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Life Outside The Battlefield-Continuation

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I followed him down the hall to the stairs. I nodded at his question. " Yes please, i think ill be able to find our room while you do that." I answered him as i carefully handed paris over to him, not wanting to wake her.
I gently took paris from her, and slowly went up the stairs, and then down the hall to her room. I took her coat off carefully, and then laid her in her crib. She stirred in her sleep and I froze, worried she would wake up. I stood for a few minutes and watched her to make sure she didn't wake up.
I slowly made my way up the stairs, i some how managed to find my way to our room. I smiled as i found the bed, and stripped out of my top and bottem before slidding under the covers as i waited for swanson.
When I was sure that Paris was asleep, I exited the room and went down the hallway. I opened the door and went in, closing it behind me. I looked over to see clove under the covers. "Hey babe." I murmured.
I heard foot steps and then the closing of our door. Smiling i sat up, holding the covers up to my chin just to tease swanson by not.letting him see me yet. " Hey handsom."
I felt the bed slink slightly as swanson sat down beside me. " Hmmm, depends, do you want me to be?" I answered his question with another question.
I grinned. "If you were tired, that would mean I would leave you alone. And the deprived soldier would be deprived once again." I said with a chuckle. I leaned forward and kissed her gently on the cheek. "But do you feel ok? Does anything hurt?" I asked worriedly, thinking about how she kept holding her side.
I listened to him as he spoke, biting my lower lip playfully. I smiling happily as he kissed my cheek. " Im fine swanson, really. " i answered him before kissing his cheak back gently. " As for that deprived soilder, i think i know how to fix that." i grinned teasily
"Oh do you, now?" I asked playfully. I wrapped my arms around her, and layed back agianst the bed, pulling her down with me. I kissed her happily.
I gasped slightly as i was pull down onto the bed, but quickly retuorned swansons kiss. I carefully moved so that i was ontop of him. My knees and hand on the bed on either side of him as i kissed him back happily. " Hmmm, where to start." I muttered playfully after i pulled back for air.
I laughed softly as he spoke, and teasingly moved one hand to his chest, slowly undooing the buttens.on his shirt as well as sliding my hand down towards his groin. " Dont you have any manners swansons, woman are always on top."
I gaped up at her. "It's still not fair." I muttered as she undid my buttons. I thought about her asking where my manners were. I knew she was just playing around, but I spoke anyways. "Clove, you know I would never hurt you or do something you didn't want to do, right? Everything is on your terms. I'm not like that." I murmured.
I stopped for a moment and looked down at him as he spoke. " I know swanson. " i whispered softly as i moved to lay beside him. I happily snuggled up against his side, my head resting on his chest. " You know you can tell me to stop any time right?"
I grinned and held her close to me. "Why would I tell you to stop? It should be the opposite. You can't hurt me, but I can hurt you if I'm not careful." I murmured. I sat up slightly and shrugged out of my unbuttoned shirt, arm muscles flexing slightly.
I smiled and looked up at him as he spoke. " Well swanson, do you want to try and tease me again, or should i contiune what i was doing?" I asked playfully.
I smiled and got back on top.of him. " Im sure you'll figure out a way." I whispered teasingly into his ear as i slowly slid one hand down his chest. I closed my eyes and gently began to nibble on his ear lobe when i fingers found the brim.of his pants.
I groaned happily. I lifted my arms and placed them gently on her shoulders, massaging lightly. I ran my hands down her arms and then up to her shirt buttons. I began to slowly unbutton them.
I smiled softly when i felt his hands on my shoulders, then down to the buttens on my shirt. I let my fingers linger at the xipper of his jeans for a.moment before finnally un zipping them and undoing to butten.
I moved the buttons quicker as she undid my jeans button. After unbuttoning the last button, I pulled her shirt off. I moved my hands back to her shoulders, playing with her bra straps.
I bit my lower lip as he pulled my shirt off, i grinned down at him as he played with my bra starps. I leaned down and kissed him longingly. Pulling back after a few seconds to kiss his chin, then his neck. I kissed down his chest to the staring of his pants.
"You look hot when you bite your lip." I muttered huskily, before kissing her longingly back. I held still as she kissed her way down my body. When she reached the top of my pants, my lower abdomen clenched in anticipation.
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