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Life Outside The Battlefield-Continuation

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I chuckled softly as he spoke, and reached up to gently squeeze his muscular fore arms. " i love you swanson. " i whispered softly before yawning again.
"I love you clove." I whispered to her. "Go to sleep now babe. You're safe with me." I whispered. I began to hum softly to myself.
( do you want to time skip to the morning she gets her vision back, or play out a few more days before time skiping?)

I slept soundlessly the entier night, swansons body and the covers on top of me keeping me warm. By now it was morning, but it still felt like night to me.
(Totally up to you.)

I slept through the whole night, sleeping well. As daylight streamed in the window, I blearily opened my eyes. I was still wrapped around clove. I slowly straightened out, stretching.
( hmm, i think, if its ok with you, we could time skip.)

* few weeks latter*

I yawned softly as i felt swansons body move. Smiling softly i stayed under the covers as i slowly woke up. Open blinking my eyes, i quickly sat up. My vision was blurry, smiling i reached up to rub my eyes.
I was still blearily waking up and stretching out when clove quickly sat up. I sat up and watched her with concern. "What's wrong?" I asked quietly, propping myself up on and elbow.
Hearing swansons voice i turned my head towards him. It took a lot of focus, but i could just make out the out line of his body. " my vision.... Its like its there, but not entirely. " i answered him as i blinked a few times.
I took in a breath of excitement. "Maybe it'll take a few minutes to come fully back?" I murmured quietly, trying not to get my hopes up. I watched her intently.
I smiled as he spoke, and blinked my eyes a few more times. " Do the how many fingers am i holding up thing. " i told him softly as i rubbed my eyes again.
I bit my lower lip as his fingers changed. his whole hand went blurry for a few moments before focusing out a bit.more. " One?" I asked. I looked away from.his hand to his face, blinking a few tomes as my vision focused out a bit more. " Isnt it about time that you got a hair cut?" I chuckled and smiled.happily as his face focused out.
I grinned hugely as she spoke. "Can you really see?" I whispered softly, almost unable to believe it. I had resigned myself to the fact that she would never see again.
I nodded my head and quickly arms around his shoulders, holding my to. " I never see you again..." I whispered softly. My vision was slowly coming back, it would take a.little time before it was back completly, but.i was willing to.wait.
I grinned again and hugged her close. " you have no idea how happy I am right now." I told her enthusiastically, before kissing her and looking into her eyes that were seeing me once more.
I smiled against his lips as he kissed me. " I almost forgot what your eyes looked like..." I whispered softly as.i locked eyes with him at last.
I smiled happily as she locked eyes with me, and looked deep into her eyes, trying to take a much of her in as I could. "I have wanted to look into your eyes and actually see you looking back at me so bad." I whispered.
I smiled as he spoke before resting my fore head against his happily. " I just wanted to see you." I whispered softly. " I missed you." I added quietly.
I smiled and kissed him lovingly. " I think now that my vision is back, ill be my old self again." I told him softly when.i pulled back from the kiss.
I smile and rubbed my nose against his gently. " You have me back." I told him softly with a soft amile. " and im not.leaving any time soon."
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