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Life Outside The Battlefield-Continuation

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Feeling his cock grow hard once again I smile and removed my hand that was teasing the head of his member, replacing it with my mouth. I flicked my tongue across his head a few times before taking it inside my.warm mouth and started to suck.
I slowly took more and more of him inside my mouth till I was deep throating him. I purred queitly, sending vibrations up through his length. Reaching up, I teasingly began to play with his balls, gently pulling and pinching them.
I closed my eyes, groaning in pleasure. "Oh jeez that feels good clove." I panted out to her. I flexed my hips with pleasure, breathing hard.
I purred louder as he spoke, sending more pleasurable vibrations through his cock. I suckled him like a hungry pup would, my hands playing with his balls.
I pulled back slightly as he came, so the head of his cock was at the back of my mouth as he came hard. I happily gulped down his thick, warm cum, swallowing as much as I could.
I groaned again, closing my eyes. I panted quietly for a moment, and then laid still, letting myself recuperate. I sighed contentedly.
I smiled as he groaned, I quickly gulped down the rest of his cum before parting my lips and letting his now.once again cock slip from my lips. I moved to lay before him, licking my lips before resting my head.on his chest again.
I lay beside him silently till he spoke. " I think we both could use a shower." I smiled softly as I sat up.
I sat up next to her and stretched, before getting up. I reached out and scooped her up into my arms, muscles flexing as I picked her up. I walked towards the bathroom, opening the door with one hand and walking in.
I gasped and clung to his chest as he picked me up. Hearing the bathroom door open I relaxed slightly in his arms, my head resting on his shoulder for a few moments. " Thanks." I muttered softly.
"Of course." I murmured to her. "I can't have you trying to find your way to the bathroom, and I k ow you have to be tired after our adventures. After all, I am." I said with a smile. I turned on the water, and waited with her until it warmed up, and then stepped in with her, standing under the water.
I smiled as he spoke, he was right. I was tired. My whole body felt numb. I heard the water being turned on and yawned softly. As he stepped.under the water I smiled softly. " you know you can put me down any,.right?" I asked with a smile.
I smiled and hugged her close to me before setting her on her feet. "If you insist." I said with a smile. I I grabbed the soap and quickly soaped up before handing it to her.
I smiled as he hugged me before setting me down. I placed one hand.on the shower wall to steady my self. " Don't get me wrong, I find it extremely adorable when you carry me." I told him softly as he handed me the soap. I quickly lathered up before handing him the soap bar so he could it's place.
I put my hand on her shoulder to steady her. "Oh, first I'm little, then I'm adorable." I muttered with a smile. I took the soap back, and then handed her her shampoo. I rinsed off my own soap, and then leaned against the wall and watched her.
Feeling his hand on my shoulder I smiled softly. " Yep, your my adorable little lion. " I grinned, but as he handed me my shampoo I squeeze some.into the palm of my.hand before handing the bottle back to him. I rubbed the shampoo I. before carefully stepping under the water to rinse the soap and shampoo off.
I moved so that she could get under the water more and rinse off. I smiled as she spoke. "I'm only an adorable little lion when I'm around you." I murmured. "I'm a completely different man on base." I murmured softly, even a little sadly.
I listened as he spoke as I washed off. " swanson, if you were an adorable little lion at base, you would be dead by now. " I whispered softly.
I sighed. "I would be long dead." I murmured quietly."just sometimes I wonder what you must think of me. Even my own men are scared of me. I have no idea how many men I've killed. I always have to be fierce there. It's fight for your life, or die." I said quietly.
I stood under the water, my arms crossed loosely as I thought. " There are times when you scare me, like when you get mad and punch something. But I know that you would never hurt me or Paris on purpose..." I whispered . " 52..." I knew he wouldn't understand, but i would.
"I would never dream of hurting you or Paris." I said softly. "I would die to protect you. You know that." I whispered. "I'm sorry if I scare you. Sometimes I really just need a release though." I murmured. When she whispered the number, I looked at her carefully. "What's that supposed to mean?" I asked softly.
I looked up at him as he spoke. " I know swanson." I smiled for a moment, but it didn't last long. When he asked me what the number meant I lowered my head, my hair hiding my face. " in all my years at base, I've killed 52 solders." I answered him queitly.
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