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Life Outside The Battlefield-Continuation

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I let go of him as he stretched, smiling softly to my self. " We ahould go cheak up on paris." I thought for a.moment before smiling.
"Sure." I murmured. I got up stiffly, grumbling quietly to myself. I looked down at myself. I had taken the last bandage off a few days ago. My wounds had finally healed, but had left scars all over me, both big and small. "The only thing I liked about you not being able to see was that you couldn't see my scars and wounds." I muttered to her.
I looked over at him as he sat up, frowning slightly to my self. I carefully got.out of bed and walked over to his side, taking a closer look at his scars and old wounds. i scringed slightly and closed my eyes. " At least their healing." I muttered quietly
"Yeah, what a pain that would have been if they hadnt." I muttered. I walked over to my dresser and pulled out my clothes, before beginning to put them on.
I looked around the room for a moment. I could see things clearly if they were close enough, but the other side.of the room still looked blury. " Hmm, at least its some what back." I shrugged as i carefully made my way over dresser.
"I think after a few days it will be fully back." I said happily. After I finished getting dressed, I stood in the doorway and waited for her.
" hopefully, because i do not look good in glasses." I grinned slightly as i quickly got dressed. I carefully made my way over to the door where swanson was waiting for me. " Im serious about that hair cut, you look... Different with shaggy hair."
I laughed as she came over to me and spoke. "I didn't even really realize it had grown out. I can go today if you want. I have to keep it cut real short for the army anyways." I said with a smile.
I shrugged slightly before smiling up at him. " You can go when you want swanson, im not your mother." I teased as i stepped out into the hall.
I smiled as he spoke before stepping into paris's room as he opened the door for me. " Sounds good to me." I smiled as i walked over to her crib and peered down at her happily.
" shes gotten bigger." I whispered softly as i reached down and carefully picked her up and craddled her against my chest, making sure that her blanket was still wrapped around her.
I smiled and looked up at him as he spoke. " Yes you did. You make a good father swanson. " i told him softly before looking down at paris again.
I grinned up at him as he spoke. " I felt the same way when she was first born. But you did a pretty good job. So your getting the hang of it." I chuckled softly.
I held paris close to my shoulder as she slowly began to wake up. " You are a pretty good dad swanson, even if you dont know exactly what to do. " i told him softly with a smile.
I grinned. "I try, but most the time I'm a much better soldier than a husband or a father." I leaned against the wall and watched the too of them.
" Hey, dont put your self down so much. Your a great husband, and youll get a hang of it." I told him firmly. Paris yawned and reached up to rub her little eyes tiredly.
"If you say so, but still a better soldier." I muttered. I watched Paris rub her eyes. "Lets go get something to eat and then I'll go get my hair cut." I told her,
I sighed but nodded my head. I wished he would be a bit more confident when it came to his role as my huband, and paris's father, but i knew he wasnt used to being in this position. " Im sure the staff will be happy to know my vision is coming back, they wont have to help me around the house anymore. " i said with a smile as i turned and walked towards the door.
I grinned and moved to hold the door for her. "I must say, I'm glad of that too. But I did like carrying you around." I said with a smile.
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