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Life Outside The Battlefield-Continuation

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I walked into the room and looked around for a moment. Spotting what i needed i smiled ajd walked over to my old gym bag. Reaching inside i pulled out one of my wrapps and tied it around my eyes and head as a blindflod. Smiling i felt my way over to the punching bag, having jot been able to see for nearly a month, it was hard for me to sleep some nights, so i had always come here without swanson finding outm i started out slow, just bearly punching the hag.
After a few minutes we had gotten to the hair place. I got out and walked inside. I sat in one of the waiting chairs as I waited for a free barber.
once i had gotten into a steady rythem i slowly picked up spead and punched a bit harder. My knuckles started hurting soon, but i ignored it. I was nearly as good as i would be i wasnt wearing the blind fold.
Soon a young woman came to get me. "Right this way sir." She said, showing my to a chair. I sat down, and she clipped the robe thing to keep the hair off my clothes on. I told her what military cut I needed, the same as usual. She nodded and got to work.
I fluttered around the punching bag, smiling to my self as i got the hang of not being able to see again. i learned during the last month that with our my vision, i was completely useless.and that was a feeling i did not like havong.
After a few minutes the girl had finished. I looked in the mirror, and nodded with approval. I looked just like my old self. I thanked her and got up, going to the counter to pay.
I stopped for a moment and rubbed my sore knuckles. I quickly started up again thou, not wanting to wait to long because it would only make it hurt more. I punched harder, my jaw clenching as i did.
After paying, I stepped out into the sunlight and walked back to the limo. After getting in, the butler drove off, heading towards home.
After a few more minutes of this, i stopped and removed my blindfold. I looked down at my hands. Sighing i quickly put my wrap back in its place before making my way to our room to dress my battered knuckles.
I sighed and sat back, looking out the window, wondering why clove had acted strange before I left. After a few minutes, the house came into view.
After cleaning and wrapping my hands i walked back to the living room, the maid was still out giving paris her bath. I sighed as i made my way over to my old desk in the back of the room. I sat down and shuffled theough some of ky draws.
Once the butler had parked the limo I got out and headed into the house. Guessing that clove would be in the living room, I walked in there first.
I looked around my desk till i found my old papers. Setting them neatly in front of ke i began to look through them, reading through my reports of past missions.
I saw clove in the corner at her desk and walked over, placing my hand gently on her shoulder. I looked over her shoulder down at the papers. Seeing it was her old missions, I sighed.
I flinched slightly when a hand place on my shoulder, looking up i relaxed slightly seeing that it was only swanson. I looked back down at my reports. " i... Um... Sometimes i just need a reminder."
I smiled sadly up at him. " Sorry i was being wired before." i muttered as i picked up my papers and ahuffled through them for a moment, pausing at one for a moment before sighing and putting them away.
I smiled as i stood and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. " you know, the maid is watching paris till nap time." i grinned up at him.
" uh huh. " i giggled slightly as i bit my lower lip and looked up at him, batting my eye lashes at him, trying to look cute. " And i think ive heen naughty."
I scooped her up in my arms, muscles flexing, and began to walk off towards our room. "What have you been doing naughty?" I asked with a smile.
I clung to his chest as he picked me up and started to carry me towards our room. I pulled my arms back from arounf his neck and shoulder and held them infront of me so he could see the fresh bandages.
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