Life Outside The Battlefield-Continuation

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" dont be mad swanson." i whispered. " it just happens." i looked up at him. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders again, and rested my head against his chest.
"You need to stop hurting yourself." I told her. I walked up the stairs and to our room. I opened the door and walked inside, shutting it behind us.
I smiled softly and nodded my head as he set me down on our bed. " for you, ill try." i looked up at him and grinned playfully, wondering what he was going to do.
"Good." I said with a smile as she spoke. Not quite knowing how to start with her today, I decided to stretch and flex, gauge her reaction, and go from there. I stretched my shoulders out, and raised my arms above my head, flexing, stretching out. I rubbed my ribs to test their soreness, and smiled when they hardly even protested.
I bit my lip as he stretched, and sat up on the hed, my legs and arms crossed. " how are your ribs doing?" i asked as he rubbed his ribs.
I smiled up at him happily. " so, what are you going to do to your naughty wife?" i grinned teasingly as i spoke.
I grinned up at him as i moved to the middle of the bed. " hmm, she might have a few ideas on how you can 'punish' her." i chuckled playfully as i moved to lay on my stomach, my head in my hands as i looked up at him.
"I would never punish you, but what might those ideas be?" I asked with a grin as I watched her. I moved my hands up to unbutton my shirt.
I watched him closely as he moved to unbutten his shirt. " How about you join me on the bed and find out" i answered him with a grin while patting the bed beside me
I smiled and abandoned the buttons, leaving myself half unbuttoned. I moved and sat down on the bed next to her, leaning back on my arms.
I watched him move to the bed, smiling to my self as he did. I moved so that i was siting carefully on his lap, my legs wrapped around his waste. I picked ip where he left off and finnished undoing the rest of his shirt buttens.
I chuckled. "This doesn't seem like punishment to me. I think if I was going to punish you I would strip in front of you and not let you touch me." I said, laughing.
I grinned at him. " That is a good idea, i wonder whats stopping you? " i chuckled before gemtly sliding his now lose shirt off of his shoulders and down to his hands.
I laughed. "Well I could if you would like." I told her, before making a move to move her off my lap and get up, wondering what she would do.
I chuckled and got up. "Ok, lets see how long you can last." I said with a grin. I moved away from her and slid my shirt the rest of the way off, tossing it to the floor. I moved my hands to my pants button, slowly undoing it.
I sat in the center of the bed silently as he stood and began to strip, biting my lower lip as his hands moved to his pants butten. My hands gripped the bed covers tightly.
I grinned at her and unbuttoned the button, then unzipped the zipper. I pulled down my pants, bending to take them off, and then threw them on top of my shirt, leaving me in my boxers.
I busted out laughing as she spoke. "No you don't." I said with a chuckle. "But your cheating. It's not punishment if the pillow is blocking your vision."
I groaned angerly but slowly let the pillow drop to my lap. " i didnt know there was rules to this." i looked up at him with my puppy dog eyes.
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