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Life Outside The Battlefield-Continuation

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I smirked teasingly as he spoke, before reaching up and slowly pulled his pants down to his feet so that he could kick them off. I playfully slipped one hand into his boxers, teasingly running my finger tips over his length.
I kicked my pants off. As she ran her fingers over me, I groaned. My cock grew hard, while the rest of me seemed to melt underneath her. "You are the only person who can make this general unravel and come off his guard." I groaned to her.
Feeling his cock grow rock hard beneth my finger tips i bit my lower lip again. Hearing him groan, i smiled seductivly. " Your the only person who can make this captin leave her post." I whispered into his ear.
I grinned. "My wildcat is settling down." I murmured as she spoke. I moved my hands down her stomach to her jeans, unbuttoning them. I teased my fingers down into her pants and around the brim of her panties.
I tensed slightly, feeling his hands ease into my pants. I gently pinched the head of his cock, my free hand sliding up his chest. " Is that a bad thing?"
I clenched my abs in pleasure as she pinched me. "No. You can be a little scary when you are a mad wildcat." I said with a smile. I ran my hands up her back to her bra, playing with the clip teasingly.
I bit my lower lip feeling him tense as i pinched him. " This wild cat has to protect whats hers, so i dont disagree with you" i grinned as i gave his head another playfull pinch before hand out of his boxers.
"And what is yours, and what are you protecting it from?" I said with a smile. I groaned as she teased me again. I unclipped her bra as she took her hands out of my boxers. I flung it away after sliding it down her shoulders and off. Unable to resist, I ran my hands lightly over her chest, gently caressing her breasts.
I grinned down at him. " well, you are mind, and im 'protecting'you from other woman." I answered him. Feelimg him remove my bra i couldnt help but groan soft as he began to gently caress my breasts. " i have a feeling its going to be a long night."
I laughed. "Well you do a good job of that. Now if only my enemies would stay away from me..." I muttered. One hand strayed away from her to tug absentmindedly at the bandage over my ribs as I thought of the past. I quickly returned my attention and both hands back to her breasts. As she spoke, I listened and pulled gently at her nipples. "Do you want it to be?" I asked with a grin.
I felt one of his hands leave my breasts and paused for a moment as he spoke. i opened my mouth to say something but the sudden pleasure coming from my breasts. I groaned softly before biting my lip again. " Hmm, yes, yes i do." I slipped my hand inside his boxers again, gently wrapping my hand around the base of his cock, squeezing it gently.
I smiled as she groaned and tugged slightly harder at her nipples. As she slipped her hand around me once more, I groaned and pushed upwards slightly against her hand happily.
I bit my lip harder to stop my self from.moaning as he pulled at my nipples yet again. My grip tightening around his base. " Hmm, i think your right about sex being more pleasureable. " i moaned softly and i slowly let go of his member to pinch the head of his cock again.
I grinned as she spoke, still pulling. I sighed happily as she pinched at me, but say up slightly. I think it's my turn to tease now." I murmured to her. I swiftly scooped her into my arms and laid her down on the bed and kneeled over her so that I was on top, but my weight wasn't on her. I took hold of her pants and panties and slowly pulled them off, tossing then to the floor.
I giggled quietly as he picked me up and laid me down on my back on the bed. " What, the little lion tired of being teased?" I asked playfully. I bit my lip when i felt him remove my pants and panties.
"Did you just call me little?" I asked her quietly. I quickly pulled off my boxers. "And trust me, teasing you teases me as well. All I want to do right now is fuck you, but I'm making myself wait." I muttered. I began to slowly move my fingers down her body.
I grinned slightly as he spoke. " Maybe i did, maybe i didnt." I answered him playfully. I couldnt help but squirm and wiggle slightly as he made his way down my body.
"Surely you know by now that no part of me is little." I said playfully back. I leaned forward over her, kissing her breasts, and gently tugging at her nipples with my teeth. I let my hard cock rub against her teasingly.
I carefully wrapped my arms around his neck as he kissed and pulled at my breasts. I couldnt help but moan happily as he rubbed his hard cock against me. " Come on swanson, stop teasing me." I whimpered. His teasing was driving me wild with lust.
"But I like teasing you." I said playfully. I moved my cock lower, rubbing it against her lips. I lowered my hips and pushed down against her. I moved from her breasts to kiss and nibble at her neck.
I gripped the bedding tightly and bit my lip as he moved his cock lower to run it against my wet lips. " swanson...." I groaned as he started to nibble and kiss my neck. my eyes rolling back as i moved my head to one side, exposing more of my neck to him.
"Yeah?" I said with a grin as she spoke. I smiled as I watched her reaction. As she exposed her neck to me I nibbled more, and began to grind my hips harder against hers, pushing my cock harder against her.
I opened my mouth to speek, but all that came out was another.moan as he grinded his hips against against mine. I wrapped my legs around his groin, holding my self close to him.
"Do you want me now, or do you want more teasing?" I asked with a smile. As she wrapped her legs around me I pressed close to her, kissing her breasts again.
" If you dont fuck me right now, youll be sleeping on the couch for the rest of the week." I warned him before groaning as he pressed closer to me and started kissing my breats again.
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