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Life Outside The Battlefield-Continuation

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I laughed as she spoke. Grinning, I kissed her breasts again. "Woah, easy there, my little wildcat." I murmured to her with a chuckle. Knowing she would hold true to her word, I sat up and ran my hands down her chest and stomach to her legs, gently spreading them so I would have room. I grasped my still rock hard cock and slowly guided it into her.
I bit my lip as he spoke, but my expression didn't change. I Felt his hands move down my body and smiled as he spread my legs. I couldn't help but moan as he guided his rock hard cock inside of my tight entrance.
I buried myself deep inside her, letting out a low groan. "You ok babe?" I asked softly. I began to slowly move back and forth, easing in and out of her, but getting as deep as I could.
I moaned and wrapped my legs around his groin again, keeping him inside of me. " I couldn't be better" I groaned loudly. As he began to ease in and out of me, I gripped the betting tighter as pleasure rushed through my body. "so... Deep... And full...." I moaned happily.
I smiled as she spoke. As she wrapped her legs around me, I began to slowly gain speed and power, thrusting in and out. I groaned happily.
I sat up and wrapped my arms around his neck, pressing my body against his happily. " Come on swanson, stop holding back." I moaned softly into his ear as he started to gain speed. I knew I wouldn't last long from the amount of pleasure I was getting from just this, but we had all night.
I smiled as she wrapped herself around me, still thrusting. As she spoke, her words were my undoing. I thrusted hard and fast, ramming into her, finding my release from the stresses of going back to base and clove getting hurt. I panted hard with pleasure, clenching my jaw.
His sudden hard and power full thrusts nearly caused me to cum right then. Moaning loudly I rocked my hips in rythem to his thrusts. " I'm gonna cum." I moaned blissfully.
I could hardly even hear her, I was so lost inside her. I could feel her walls tightening as she climaxed, and I found the energy to thrust harder.
My nails scrapped against his back as I gripped his shoulders tightly, my legs tightening around his waste, causing my walls to clamp down on his cock. I there my head back and moaned loudly as I came hard around him. My body shook, my arms felt weak as I grew lost in the pleasure he was giving me.
Seconds after she came, I managed to pull out of her just in time to come hard. I yelled out in pleasure, my head dropping over her shoulder. I held her tightly as she shook, and then laid back against the bed, pulling her down with me. I panted heavily.
By the time swanson pulled out I was panting heavily, my body drapped over his. I could feel him holding me as I shook before pulling me down with him as he laid back on the bed. " so.... Good..." I panted.
I lay beside him, trying to catch my breath. When he nuzzled me, I smiled and nuzzled him back lovingly. " I think we both needed that... I really missed you swanson." I whispered softly.
"Going back to base, no sleep for a week, and you getting hurt was just so much stress." I murmured to her. I held her close to me, breathing her in with a smile.
I snuggled up against his side lovingly as he spoke, basking in his warmth. " I wish there was a way I could make this easier for you." I whispered softly.
"Make what easier for me?" I whispered. "There's nothing you can do to make things any easier than what you have done." I said to her.
I placed my head on his chest, my one hand resting across his waste. " I know, but I wish there was more I could do." I whispered. My breathing slowed back to it's normal pace and I smiled.
I smiled up at him as he brushed my hair away from my face. " So, ready for round two?" I asked jokingly with a chuckle.
I shrugged and thought for a moment. " hmm, that's for me to know, and you to find out." I grinned before moving down his body till my lips were by the head of his cock.
I groaned as she moved down towards my cock. "Sometimes I prefer to know, and not to find out." I muttered, wondering what she was going to do to me.
I grinned up at him as he spoke. " Well, I'll give you a hint, are first round left me a bit hungry." I told him playfully as I gently grabbed his cock with one hand, and used my free hand to run my finger tips over the head.of his cock teasingly.
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