rolled totals: 36, 21, 23
Damage: 15, 17, 14
For the record, all weapons are +1 Merciful.
only the first one hits me.
another round of full attacks(ill just do totals)
30,(A natural 1 -.-), and 27

Two of Xanivus's strikes hit, but Irvine keeps grinning through the pain, continuing his own attack.

Attack rolls: 33, and rolled two 2's.
Damage roll: 13
Xanivus attacks once again
Omg another crit natural 20, 22, and a natural 1
Damn this is a lot for a crit, 32 with just the regular attack then 15 for SA and +10 for craven so 57 total then 14 for the second attack
Irvine continues grinning despite the pain, and swings his sword at Xanivus in their continuing melee.

Attack Rolls: 34, miss, Crit.
Damage Rolls: 14, 42
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